Organizing your bedroom will make you feel calmer, giving you the feeling of being in control of your life. Getting through the day will be easier if you know exactly where everything you need is, saving you the trouble of searching for your favorite scarf or pair of jeans. To learn how to rearrange your bedroom, follow this step-by-step guide.
Method 1 of 3: Divide Your Things

Step 1. Take out everything you have
It may seem difficult, and a thing that will create a lot of chaos, but if you really want to rearrange the room you have to start over. Even if you feel overwhelmed by the piles of stuff piled on the floor, desk or bed, rest assured that you will find a place for everything.
- Remove anything from the closet - clothes, shoes and everything else you care about - and place it on the floor.
- Go to your desk. Set aside paper and other items that clutter up the counter.
- Empty the furniture. If there is too much chaos, empty one drawer at a time.
Now take whatever is left around and place it on the bed or floor.
If doing the whole room at the same time requires too much space, you can deal with it by dividing it by zones, one at a time

Step 2. Organize everything
Before you start figuring out where to put everything back, you should get hold of various boxes and labels. Plastic crates or containers will do anyway, but boxes are better because once the job is done you can throw them out and you won't have any further clutter. Here's how to label the containers:
- Here. The items you use regularly will go there. Also consider the ones you have used in the last 2-3 months.
- Put away. Here will go those things you don't want to throw away, like items that have sentimental value but that you rarely use. You can also put on clothes that you won't wear until next season. If you are in the middle of summer, you can put away the wool sweaters; if it's winter, summer clothes.
- Donate or sell. That is, those items that could be useful to others or that could be sold, which you no longer need. You can have a nice sweater that you don't like anymore and that you can donate or an old book that you want to sell.
- Throw away. Obviously, those objects that no longer serve anyone, including you, will go here. If you need some time to figure out what a thing is or when was the last time you used it, then it's time to throw it away.

Step 3. Try to get rid of as much stuff as you can
It is a fundamental step: putting everything in the "Keep" or "Put away" box will not help you. You need to self-examine what you really need in life. Remember that less is really more; the less you have, the easier it will be to rearrange the room.
- Try the twenty-two rule. If it takes you more than twenty-two seconds to evaluate an item and ask yourself if you will use it, the answer is no.
- If you have something you know not to use but don't want to get rid of it, try giving it to a friend or family member - the fact that it's in known hands will make you feel better.

Step 4. Place all the boxes in the right place except the "Keep" one
Now that you've made sense of the organization, you can start throwing out what you don't need. The faster you do it or put the stuff in the boxes, the easier it will be to get on with your work. Here's what to do:
- The first part is simple. Throw everything into the box of the same name.
- Find a church, Caritas, or other organization that accepts gifts and brings whatever you want to give. Remember that they may not accept everything, so be prepared to fix what's left. You can try donating it to another association or simply throw it away.
- Start selling the items in the "Sell" box. Make a garden sale or post them on Craigslist.
- Put the boxes in the garage. If you have a garage or basement to store them, perfect. Alternatively, place them in a corner of the room where they don't bother, such as under the bed or behind the wardrobe. Remember to label them carefully, so when they come back to you, you will easily know what they contain.
Method 2 of 3: Rearrange Things

Step 1. Start from the closet
Having a clean and well-organized closet is the key to a tidy room. You should make the most of your closet space and arrange your clothes by color and season. If you have a large closet, the ideal is to place shoes and accessories in it. Here's how to proceed.
- The first thing to do after dividing your clothes between "Keep" and "Put away" is to take a closer look. If you haven't worn something for at least a year, it's time to get rid of it. The only exception is formal dresses, the very elegant ones that you don't often have the opportunity to wear.
- Arrange your clothes according to the season. Keep those for summer, spring, winter, and fall all on the same side of the closet. If you have room for more, put the mid-season ones in a separate container at the bottom as well.
- Hang as many clothes as you can. Try to organize them by type. For example, when arranging summer ones, keep tops, t-shirts and dresses separate.
- Use the space underneath the hanging clothes. You can put a box of things to store, or shoes.
- If you have a normal door instead of a retractable door, you should buy a shoe cabinet or one of those panels to hang the jewelry that goes behind it. This is a great use of space. Alternatively, you could hang these items on the wall next to the door.
- If there is room for drawers in the closet, so much the better.

Step 2. Organize the dresser
You'll need to put the extra clothes or accessories into it so it's as neat as possible, so every time you look for something you don't end up throwing everything upside down. Here's how to do it:
- Organize the top. Remove everything that clutters the top of the dresser and place it in a plastic container in the corner of the closet. If there is a better place like the bathroom, the desk or the top drawer, put it there.
- Destiny the top of the dresser for something different. Don't use it just to clutter it up with stuff that doesn't have an exact location. Decide what you'll need it for - whether it's socks, comics or soccer cards.
- Move on to the rest of the drawers. Allocate one for underwear, one for pajamas, and one for sportswear, if you are one who gets a lot of exercise; don't forget a couple of drawers for the things you wear every day.

Step 3. Dedicate yourself to your desk
If you have one, you should keep it as tidy as possible. Come up with a strategy to separate and organize all the important things you use to avoid filling it up again in the future. Eg:
- Combine scissors, tacks, and other stationery products. You can arrange them in a corner of the desk or on the top of the chest of drawers. It should be easy to access, as you use these things a lot. Make a commitment to always keep them there. For example, if you use the stapler, bring it back to where you got it so as not to lose it.
- Set aside a place for pens. A cup or box will do just fine to hold everything you need to write and draw: you no longer have to take a quarter of an hour to find a pencil. As you gather them, check which pens they write. Throw away any that have no ink left.
- Create an archive for your documents. Drawer and container system for each type of document. In one, keep the important ones you don't use often, such as your car book, rental agreement, and other forms. In another you will be able to arrange papers concerning other affairs or aspects of your life. What matters is not to mix them.
- Minimize desk clutter. Try to keep few photos and souvenirs, so you will have more space to work.

Step 4. Organize the rest of the room
Once you've gotten through the closet, dresser, and desk, your bedroom should start to look like a tidy and peaceful place. However, you are not done yet. Before we can say that everything is fine, there are still a couple of things to do.
- The bed. Part of having a tidy room is tidying things up, and pillows and blankets should have their place. If your bed is so full of pillows and stuffed animals that you can barely sleep in it, then it's time to throw some away.
- Get rid of the stuff hanging on the walls too. Some posters and paintings are nice, and a whiteboard organizer or calendar can help. Instead, throw out old posters, torn photographs, and stuff you've stuck everywhere.
- Think of any other furniture left over. If you have a nightstand, filing cabinet or shelf make sure it is clean and tidy, and that it follows a logical sequence like the rest of your bedroom.
- Fix any remaining items. If you still have something around, find a suitable place.
Method 3 of 3: Clean Your New Room

Step 1. Floor
Now that you've got it all sorted out, you shouldn't have anything left on the floor. Take some time to clean to give the room a perfect look. If your room is dirty you will never feel like you're done.
- Put on some music or invite a friend to help you clean up for more fun.
- If you have parquet, wash or sweep it. If you have carpet, vacuum it.

Step 2. Clean all surfaces
Take a damp cloth and wipe it on your desk, dresser top, nightstand and any other surface. Get rid of that dust that you ignored while the room was a battlefield.
Make it a point to remove dust at least once a week

Step 3. Strive to continue to maintain organization and cleanliness
Obviously this is to avoid having to do it all over again. If you return to the disaster before the end of the week, you have undermined the effort you put into cleaning everything up. Here's how to avoid relapsing:
- Spend 5-10 minutes every night tidying up the room before going to bed. Now that you have everything in place, things need to stay where you placed them.
- Clean the room every day, it takes 5-10 minutes. This means throwing out the garbage, removing any food residues, litter and everything that you have accumulated in your spaces.
- Make your bed every morning. It encourages you to be organized.
- Do not rush. Take your time to do a good job.
- Think about how you want to arrange the spaces before you get your hands on them, it will be easier to start and finish.
- Check the room every week, collect the rubbish and everything else left on the floor.
- If you also clean the closet, try on the clothes before deciding which box to put them in. If you don't like or have never convinced you, don't keep them (or save them for when your siblings grow up).
- Put your things on the bed to vacuum or mop the floor so you don't have to do it while cleaning.
- If you're rearranging the whole room, don't step too far!
- Organize books, CDs and DVDs in alphabetical order so it's easier to find what you're looking for.
- Make sure your parents are okay with it. If you get in trouble after all this work it would be a shame.
- Try a new paint on the walls. It will give you a great feeling that you are on the right track.
- If you have colorful clothes, arrange them by color.
- If your room is small you can move your things to another area of the house. This will make it easier to keep in order.
- Remember to clean under the bed, an area that often remains untidy.
- Sign up for online banking and get your bills at home to minimize the amount of paper on your desk.