Hopefully everyone knows that urinating in public is neither legal nor socially acceptable. In extreme cases, however, there may be no other solution. Perhaps you are stuck in a motorway queue, many kilometers away from the nearest first bathroom; or you are in the middle of a very long hike and at some point "nature calls". While you should do your best to avoid peeing in public, the instructions outlined in this article will help you minimize the discomfort you might cause with an unavoidable act.
Part 1 of 3: Urinating in Public

Step 1. Choose a place where there is no one
If you've been drinking too much in a bar, then you may be tempted to pee on the nearest sidewalk or outside wall of the club. If you do this, you will be arrested and charged with obscene acts in a public place. This is why it is essential to find an isolated place where you will not be seen.
If you are a girl, there is no quick and comfortable way to urinate outdoors, especially if you are wearing pants. If you have a skirt, you can take off your panties before squatting. You can also try to move the panties to the side, although there is a high chance of getting them dirty

Step 2. Pee in the dark
If it's nighttime, you might think it's a good idea to meet your needs against a street lamp, but doing so puts you at a greater risk of being seen by a cop. Instead, choose a dark, shady alley or an unlit parking lot.
If you are with friends, make sure they know you are going away to urinate. They will make sure from a distance that you are safe

Step 3. Urine on the grass
Pee that falls on a brick wall or pavement concrete makes a louder noise than it does on grass. If you are near a park or a dirt road, then you should try to urinate in these places, to prevent anyone from hearing you.

Step 4. Fulfill your physiological needs in a grove
If you are stuck in a queue on the freeway, look for a wooded area along the route where you can pee out of sight of other drivers.
- Keep in mind that urinating in the woods is not harmful to the environment and, in some circumstances, it is not punishable although it is always best to apply some common sense. In rare cases, especially men, they are taught that this is right and that it is not something to be avoided.
- When hiking or camping, choose a spot that is easily accessible to other hikers and not too far from the tent, but still far enough out of sight. Urine behind a tree, away from the path or from other people's tents.
- If you find yourself standing in traffic and there are no trees to hide you, then get out of the car and open both the driver's door and the rear door on the same side. This way you will be shielded from the sight of other drivers. If there are vehicles on the roadway near yours, turn to the other side and pee towards your car.
- If you are a girl and need to squat, ask a passenger in the car with you to keep a blanket or towel open to hide you.

Step 5. Avoid doing this in areas where there are children
Do not pee near a school, playground or other place where there are minors. Your behavior could have serious criminal repercussions (which will be described later). You may also be forced to face the anger of a very angry parent who will not hesitate to call the police.
- Understand the consequences of a sex crime charge. In many countries, urinating in public is tantamount to a sexual offense.
- If you are accused of this crime, you will have great difficulty in finding a job and even a home (some criminals are denied the right to live within a radius of between 150 and 750 m from schools, parks and school bus stops).
- You will also be banned from attending events involving children, such as youth team games or school plays. While this may not interest you when you are a drunk young student, you may regret your behavior in the future when you will not be able to attend your child's soccer games or his Christmas play.
- In many countries, peeing in public is considered an "obscene act in a public place". In that case you would be labeled an "exhibitionist".

Step 6. Don't urinate on public transport
These vehicles are technically "public places", you could be arrested and fined for damage to buses, trains or subways. There is a high probability that other passengers will notice your gesture and report you.
Most public transport is equipped with surveillance cameras; even if you think you are not seen, it is very likely that someone is watching you from afar

Step 7. Bring hand sanitizer with you
After urinating, rub your hands with this product (you can find it at the supermarket in convenient "travel" packs) or with sanitizing wipes. As soon as you get the chance, wash your hands in the nearest bathroom.
Part 2 of 3: Public Urinating if You Are Homeless

Step 1. Look for a public bathroom
If possible, try to stay in places close to public services. These are often found in parks, near national monuments and historical sites, civic centers, libraries, bus and train stations, as well as in public squares.
- If you can't find public restrooms, then try some of the tips described above. Pee in a quiet, isolated place where there is little chance of being overheard or disturbing anyone.
- If you can't afford a rent but have some savings, try joining a local gym or spa. An annual pass often costs less than a month's rent, and you'll have access to showers, toilets and changing rooms during opening hours.

Step 2. Break the law if necessary
Living like a homeless person often forces you to urinate outdoors, thus breaking the law. If you are fined for such a thing, you can defend yourself by explaining that you are in a state of need.
- You will likely have to go to court if you can't pay the fine, or you could be charged with a more serious offense. If you have a lawyer dealing with your case, he or she will be able to prove that you acted out of necessity and in good faith.
- Look for a lawyer or advocate who offers his or her pro-bono services to the homeless. Many law firms and associations in defense of the weaker sections of society can help people without means to defend themselves against minor charges, such as that of peeing in a public place, free of charge.
- In some cities, the judge proposes to delete minor offenses from the criminal record of a homeless person if he or she agrees to follow certain remedial programs such as vocational training or addiction treatment.

Step 3. Do some research
If you have access to a computer at the public library, then you can find some help made available by the Region or the city for people living on the street. Enter your Municipality website in the section dedicated to social services.
There may be shelters, grants to help you rent an apartment, vocational training courses, mental health services, and so on
Part 3 of 3: Avoid Public Urinating

Step 1. Do not urinate in public if you have decided to go from bar to bar
In that case, hold back and go to the bathroom as soon as you arrive in the new room.
- It is generally possible to use the services of fast-food restaurants and petrol stations without having to buy anything.
- Areas where there are very busy bars are usually patrolled and controlled by several policemen.

Step 2. Plan to use the bathroom often, as needed
If you plan to take a long drive, try to stop every 2-3 hours to use the toilets. Check the map to make sure there are towns or villages nearby to take a break.
If, on the other hand, you have decided to have fun all night with friends, remember to use the bathroom in the bar or restaurant before you leave

Step 3. Respect the laws of the city and the cultural rules of the people who are with you
If you are in a foreign country, do not urinate in public. The inhabitants will not see this as a gesture of momentary weakness, but rather an act of contempt on your part and, in a broader view, of your nation.

Step 4. Don't pee in public for a bet or challenge with your friends
This type of game is not worth the consequences you might expose yourself to.