By using your imagination, your day can become more exciting and interesting. You will feel more motivated and happy. Most adults grow up and forget they have an imagination. By learning to control and expand it, you will feel much calmer and hassle-free.

Step 1. When you wake up, think about something uncommon
For example, if you don't normally go to animal shelters, go to a pet store, buy some dog food, and take it to the closest shelter to your home.

Step 2. Call a close friend and play the "Gibberish" game
You and your friend will speak a language that does not exist for a long time. This means that to make yourself understood you will have to use more body language, drawings and different tones of voice.

Step 3. During the day, take a ten minute break to go outside, sit on a bench and watch the world go by
Make up stories about them. Give them names. Make up the reason why they are in that particular place.

Step 4. Pretend you have magical power so you can hide from people
Think about how and when you could use it.

Step 5. Arrange your house, room or living room
This will stimulate your brain because you will have to focus and think about how to rearrange the spaces.

Step 6. Create a room or space outside the home to cover with inexpensive white sheets
Take some paint and spray it on top. It is fun and will also relieve your stress.

Step 7. Get the start of a simple story
For example: "As I walked along the street I saw a….." What did you see? What did you hear when you saw it? What happened? You can use the beginning of any story and have it end as you please.

Step 8. Grab a book or magazine and choose a phrase
For example: "Beyoncé, or your favorite singer, or a rapper, today will release her new CD". Decide how you would like the story to continue: "And he / she said the CDs will be free and no one will need to pay", or "But this will be his last CD and he has announced that he will retire from the music scene."
- Through art, your imagination allows you to be anyone, whenever you want, and you can find yourself anywhere in the world. With imagination, you can achieve anything you want. Express it through a song, write a story or a poem, draw, paint or make a plaster sculpture! Through the imagination, the world is literally in your hands!
- Do not give up! For some people it is difficult to use the imagination, but it will be enough to practice a little and everything will become simple!
- During the day, always pretend to be someone or something, such as a secret agent, an extraterrestrial or something else interesting.