How to Go to Bed Early: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Go to Bed Early: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Go to Bed Early: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You feel you need more sleep, so you want to be able to go to bed earlier than usual. But the distractions and things to do are many and sometimes they can keep you up all night, making the task very difficult. Fortunately, preparing your mind and body in order to reach your goal is possible, so read on and find out what you need to do to be able to go to bed early and wake up energetic and rested.


Part 1 of 4: Deciding when it's time to go to sleep

Go to Bed Early Step 1
Go to Bed Early Step 1

Step 1. Assess what going to bed early means in your case

"Early" and "late" are relative terms when it comes to describing sleep schedules. Much depends on your needs or your ability to wake up every day, as well as the amount of sleep you need.

Each person differs from the other, but adults generally need about 7.5-8.5 hours of sleep a night. Children (from 5 years of age) and adolescents need more sleep, ranging from 8, 5 to 11 hours. Babies and children up to 5 years old need even more sleep

Go to Bed Early Step 2
Go to Bed Early Step 2

Step 2. Be wise in choosing what time to go to sleep

Make sure it allows you to get the hours of sleep you need, based on your age and your daily schedules.

If you want to know exactly how many hours you sleep or need, consider using a diary. Every morning and every evening write down the times you get up and go to sleep and calculate the number of hours you slept. After a week or two you can also calculate an average

Go to Bed Early Step 3
Go to Bed Early Step 3

Step 3. Understand that getting enough sleep is very important to health

Staying up late can become an unhealthy habit if continued over the long term. Going to bed late at night and sleeping late can lead to weight gain and diabetes, which has been linked to poor nutrition and other health problems. Simply recognizing the importance of getting enough, quality sleep can help you start improving the situation.

Go to Bed Early Step 4
Go to Bed Early Step 4

Step 4. Understand that quality sleep is necessary for the brain to function effectively

Not getting enough sleep can negatively impact our cognitive faculties, for example in memory, concentration and mental clarity. If you want to have a successful career, whether in school or work, or excel in any business, use your goal to motivate yourself to go to bed early.

If you have to stay up all night to study or work, make sure the next day you are free to follow the next tips and go to bed early to catch up on lost sleep

Part 2 of 4: Prepare for Sleep During the Day

Go to Bed Early Step 5
Go to Bed Early Step 5

Step 1. Avoid taking stimulants or sedatives

If you're looking to go to bed early, stay away from coffee and other products that contain caffeine, nicotine, or various stimulants. Their effect can last for hours, so you may not be able to fall asleep at the desired time. Some sedative substances such as alcohol can initially make you feel drowsy, but they can still make your sleep disturbed.

Sleeping pills are often used as a means of inducing sleep. Over time, however, they can become addictive and compromise our memory and motor skills, effectively disturbing our sleep patterns. There are many categories of sleeping pills on the market, with different effects, always follow the instructions indicated on the package and discuss any doubts or problems with your doctor

Go to Bed Early Step 6
Go to Bed Early Step 6

Step 2. Avoid overeating in the evening

The last meal of the day should be taken at least 2 to 3 hours before sleep. Having a big dinner before going to sleep means having a hard time falling asleep and risking waking up several times during the night.

Go to Bed Early Step 7
Go to Bed Early Step 7

Step 3. Avoid exercising during the last hours of the day

Exercising regularly helps regulate sleep patterns, however it is best not to train during the evening hours. Movement has a stimulating effect that can make your attempt to go to bed early in vain.

Go to Bed Early Step 8
Go to Bed Early Step 8

Step 4. Limit daytime naps

When you feel very tired, taking a nap can help, but avoid sleeping longer than 30 minutes or close to the night. Otherwise, getting to bed early won't be easy.

Go to Bed Early Step 9
Go to Bed Early Step 9

Step 5. Adjust the lighting conditions, especially during the evening hours

The amount and type of ambient light that surrounds us affects sleep patterns in a very direct way. Get plenty of sunlight in the morning and during the day, and opt for subdued lighting during the evening. It will be easier to be able to go to sleep early.

  • During the last hours of the day, you can wear a pair of sunglasses to help you get to sleep in time.
  • If you want to go to bed early, during the evening hours, do not expose yourself to the bluish light of television screens, computers, tablets and smartphones, otherwise they could disturb the natural inclination to sleep on the part of the body.
  • If you work at night and need to sleep during daylight hours, wear a pair of yellow or orange glasses. The bluish light that signals your body that it is time to stay awake will thus be blocked.

Part 3 of 4: Setting the Right Outdoor Environment

Go to Bed Early Step 10
Go to Bed Early Step 10

Step 1. Establish your sleep routine

Get your body and mind to get used to going to sleep early by always doing the same things in the moments leading up to sleep. Choose any relaxing activity, you can read a book, take a hot bath, listen to soothing music, etc.

  • Many people like to have a hot drink before bed, believing it will help them feel calm and sleepy (avoid anything that contains theine or caffeine). Try chamomile tea for an effective relaxing effect.
  • Alternatively, experiment with meditation or breathing techniques, both of which have an effective calming effect. Try this simple exercise: inhale for a count of 3-4, then exhale as you count to 6-8. Even a few repetitions can be very useful when you want to relax before sleep.
Go to Bed Early Step 11
Go to Bed Early Step 11

Step 2. Create a relaxing environment in your bedroom

Mattress, sheets, blankets, etc. should be comfortable and make you feel comfortable.

Some people find it helpful to reduce outside noise by using earplugs or turning on a fan or white noise player

Go to Bed Early Step 12
Go to Bed Early Step 12

Step 3. When you feel tired, go to sleep

With fatigue, your body tells you that it's time to go to sleep. Don't force yourself to stay awake. Likewise, if you're not sleepy at all, don't force yourself to sleep.

If you feel fatigued but cannot fall asleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and engage in a relaxing, monotonous activity (do not use any electronic devices and avoid eating, working or exercising) until you feel sleepy again. Over time, getting to bed regularly will soon become easier and easier

Part 4 of 4: Getting into the Habit of Going to Bed Early

Go to Bed Early Step 13
Go to Bed Early Step 13

Step 1. Make it a recurring sleep pattern

Going to sleep at the same time every night will improve your sleep and simplify your new habit.

Go to Bed Early Step 14
Go to Bed Early Step 14

Step 2. Don't expect sudden big changes

If you're trying to get to bed earlier than usual, don't assume the change could happen overnight. Try to take small, gradual steps.

For example, if you usually go to bed at 11pm and decide you want to bring your sleep time forward by an hour, don't expect to be able to change your habitual pattern in just one night. Try going to sleep for a few days at 10:45 pm, then anticipate the end of the day at 10:30 pm and later at 10:15 pm, only after that you will be able to reach your goal and be able to fall asleep at 10 pm without difficulty

Go to Bed Early Step 15
Go to Bed Early Step 15

Step 3. Find out if it's time to seek professional help

If you have great difficulty in being able to fall asleep, sleep continuously until the morning or in changing or respecting your sleep patterns, you may need to consult an experienced doctor to highlight any pathologies related to these disorders.
