How to Detox: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Detox: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Detox: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Detoxifying the body means freeing it from toxic substances. For decades, we have seen the promotion of diets and practices that promise to get us to a full body detox in days. While it is not scientifically proven that they can help us expel toxins, many people report feeling more focused and energetic after following one of these "detox" programs, most likely because they have not eaten processed foods in that time.

Note: This article does not contain information on how to detoxify the body from substances such as alcohol, drugs or drugs. Detoxification from alcohol or other dangerous substances, in particular benzodiazepines, must be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.


Part 1 of 2: Short Term Detox Programs

Detox Step 1
Detox Step 1

Step 1. Detox with fruit

Fruit-based diets are a kind of semi-fast that allows you not to go hungry. If you eat enough fruit, you can increase your energy levels, manage your weight better, and even reduce your chances of having a stroke. You can follow a diet consisting of multiple fruits or a single variety. In the second case, it is important to choose a fruit that you eat willingly so as not to have to strain and not to extend the diet beyond seven days.

  • Citrus fruits, namely oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, lemons and limes, have the greatest detoxifying power. You can eat them individually or combined with other fruits. As we have already said, if you want to eat only one type of fruit, do not continue the diet beyond the week.
  • Detox with grapes. Grapes contain resveratrol, a substance that can protect you from cancer and diabetes and has the potential to prevent thrombosis. Grapes are also an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C. Do not eat anything but grapes (of the variety you prefer) for 3-5 days.
Detox Step 2
Detox Step 2

Step 2. Practice a liquid-only fast

Do not take anything but liquids (water, tea, herbal teas, fruit juices, vegetable juices and protein shakes) for 2-3 days. A liquid-only diet is useful for starting weight loss as it is low in calories. It is also believed that it can cleanse the body of some toxins, although there is still no scientific evidence for it.

  • You need to include a large amount of fruit or vegetable juices in your liquid-only diet to ensure your body gets the nourishment it needs.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, you will need to adopt new healthier eating habits once you finish your liquid fast, otherwise you will quickly regain the lost pounds.
Detox Step 3
Detox Step 3

Step 3. Eat only fruit and vegetables for a week

Both contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. You need to eat many varieties of different fruits and vegetables to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs. Follow these guidelines when deciding what to eat during the detox period:

  • To provide the body with the fibers, eat legumes (such as pinto beans, black beans and soy beans), apples, blueberries and artichokes;
  • To provide the body with the potassium, eat carrots, bananas, dried legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, soy), white potatoes, boiled leafy vegetables and sweet potatoes;
  • To provide the body with the C vitamin, eat kiwis, strawberries, kale, cauliflower, tomatoes, oranges, Brussels sprouts, mangoes and peppers;
  • To provide the body with i folate, eat spinach, cantaloupe, asparagus, oranges and legumes (such as black-eyed peas and chickpeas);
  • To provide the body with the so-called good fats, eat olives, coconut and avocado.

Part 2 of 2: Long Term Detox Programs

Detox Step 4
Detox Step 4

Step 1. Eat organic meats and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits that come from conventional crops have come into contact with harmful chemicals (such as fertilizers and pesticides), while vegetables that come from organic farming have been grown using natural fertilizers and pesticides. In organic farms, animals receive fewer harmful antibiotics, growth hormones and drugs than those that are raised and fed conventionally.

Check the labels to know if a product is organic or not. All those that come from agriculture and organic farms must be certified

Detox Step 5
Detox Step 5

Step 2. Drink plenty of water every day

Water is essential for the health of the body. Among the many benefits, it helps to regulate the level of fluids in the body thus allowing the kidneys to do their job and expel what is considered the main toxin, namely urea nitrogen.

Add the citrus juice to the water. Squeeze a lemon, orange or lime and drink the juice along with water throughout the day. These fruits contain citric acid which helps the body burn fat. Plus they taste great, so you'll have less trouble drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day. Brush your teeth between meals to prevent acid from eroding tooth enamel

Detox Step 6
Detox Step 6

Step 3. Reduce your alcohol consumption

Studies suggest that alcohol consumption is linked to certain cancers, including breast cancer in women. It is not necessary to become completely abstemious, but do not drink more than a glass of wine or a beer a day.

Detox Step 7
Detox Step 7

Step 4. Avoid foods with added sugars

The daily abuse of sweet foods can cause dangerous fluctuations in blood glucose levels and puts you at risk of developing serious diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Always read nutrition labels and watch out for added sugars in products like bread, salad dressings, and sauces.

Detox Step 8
Detox Step 8

Step 5. Limit your exposure to harmful toxins in the air

The list of dangerous substances includes carbon monoxide, radon and asbestos, all of which are unfortunately also available in homes.

  • Carbon monoxide is a potentially fatal odorless gas produced by boilers, stoves, barbecues, and vehicle combustion engines. Side effects include headache, dizziness and lethargy. Consider having a carbon monoxide detector installed in your home and keep the rooms well ventilated.
  • Houses and buildings should be checked for the presence of asbestos and radon.
Detox Step 9
Detox Step 9

Step 6. Meditate

Many religions and philosophies view fasting as a practice that helps us refocus our priorities and find inner peace. During the detox phase of the physical body, try to get rid of negative emotions as well, such as anger, resentment and sadness. Spend the time you normally spend cooking or eating reflecting on your goals and aspirations. Summarize your thoughts in a journal.

Detox Step 10
Detox Step 10

Step 7. Don't overdo it

Above all, look for a balanced and actionable detox program that combines daily exercise with the development of new, healthier eating habits, under the constant supervision of a qualified professional. Remember that you are trying to lay the foundation for a healthier lifestyle, not to further stress your body with rapid, extreme and unsustainable changes. Avoid overeating when it's time to break your fast.


  • Follow a detox program with a friend. You can support each other in tough times and celebrate your successes together, as well as share recipes and tips.
  • Eat slowly. During the detox phase, try to extend the duration of your meals by chewing each bite thoroughly, without rushing. Among other things, eating slowly promotes good digestion.
  • Try to find time to do some light exercise. The ideal is to practice yoga, pilates, swimming or brisk walking. Do not attempt to run, lift weights, or play other sports that require intense effort while you are fasting.
  • Treat yourself to a massage. Make an appointment with a professional or use an exfoliating glove when in the shower.
  • Do not heat the food in the microwave, put it in the pan, add a little water and cover it with the lid.
  • Relax. During the detox phase you may feel more energized or otherwise very exhausted. Either way, it's important to get enough sleep while fasting. You need to give your body at least eight hours of sleep at night. Also take an afternoon nap if you feel the need to.


  • Even if you feel in perfect shape during the fasting days, do not exceed the recommended time. A long fast that causes the body to go hungry can damage the metabolism irreversibly.
  • Don't randomly choose from the many detox programs you can find online. Some can be dangerous even for a perfectly healthy person. Rely on a qualified professional to avoid taking risks.
  • Don't starve your body to the point of fainting. If you get dizzy, it means you've gone too far. Eat a piece of bread or a cookie right away to raise your blood glucose level and drink an electrolyte-enriched sports drink. If you can, lie down or sit down and put your head between your knees. Do not resume fasting.
  • Do not practice a liquid-only fast for more than three consecutive days.
  • Some detox diets can cause lethargy during the first two or three days, give yourself time to rest and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Most doctors believe that the normal work of the liver and kidneys is enough to properly detoxify the body and that therefore it is not necessary to resort to special diets. By fasting you may not notice great health benefits.
