How To Get Your Parents To Let You Have The Hairstyle You Want

How To Get Your Parents To Let You Have The Hairstyle You Want
How To Get Your Parents To Let You Have The Hairstyle You Want

Table of contents:


Cutting your hair can be a regular appointment where you take care of yourself, or an opportunity to completely change your look. However, you may disagree with your parents about the type of hairstyles that are acceptable for you. Talk to them to get permission to change your appearance.


Part 1 of 2: Researching Hairstyles

Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 1
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 1

Step 1. Look for different cuts and hairstyles

Before talking to your parents, it's best to have a clear idea. Read styling magazines, books, and websites for inspiration. Do some research to find the best style for your hair and face type, so that you can explain to your parents why your chosen hairstyle is the best.

  • Get advice from a hairdresser and friends, who probably have an opinion on the style that suits you best. You can also search for different cuts and hairstyles on the internet, focusing on short or long ones according to your preferences.
  • There are also websites that allow you to upload a photo of yourself and virtually try on a hairstyle. You will be able to preview some cuts and print the results. You can then show the pictures to your parents to convince them that you would look great with a certain style.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 2
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 2

Step 2. Identify positive models who have a hairstyle you like

Research this too. While you can use celebrities as role models, you should also look for famous people who have accomplished outstanding feats or who have profoundly contributed to a better world. Your parents will likely accept the idea of seeing you change your hairstyle more willingly if they know you will imitate a positive role model.

For example, you might consider female pilot Amelia Earhart as a positive role model. This can give you the idea to keep your hair short, similar to the cut she had in the photos that portray her. Otherwise, you could admire Robert Plant, the lead singer of Led Zeppelin and go for a long-haired look

Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 3
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 3

Step 3. Don't choose extreme style right away

Make sure you are ready for the big change and especially that you have the support of your parents. A very unusual cut could make them sick. For example, instead of asking for permission to shave zero, propose a shave only on the sides or a fringe. Think about the small changes you can make to your hair first, as your parents will be more willing to accept minor changes than drastic ones.

If you think you can wear an extreme hairstyle, think about it for at least a week to get used to the idea. That way you can be sure that you can support your opinion with enthusiasm and passion when it comes to trying to convince your parents

Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 4
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 4

Step 4. Choose a hairstyle when you are feeling emotionally stable

Cutting your hair is an important decision, even if it will eventually grow back. It's best to make a choice when you're not too stressed out by school, work, romantic relationships, or life in general. Changing your look is a big makeover and you shouldn't do it in transition moments in your life.

Cutting your hair can have an immediate therapeutic effect, but you may regret your decision in the future. Think carefully before choosing your new look

Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 5
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 5

Step 5. Consider donating your hair

If you have very long hair, you can cut it and donate it to a charity that will use it to make wigs for cancer patients or other people who have hair-related health problems. Instead of choosing a hairstyle just to enhance your image, this way you will help others too.

  • Most organizations require at least 25cm of hair.
  • Check out the guidelines for donating hair. In some cases you will need to go to a hairdresser and ship your hair in a neat and neat ponytail.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 6
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 6

Step 6. Take care of your hair and experiment with new hairstyles before cutting it

As long as you don't already have a very short cut, you can still have fun without resorting to scissors. Try using gel or mousse to make your hair straight or try various types of braids. You don't need to go to the hairdresser to change your look.

Part 2 of 2: Talk to Your Parents

Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 7
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 7

Step 1. Find the right time to talk to your parents

Don't take them by surprise with a totally new idea. Find out when is the best time to discuss your new hairstyle. When it's time to speak, make sure you're prepared, thanks to your research and solid argumentation.

  • By respecting your parents' time you will demonstrate your maturity. They will understand that you are able to talk about important decisions and consequently that you are mature enough to make one.
  • Make sure they are in a good mood so that it is easier for them to receive a yes.
  • When you talk to them, keep calm, don't beg them and don't complain. If you did, you would prove immature.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 8
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 8

Step 2. Have photos of your chosen haircut handy

As you explain why you want a particular style, be sure to bring examples to show your parents. Find pictures on the internet, in the library, or display pictures of friends and celebrities who look similar to what you would like. This way, you won't leave room for their imagination.

  • Offer alternative ideas if the former fails.
  • You can choose alternative styles similar to the first one, so you don't stray too far from the look you want, even if your parents don't approve of your original idea.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 9
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 9

Step 3. Respond to your parents' concerns about the haircut

They may have concerns about your idea and you should listen to them with respect. For example, they may have specific expectations about haircuts that are appropriate for your gender, disapproving of long hair for a guy or a shaved head for a woman. Additionally, they may be concerned that you are too young for a "grown-up" cut, or they may not be willing to give you control over your appearance yet.

  • You should be willing to listen to your parents' opinion and respond politely. Remind them that just because you are part of a certain gender, it doesn't mean that you should be limited in your choice of hairstyles. You can say, "Gender is a social construct and I don't think it's right to avoid certain hairstyles just because I'm a boy or a girl."
  • You can also tell your parents that you are old enough to cut your hair as you wish and that sooner or later they will have to trust your judgment about your appearance. Try: "I'm growing up and I think I should be able to decide how to cut and style my hair. I think I can handle the responsibility of making decisions about my appearance."
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 10
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 10

Step 4. Discuss the necessary care for your hair

Your parents may be worried that you will not take care of your hair after the cut. Reassure them by explaining to them that you know how to keep your look, what kind of products you will need and how much time you will need to devote to your hair each morning.

  • Take care of your hair today, so that your parents see that you are responsible and that you are able to look after your appearance.
  • If you want to cut your hair to get rid of split ends, show your parents the problem so they understand your needs.
  • To keep your new hairstyle, you may need tools such as straighteners, hair dryers, or curlers. Talk to your parents in advance if you need to purchase special equipment or if you need to use the ones already in the home.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 11
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 11

Step 5. Offer to pay for your hairdresser's appointment

Simple cuts are usually not expensive, but the price of a full treatment with washing, styling and drying can go up a lot. Tell your parents that you are willing to pay for the service, in whole or in part.

  • Save the money to pay for the cut. It may cost more than you think.
  • All the additional treatments, such as highlights or dye, add to the price.
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 12
Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Haircut Step 12

Step 6. Give your parents time to get used to the idea of your new haircut

If this is the first time you've made an independent decision about your look, they probably need to accept this change. Don't constantly insist that they give you an answer, you will only annoy them.

  • If they don't give in, settle for an accessory. You can add an extra touch to your hair with hats, bows, bandanas or clips.
  • If they still haven't said yes, try asking again after a few weeks when you need to get your hair cut again.
