How to Increase Your Lung Capacity

How to Increase Your Lung Capacity
How to Increase Your Lung Capacity

Table of contents:


The world today is full of amazing athletes, so good lung capacity is a prerequisite for success in many sports. Although it is not possible to increase the size of the lungs, it is possible to improve their function. Doing so gives the impression that lung capacity has increased, when in reality it is only being optimized. To increase lung volume, you can perform breathing exercises, train with cardiovascular exercises, and make lifestyle changes to promote the health of your precious lungs.


Part 1 of 3: Performing Breathing Exercises

Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 1
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 1

Step 1. Breathe deeply

Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. As you inhale, let the air into your lungs by lifting your stomach, then let it fill your chest area. Hold it for 5-20 seconds, then slowly expel it until your stomach contracts.

  • Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • It should help you understand how much air you can put into a breath, but also teach you to breathe more deeply.
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 2
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 2

Step 2. Focus on the diaphragm

Breathe normally, but focus your attention on the diaphragm to see if it rises and falls. Take your breaths deeper and deeper until you can spot a continuous upward and downward movement of the diaphragm. By doing this you will learn to inhale more deeply.

The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle, present just below the lungs and above the stomach

Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 4
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 4

Step 3. Increase the length of your breaths

Sit or stand in a relaxed position. Inhale slowly, counting how many seconds it takes to fill your lungs, then exhale for the same number of seconds. Then add 1 second to both the inspiratory and expiratory phases and repeat the exercise.

Continue adding 1 second to both the inspiratory and expiratory phases until the stomach rises with each breath

Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 3
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 3

Step 4. Sprinkle some water on your face while holding the air

Scientists have found that splashing water in the face promotes bradycardia, which is the slowing of the heart rate, which occurs when we immerse ourselves in water. The body regulates the pulse when we are underwater so that we can receive the oxygen it needs in these conditions. Triggering this effect when out of the water can help you optimize your oxygen usage.

Try to use cold but not icy water, otherwise you will trigger another physical reaction that will cause the body to hyperventilate, i.e. you will try to breathe quickly. Hyperventilation impairs the ability to hold the breath for a long time

Part 2 of 3: Performing Cardiovascular Exercises

Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 8
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 8

Step 1. Practice cardiovascular activity at least 30 minutes a day

Choose a workout that increases your heart rate and makes you breathe faster. Cardio exercises improve lung function and, most importantly, strengthen the heart. A strong and healthy heart is able to pump blood efficiently, carrying oxygen throughout the body.

  • Do aerobics.
  • Go cycling.
  • Run.
  • Dance.
  • Sign up for a gym class.
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 7
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 7

Step 2. Train in water, as an alternative to cardiovascular activity

In this way, by increasing the difficulty of the training, you will add resistance to the physical work. It won't be that complicated to move around in an aquatic environment; you will only have to work a little harder to supply the body with the oxygen it needs through the blood and, as a result, you will fortify the lungs. Here are some ways to train in the water:

  • Practice water aerobics;
  • Swim;
  • Push flotation devices and buoys into the pool;
  • To dive;
  • Walk in the water along the perimeter of the pool;
  • Perform jumping jacks and leg lifts in the water.
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 9
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 9

Step 3. Train at high altitude

It is a surefire way to improve lung strength. Air at higher altitudes contains less oxygen, so training becomes harder, but ultimately more rewarding and effective for the lungs.

  • Start gradually to give your body time to adjust to the altitude difference.
  • Be careful not to overdo the high altitude training, otherwise you may feel sick (altitude sickness).

Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Maintain good posture

It's easy to ignore your body posture, but it's very important if you want to make full use of your lungs. Bad posture, in fact, can compress them, reducing their capacity. Therefore try to always stand straight, with your head facing forward and not towards the floor.

When exercising, avoid hunching your shoulders or bending your back forward

Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 12
Increase Your Lung Capacity Step 12

Step 2. Play a wind instrument

It's a great way to regularly train your lungs and enjoy music at the same time. Over time it will help you improve your lung capacity.

  • Choose a wind instrument (be it wood or brass), such as bassoon, tuba, trumpet, trombone, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, or flute.
  • He plays in a brass band or a band of drums and trumpets. This activity requires excellent lung capacity, which allows you to play as you move, and is very healthy.

Step 3. Learn to sing

Singing trains the diaphragm and forces you to breathe in more air to hold the notes. Take singing lessons, join a choir, or watch an Internet instructional video to learn how to sing correctly. Even if you're not comfortable doing it in public, it's a fun way to improve lung function.

Sing at least 15 minutes every day


Do not smoke and stay away from smoke filled environments


  • When your head is spinning, breathe normally.
  • Always swim with a friend or in an area frequented by other people when doing breathing exercises.
  • When you breathe underwater (for example during a scuba diving), stabilize your cardiorespiratory conditions based on depth, never hold your breath and don't inhale deeply during the ascent, because the air expands as you surface and your lungs risk collapsing if you hold it back.
