Health 2024, September

How to Get Rid of Body Lice: 3 Steps

How to Get Rid of Body Lice: 3 Steps

Body lice are tiny parasitic insects about 2, 3 - 3, 6 mm long. They live in clothing and only move to the skin to feed. In the clothes they also lay their eggs. This article will show you the steps required to deal with a body lice infestation.

How to dissolve the nodules: how effective are natural remedies?

How to dissolve the nodules: how effective are natural remedies?

Nodules are lumps of tissue caused by abnormal growth of skin cells and can appear in multiple areas of the body. Although most lumps are benign, some are cancerous in nature and it is therefore important to refer them to a doctor for a diagnosis.

How to Improve Kidney Function: 12 Steps

How to Improve Kidney Function: 12 Steps

The kidneys are essential organs for the healthy functioning of the human body. They regulate the volume and pH of the blood, but also blood pressure. They take care of filtering the plasma contained in the blood and identifying useful chemicals, separating them from those that must be discarded.

How to Treat Obstructive Shock: 13 Steps

How to Treat Obstructive Shock: 13 Steps

Obstructive shock is a type of shock caused by obstruction (or blockage) of large blood vessels (such as the aorta) or the heart itself. As a result, blood flow out of the heart muscle is reduced, triggering inadequate circulation and insufficient oxygen supply to vital organs.

How to tell if you have glaucoma (with pictures)

How to tell if you have glaucoma (with pictures)

Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of permanent blindness in the world. It often occurs when the fluid in the eye is unable to escape and the pressure in the eyeballs increases beyond normal, causing irreversible nerve damage. The most common types of glaucoma are acute closed-angle glaucoma, which develops when the angle between the iris and cornea closes and prevents proper drainage of the aqueous humor, and open-angle glaucoma, when drainage channels (the trabeculae)

How to Prevent Scoliosis: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Scoliosis: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that usually affects the central region of the back or the chest area between the shoulder blades. If you look at it from the side, you can see that the spine takes on a slight S shape that starts from the base of the skull to the coccyx.

How to dissolve clots: how effective are natural remedies?

How to dissolve clots: how effective are natural remedies?

Blood clots are made up of blood cells that clot to form lumps. It is a normal phenomenon and useful in case of cuts, but clots can also form inside the body in the absence of external injuries. In these cases they are dangerous because they can cause a stroke or heart attack.

How To Get Rid Of Lice Naturally: How Effective Are Natural Remedies?

How To Get Rid Of Lice Naturally: How Effective Are Natural Remedies?

Head lice, scientifically named pediculus capitis, are tiny parasites that infest the scalp and feed on human blood. In most cases they infest children and usually spread directly from one person to another. They are not an indicator of poor hygiene and do not cause any infectious diseases.

How To Use Cinnamon To Control Diabetes

How To Use Cinnamon To Control Diabetes

Cinnamon is not only a spice rich in healthy antioxidants, it is also used to help diabetics control their blood glucose levels. While it does not completely replace other therapies, ask your doctor about integrating it into your drug treatment.

3 Ways to Stop Vomiting and Diarrhea

3 Ways to Stop Vomiting and Diarrhea

If you are experiencing vomiting and diarrhea, know that this is the body's reaction to rid itself of the factor responsible for the malaise. For example, vomiting could indicate that you are getting rid of toxins from spoiled food, or you may feel the need to empty your stomach to eliminate viruses if you have gastroenteritis.

How to Treat Freezing Symptoms: 13 Steps

How to Treat Freezing Symptoms: 13 Steps

Cold injuries (or chilblains) form when body tissues freeze from prolonged exposure to low temperatures. The most commonly affected areas are the fingers and toes, the nose, ears, cheeks and chin; when circumstances are severe it is necessary to amputate the affected area.

How to Treat Knee Crackle: 12 Steps

How to Treat Knee Crackle: 12 Steps

The knees are joints made up of three bones: femur, tibia and patella. Among these is a structure made up of a substance called cartilage, which acts a bit like a cushion. In certain pathological situations, such as in the case of osteoarthritis, the protective cartilage deteriorates and the bones can then rub against each other, causing pain and a clicking or creaking noise called "

3 Ways to Deal with the Disease

3 Ways to Deal with the Disease

Nobody likes being sick; any illness, even a common cold, can have a negative impact not only on physical but also on mental health. When you are unwell, you tend to let go and get depressed easily, but this leads to aggravating physical symptoms.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Staphylococcal Infection

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Staphylococcal Infection

Staphylococcal infection is caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium and is typically quite easy to cure. Dermatological problems are usually the most common manifestation of this disease and often arise when a wound or burn becomes contaminated with the pathogen.

3 Ways to Treat Diverticulitis

3 Ways to Treat Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is caused by inflammation and infection of small bumps that form in the digestive tract. It is more common in people over 40 years of age. This pathology can become a very serious infection and needs immediate medical attention.

How to Relieve Gout with Home Remedies

How to Relieve Gout with Home Remedies

Gout attacks are so painful that they can even wake you up in the middle of the night. This disorder occurs when urate crystals are deposited in the joints. Most of the time the big toe is affected, but the other joints of the feet and hands can also suffer, which in this way become painful and inflamed.

How to Reduce TSH Levels: 11 Steps

How to Reduce TSH Levels: 11 Steps

When the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are high, it means that the thyroid is not working properly, in which case it is called hypothyroidism. This disorder occurs when the gland does not produce adequate amounts of certain hormones that the body uses to control important metabolic or chemical functions.

How to Cure Periostitis: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Cure Periostitis: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Tibial fasciitis, or periostitis, is medically referred to as "medial tibial stress syndrome" and manifests as pain caused by overuse or repetitive strain of the muscles along the tibia, the lower bone. of the leg. Sometimes the disease causes inflammation of the tibial periosteum (a thin sheath of muscle tissue that surrounds the tibia).

4 Ways to Improve Thyroid Function

4 Ways to Improve Thyroid Function

Reduced thyroid function, or hypothyroidism, can affect energy levels, fertility, mood, weight, libido, and the ability to think clearly; the problems associated with this gland involve all daily activities. In the United States alone, over 20 million people suffer from it, while an estimated 200 million people around the world have the same problem.

How to Treat Hepatitis B: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Treat Hepatitis B: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Hepatitis B is inflammation of the liver caused by a virus known as HBV. Although there is no cure, there is a vaccine. Fortunately, most adults who are infected with this virus recover and become healthy after treatment. Steps Step 1.

How to Treat Type 2 Diabetes (with Pictures)

How to Treat Type 2 Diabetes (with Pictures)

Diabetes is a disease that does not allow the body to control the rise in blood sugar. It occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the cells within the body are not enough to respond to insulin production. If left untreated, it can damage almost any organ, including the kidneys, eyes, heart, and even the nervous system.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the heart valves no longer function properly, preventing blood from being pumped around the body and sent to key organs. If you are a victim of congenital heart failure, it is important to see a doctor immediately, so learn to recognize the symptoms of the disease when they first appear.

How to Stop Cracking Your Neck: 10 Steps

How to Stop Cracking Your Neck: 10 Steps

Cracking the neck, a gesture similar to the one done with the fingers, is a rather common habit among people. While there is no definitive evidence that cracking the spinal joints in the neck is dangerous or can cause significant damage, common sense leads one to believe that doing it many times each day is still unhealthy.

How to Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia: 11 Steps

How to Treat Iron Deficiency Anemia: 11 Steps

Iron deficiency anemia, or iron deficiency anemia, occurs when there is not enough red blood cells in the blood to carry oxygen to all the cells and tissues of the body. Iron is needed by the body to make hemoglobin, a large and complex molecule that carries oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to the lungs.

How to Manage Exposure to Potentially Toxic Mold

How to Manage Exposure to Potentially Toxic Mold

There is a lot of news about the potential side effects of mold exposure. In fact, the terms "deadly mold" and "toxic mold" are imprecise, as these microorganisms themselves are neither deadly nor toxic. Some types of molds can produce toxins and, therefore, cause breathing problems under certain conditions.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Trichomoniasis in Women

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Trichomoniasis in Women

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that affects men and women equally. It is a very common but treatable disorder and causes symptoms in only about 30% of infected people - although they are more easily noticed in women.

How to Relieve Hip Pain: 14 Steps

How to Relieve Hip Pain: 14 Steps

The hip is the largest joint in the human body. It supports most of the body weight and is the basis for maintaining balance. Because the hip joint and hip region are crucial for movement, an arthritis or bursitis in that area can be particularly painful.

How to Treat Arched Legs: 10 Steps

How to Treat Arched Legs: 10 Steps

The arch leg problem, also known as varus knee, is the deformation of one or both legs that curve outward. In patients with this disorder, the tibia (shin bone) and sometimes the femur (thigh bone) are bent. Knee varus is a fairly normal disorder in children during the development phase when they are less than three years old.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Sinus Headaches

4 Ways to Get Rid of Sinus Headaches

Many people suffer from headaches, but if the headache causes pain or tenderness behind the forehead, eyes, or cheeks, it is likely triggered by sinusitis. The sinuses are the cavities inside the bones of the skull filled with air and are intended to purify and moisten the latter.

How to Treat Morgellons Disease (with Pictures)

How to Treat Morgellons Disease (with Pictures)

Morgellons disease is a very controversial disease. Whether it is a true physical disorder or just a psychiatric disorder delusion is still a matter of debate. If it is a physical ailment, it is believed to be a combination of viruses, bacteria and fungi.

3 Ways to Treat Periostitis

3 Ways to Treat Periostitis

Periostitis is a common injury in sports and occurs when athletes get too tired and overloaded, especially during training. Pain is concentrated along the tibia, and can be caused by swollen muscles or stress fractures. Depending on the severity of the injury, periostitis can cause discomfort for a few days or debilitate for several months.

How To Gain Weight When You Have Cancer

How To Gain Weight When You Have Cancer

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy weight when undergoing cancer treatment. Whether you are starting cancer treatment when you are very thin or experiencing weight loss as a result of treatment, you need to get your weight back to a healthy level;

How to Prevent Hypoglycemia Symptoms: 13 Steps

How to Prevent Hypoglycemia Symptoms: 13 Steps

Hypoglycemia occurs when the concentration of glucose in the blood falls below the normal level. Glucose is an important source of energy for the body; when your blood sugar is too low, your brain cells and muscles don't have enough "fuel"

How to Diagnose Septic Arthritis: 11 Steps

How to Diagnose Septic Arthritis: 11 Steps

Septic arthritis, sometimes also called infectious arthritis, is a joint infection of bacterial or viral origin; the pathogens spread into the joints or surrounding fluids causing the disorder. In most cases, the infection begins in other parts of the body and through the bloodstream reaches the joints;

3 Ways to Treat a Tongue Ulcer

3 Ways to Treat a Tongue Ulcer

Tongue ulcers (or canker sores) are painful, rounded sores that can take on a white, gray, or yellowish color. While bothersome, they are generally not serious and heal on their own within a week or two. There are various factors that can contribute to the development of ulcers, including genetics, a predisposition to bite the tongue, stress, food allergies, nutritional deficiencies and, in the rarest cases, mouth cancer.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Tingling Lips

3 Ways to Get Rid of Tingling Lips

The tingling often goes away on its own, but you can try some quick methods to get rid of the one in the lips. You can try taking antihistamines or anti-inflammatories, and if your lips are also swollen, apply a cold compress. If they are not swollen, place a warm one and try massaging them to increase blood circulation.

How to tell if you have a tropical ulcer: 14 steps

How to tell if you have a tropical ulcer: 14 steps

Tropical ulcer is a skin disease that afflicts people living in conditions of poor hygiene and poor nutrition. In some countries it is also nicknamed the "poor man's disease" for this very reason. The first signs are ulcers or lesions that usually appear in the feet and legs.

How to Straighten the Spine: 15 Steps

How to Straighten the Spine: 15 Steps

The spine runs through the middle of the back and protects the dorsal cord, a collection of nerve structures that connect the brain to the rest of the body. It goes without saying that having her in good health is of prime importance. Looking at it from the side, the spine has three main curves, which are necessary to maintain good flexibility and stability.

3 Ways to Treat Esophagitis

3 Ways to Treat Esophagitis

Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus, the tube-like structure that connects the throat to the stomach. If you have been diagnosed with this disorder, know that it is very important to seek immediate treatment. The specific treatment however depends on what caused the inflammation.

How to Treat the Herpetic Patereccio (with Pictures)

How to Treat the Herpetic Patereccio (with Pictures)

Herpetic patereccio is an infection that affects the fingers and is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), a virus that affects approximately 90% of the world's population. It is important to take treatments as soon as you notice the infection or if your doctor finds that it is getting worse.