How To Make Aloe Vera Juice: 9 Steps

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How To Make Aloe Vera Juice: 9 Steps
How To Make Aloe Vera Juice: 9 Steps

Aloe vera juice is a delicious and nutritious ingredient to add to many drinks and smoothies. It seems that the consumption of the gel extracted from this plant is able to relieve inflammation, promote digestion and stabilize blood sugar levels. It can be tricky to make it at home at first, but once you learn how to extract the gel, you can create healthy and delicious smoothies and juices in no time!


Method 1 of 2: Extract the Gel

Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 1
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 1

Step 1. Wash the aloe vera leaf under running water and dry it gently

As soon as it is cut, the aloe vera leaf secretes a toxic yellowish liquid, so you will need to wash it well. If you caught it outside, leave it inside for an hour to let all the liquid (called "latex") come out, then wash it off. Use a clean cloth to dry it and get ready to cut it.

  • Typically, store-bought leaves have already had time to release the toxic yellowish latex, but you still need to wash the leaf first to remove dirt and debris.
  • Ingesting yellowish latex can cause severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea and / or vomiting and can be fatal if you are allergic to latex.

Step 2. Use a sharp knife to cut the side peel and peel it off

It will be easier to open the leaf if you cut it sideways (as if you want to fillet it). Score the outline with the tip of the knife and slide the blade along the entire length of the leaf. Once you have separated the leaf, you should get two pieces. Discard the side peels you just cut.

You can also use a pair of scissors for this step, but just make sure they're sharp and wash the sticky residue off the blades once you're done

Step 3. Remove the yellowish layer just below the peel with a sharp knife

With the blade of the knife carefully remove any residues, films or traces of yellow color: this is the toxic substance secreted by the leaf when it is cut. Throw everything away once removed. You should leave only a clear, sticky substance on the underside of the leaf.

  • Repeat this for both sides of the cut leaf.
  • Wash the knife with water and dish soap after removing the yellow layer.
  • You can remove the yellowish residue by gently wetting the leaf in a solution consisting of 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 240 ml of water.

Step 4. Use a spoon to collect the clear gel

Run the edge of a spoon along the leaf to remove the gooey transparent substance. Collect as much of it as possible - at least 2 tablespoons - and pour it into your blender or into an airtight container if you prefer to use it later.

  • Make sure there are no greenish-yellow particles in the extracted gel.
  • You can store the gel in the refrigerator for up to a week, but to get the greatest health benefits and enjoy it fresh, use it immediately.

Method 2 of 2: Make Aloe Vera Juice Drinks

Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 5
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 5

Step 1. Make a simple drink by combining aloe vera gel with oranges

Put 2 tablespoons of gel and 3 whole (peeled) oranges in a blender, then turn it on at full speed for 30-60 seconds. In the absence of fresh oranges, you can also blend the gel with 480 ml of orange juice (with or without pulp).

Aloe vera gel has a bitter, sour taste that can also trigger a laxative effect, so you need to dilute it with another liquid

Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 6
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 6

Step 2. Mix the gel with fresh watermelon juice if you want a sweet and lively tasting drink

Take about 950 ml of fresh watermelon juice or about half of a small seedless watermelon (cut into pieces). Put the juice or pieces in the blender along with the gel extracted from the aloe vera leaf and blend everything at high speed until you get a completely liquid mixture.

  • Squeeze a little lemon or lime to add a citrus note to your drink.
  • Store the juice in the refrigerator in an airtight container or bottle for up to 5 days if you don't drink it right away.
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 7
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 7

Step 3. Add the gel to your fruit smoothies if you want a hydrating drink

Just put in a blender 100 g of strawberries or blueberries, 1 banana, 350 ml of milk (cow or vegetable), 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 60 g of ice. Blend everything on high speed for a minute or two (depending on the power of the blender) or until the mixture takes on a smooth, creamy consistency.

  • You can store the smoothie in the refrigerator (inside an airtight container) for up to one day, but it's best to enjoy it fresh!
  • Use vanilla or chocolate flavored plant milk for a richer flavor.
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of almond or peanut butter to give the smoothie a thicker texture and a sweet, rounded taste typical of nuts.
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 8
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 8

Step 4. Make a detoxifying plant-based smoothie

Pour 240ml unsweetened green tea (freshly brewed), 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, 230g fresh spinach, 1 frozen banana, 110g chopped pineapple and 1 pitted date into the blender. Blend everything at high speed until you get a smooth drink, that is, for about 1 or 2 minutes depending on the power of the blender.

Add a tablespoon of chia seeds for a healthy dose of omega 3 fatty acids

Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 9
Make Aloe Vera Juice Step 9

Step 5. Make a tropical-flavored delicacy made from pineapple and papaya

Pour 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 170 g of chopped pineapple and 100 g of diced papaya into the blender. Blend everything at high speed until you get a smooth and creamy mixture. Then, pour the drink into the glasses with a few ice cubes, a squeeze of lemon and enjoy!

  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey to make it sweeter.
  • Combine 45ml tequila, vodka or gin if you want a cocktail with a tropical note.


  • The leaves of the aloe barbadensis plant are the only ones that contain the gel suitable for making aloe vera juice.
  • By making aloe vera juice at home, you can be sure that it does not contain harmful additives or preservatives, especially if you are using the leaves of a home grown plant.


  • It is important to remove all the yellowish layer present under the peel of the leaf. If you ingest this substance, you may suffer from stomach pain and diarrhea.
  • Use the aloe vera gel immediately to enjoy all its benefits: after a few minutes it will begin to oxidize, losing some of its precious nutrients.
  • Do not ingest aloe vera juice if you are allergic to other plants in the lily family, such as onions and tulips.
