Having a four-legged friend to play with and take care of is the dream of many. These tips will help you convince your parents that you are responsible enough to have one.

Step 1. Do research on the animal you want by reading books or on the computer
Ask those friends who had or have one, inquire about their needs (if you have the opportunity, you can have them leave when they go on vacation). Do your best to get to know him as much as possible. If you discover something you don't like (e.g. eat other animals while they are still alive, have a life expectancy of 30 years, need a lot of outdoor space, etc.) then don't hesitate to consider similar animals. to find the perfect one for you. Tell your parents a curiosity about the animal, choose one that will impress them. If your family has a specific problem regarding the care of a four-legged friend, for example no one has time to take him out, make an agreement to deal with this difficulty.
If you are planning to get an exotic pet, consult the laws to find out if it is possible. For example, some parrot species are illegal in Italy. Consequently, even if you are able to buy one or know a person who has it, it is not a good idea to proceed with the purchase.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Have a Pet Step 1Bullet1

Step 2. Be prepared to give reasons
Remember that having a pet makes a major change in your lifestyle. Your parents will need time to think, and it could take weeks or months, depending on the animal. However, be patient. Don't forget that you will have it for several years (depending on the four-legged friend you choose) and that you will have to take care of it. If after a few months you lose all interest in him, perhaps he is not the right animal.

Step 3. Behave like a mature adult
Complete your assigned chores and homework and be respectful. If you behave judiciously, they will consider your request positively. In addition to seeing the benefits of having a pet, they will understand that you are responsible and sensible enough to care for them.
If they give you pocket money, save some money and show that you are willing to make a financial contribution to buy the animal. If they don't give you any money, then do extra chores around the house. You can also look for an afternoon job if you still go to school

Step 4. Talk to your parents about it
Tell about the animal in a calm, diplomatic way and carefully explain the important details. Once it's done, they'll probably ask you a few questions. Answer honestly, making sure to suggest solutions to any problems. Ask them to consider this option, as having a pet isn't easy. Also prepare a text to describe it, indicate a website to visit or give them the phone number of a person to talk to to find out more and to get suggestions. Don't insist and don't complain, they have to think about it, and you have to respect this requirement.

Step 5. Make a presentation
Do not forget to underline what you will do to take care of your four-legged friend and explain its characteristics in detail. Include your intentions regarding the financial contribution, for example you can say that you want to pay for visits to the vet or buy the animal.

Step 6. Continue to research and share information
Once you find new and interesting facts, tell your parents. They will not forget your intentions, but at the same time you will not torment them. If they resist, don't insist and keep your mouth shut for a few days, talk about something else.

Step 7. Create and update a table to indicate how you intend to care for the pet you want
Create a scheme with different categories, such as "Daily Needs", "Monthly Needs" and "Annual Needs". Add information such as food estimates, vaccinations, vet checks, etc. Show everything to your parents. Explain that you are willing to do all the work and that you will not give up easily. If they seem hesitant, ask why they don't want you to have a pet to show that you want to consider all sides of the matter. Do it even if you don't feel like discussing it.
- Parents often do not allow their children to have pets because they think they will eventually have to take care of everything. Make sure you really want to take on this responsibility, you don't have to let yours alone wash and feed your furry friend.
- Make sure you really want this pet and that you won't get tired of keeping it.
- Try to get high grades, help around the house, and be consistent in making a good impression on your parents.
- Prepare a binder or folder with all the information about the animal, such as costs, its characteristics, the games it likes, daily needs, etc.
- If you don't know what to get for Christmas or your birthday and your parents try to investigate, you can calmly tell them you want a pet.
- If you are truly motivated, you can write a persuasive essay, describing all your reasons. This particularly affects some parents.
- Let your parents listen to you "by accident" asking questions about this animal to a person who has it.
- Take care of a friend's pet when he is on the go, whatever it is. When your parents understand that you are responsible, you may have a better chance of getting a four-legged friend as a gift.
- If they buy you a pet, don't abuse it, or they won't let you keep it.
- Talk to them when they are calm and in a good mood.
- Don't cry or scream if they refuse. This will make you look immature and reduce your chances of getting one.
- Do not leave the house slamming the door or run into your room, otherwise you will look immature.
- Offer to babysit your little sister, then use this experience to show your parents that you are capable of caring for a pet.