How To Extract Aloe Vera Juice: 5 Steps

How To Extract Aloe Vera Juice: 5 Steps
How To Extract Aloe Vera Juice: 5 Steps

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Aloe vera is a succulent plant with many applications in medicine and cosmetics. Aloe gel is easily found on the market, but will likely have added preservatives. If you want a more natural product, you can extract the juice from your aloe plants by carefully opening the leaves. Below you will find detailed instructions.


Extract Aloe Vera Step 1
Extract Aloe Vera Step 1

Step 1. Choose a long, thick leaf of your aloe plant

Extract Aloe Vera Step 2
Extract Aloe Vera Step 2

Step 2. Detach it from the plant by squeezing your hand at the base of the leaf

Be careful, aloe leaves have thorns. It should come off with a clean cut. The base of the leaf will be white.

Extract Aloe Vera Step 3
Extract Aloe Vera Step 3

Step 3. If necessary, rinse the leaf under water to remove dirt

Then make a cut with a sharp knife along one side with the spines.

Extract Aloe Vera Step 4
Extract Aloe Vera Step 4

Step 4. Split the leaf in half using the knife

Extract Aloe Vera Step 5
Extract Aloe Vera Step 5

Step 5. Use a clean spoon to scrape the gel from the inside of the leaf

Collect it in any container, preferably glass.


  • The insides of the leaves are slimy to the touch.
  • Keep in mind that aloe vera has a peculiar smell that some people can't tolerate.
