3 Ways to Go Vegan

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3 Ways to Go Vegan
3 Ways to Go Vegan

Most omnivores think becoming vegan is impossible and can't even imagine how they could survive, especially for depriving themselves of the typical flavors they have become accustomed to. But with a positive attitude and a desire to make a change in a healthy and ethically correct direction coupled with a little creativity, it is possible to discover a new world and reap great physical, mental and emotional benefits, not to mention the substantial financial savings..


Method 1 of 3: Do it the Healthy Way

Become a Vegan Step 1
Become a Vegan Step 1

Step 1. Plan it

Just because a vegan diet isn't high in calories and fat doesn't mean it's necessarily healthy. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietitics states that a vegan diet is only healthy if it is well balanced and properly planned. If not, it will be deficient in the vitamins and nutrients necessary for your body to function properly. So do yourself a favor and act wisely.

  • Do your homework. Even the foods you are about to eliminate are rich in beneficial substances such as calcium, vitamins and proteins, a lettuce will not be enough to replace them. Find out which vegan foods you will need to integrate into your diet, nuts? Quinoa? Beans?
  • Search the web. There are tons of sites to satisfy the curiosities of budding vegans where you will find multiple recipes, answers, stories and interactive tools. Some will be able to build you an entire weekly menu! Take advantage of this to make sure you are following a correct and balanced diet.
Become a Vegan Step 2
Become a Vegan Step 2

Step 2. Visit your doctor

Go to your doctor and make sure you are in good physical shape. Tell your doctor about your decision to go vegan and ask if there are any things to consider based on your health status. For example, anemics need to include enough iron in their vegan diet.

Ask your doctor how you can maintain a balanced diet by following your new eating habits. It will help highlight ways to get the vitamins and minerals needed to keep you healthy

Become a Vegan Step 3
Become a Vegan Step 3

Step 3. Be aware of the reasons that lead you to go vegan

It's a big change, don't take it lightly as a trend. Having clear the reasons that lead you to make this choice, not only will you not waste your time doing something you are not really convinced of, but they can be useful to reinforce your choice. Plus you will be ready to respond to the perplexed looks of the people eating around you.

  • If there is a particular phrase, image or motto that reinforces your desire to become vegan, print it and put it in a place where you can see it often, such as the refrigerator.
  • If anyone were to ask, a vegan diet is appropriate for any lifestyle (if done correctly). Athletes, pregnant women, children and the elderly can alike benefit from a vegan diet. You won't need to defend yourself in the face of your mother-in-law's inquisition, you have science on your side.
Become a Vegan Step 4
Become a Vegan Step 4

Step 4. Collect information on nutrition, health and nutrition sciences

You don't need to be a nutritionist or doctor to understand the modalities of a healthy life. Gaining as much information on food science as possible can only do you good. You will soon become an expert on plant alternatives.

  • You will continue to get your protein fix if you know where to look for it. Fortunately, there are plenty of plant-based choices rich in protein, for example experiment with tofu, beans, seeds, quinoa and whole grains.
  • When buying soy, almond or rice milk make sure it is fortified with calcium. Some fruit juices also contain vitamin and nutrient supplements.
  • Avocados, nuts, seeds and extra virgin olive oil are excellent sources of healthy fats, which are also necessary for your body's good health.
Become a Vegan Step 5
Become a Vegan Step 5

Step 5. Ask other vegans questions or find a mate to embark on your new adventure

Join online communities or search for a local or group in your area. The best way might be to go to a vegan restaurant.

The web is full of sites dedicated to vegan people. Take advantage of the many resources, news, events and the many shopping possibilities. Share your experiences on the forums and get involved in your new passion

Method 2 of 3: Form Your Habits

Become a Vegan Step 6
Become a Vegan Step 6

Step 1. Make the journey easier

Make a plan, eliminate one type of non-vegan food per week. This will make your lifestyle easier, but it will also help your body transition. Any drastic and sudden change in your diet will likely wreak havoc in your body, especially if you go straight from omnivorous to vegan.

Listen to your body. Don't force yourself to completely change everything at once on your own without guidance. You need to know how to properly replace certain elements like proteins and certain types of fats before you think a head of lettuce is all you need for the rest of your life. Start by eliminating the meat, then the eggs and cheese, and finally all the dairy products. Then increase your level of discipline by learning to carefully read each ingredient list

Become a Vegan Step 7
Become a Vegan Step 7

Step 2. Understand the difference between live and less vital foods

It is much more difficult for vegans than for vegetarians. You already know you won't want to eat cheese anymore because cows are harnessed to make milk, but did you know that most cheese alternatives also contain casein? Casein is a milk protein. You will need to get used to reading ingredient labels carefully to avoid accidental consumption of non-vegan food.

You will soon find that many vegan sites endorse particular brands and products. You will learn about the products displayed on supermarket shelves and shopping will turn into an important and pleasant moment

Become a Vegan Step 8
Become a Vegan Step 8

Step 3. Learn more about tofu and soy products in general

Tofu is a good source of protein and calcium and can be prepared in a number of ways, but it's not as healthy as you might think. It takes some getting used to, especially if you've never eaten much before, but give it a chance.

Tofu, along with soy or rice milk and other non-animal-based alternatives, may be the best substitutes for vegans. Name a product, surely there is a vegan version prepared with tofu. Taste it, you will find that it is not that bad

Become a Vegan Step 9
Become a Vegan Step 9

Step 4. Find time to cook

Most prepared foods are off-limits, whether you like it or not, it's best to learn how to cook. It will give you a greater connection with food, as it can be fun and very rewarding. Understand that the taste and experience of cooking are as important as vegan practice in your lifestyle. Be creative and try to vary to avoid monotony and boredom.

There are vegan cookbooks and online sites where you can find recipes to draw inspiration from. Invest your best energy and mental abilities to cook delicious and fun dishes every day, to gratify yourself and accustom your palate to enjoy new flavors, some very special. Who would have thought that this journey would be so much fun?

Method 3 of 3: Maintenance

Become a Vegan Step 10
Become a Vegan Step 10

Step 1. Maintain balance

If you are constantly feeling fatigued or groggy, your diet may be lacking something important. You may be tempted to eat the same things every day, but you will need to make sure you are getting sufficient and appropriate amounts of calcium, iron, vitamins, etc. Balance is the watchword.

  • Try supplementing your diet with a multivitamin to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
  • There are no reliable sources of vitamin B12 in the plant world (the vitamin B12 commonly found in plants comes from contamination with animal feces), so you may be deficient. You will need to take a vitamin B12 supplement. A deficiency in the best cases can cause fatigue and even severe debilitation. In the worst case, it can increase the risk of heart disease and anemia, and even serious and irreversible damage to the nervous system. A good tip is to eat foods fortified with vitamin B12 (read labels carefully), such as some cereals and some varieties of plant milk.
  • If you are taking Omega-3 supplements, keep in mind that most are made from fish oil, and therefore are not vegan. Vegan sources of Omega-3s include flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. 1 teaspoon daily of linseed oil satisfies your needs.
Become a Vegan Step 11
Become a Vegan Step 11

Step 2. Reward yourself

After acquiring new knowledge, learning new recipes, improving your health and your physical appearance, it's finally time to reward yourself with something you want, like new clothes, you really deserve it!

Become a Vegan Step 12
Become a Vegan Step 12

Step 3. Share your joy

There is nothing more fulfilling than being recognized for your skills. Prepare a good meal for your family or friends. You can make vegan "propaganda" through a positive demonstration and help others discover that they too can make this change, teach them how tasty a fresh and nourishing dish can be.

Remember that as other people will try to accept your eating habits, you will need to be ready to accept and respect theirs. In fact, not everyone will be ready to taste a tofu steak


  • Look for the vegan version of your favorite recipe to not feel deprived of it.
  • Do not give up. Persist despite the possible failures or discouragement of others. Use your willpower to get the best for yourself. Don't blame yourself if you have moments of weakness when you want to bite into a cheeseburger. Forgive yourself and regularly indulge in a vegan treat to please your palate, such as a tofu cheesecake.
  • Taste different varieties of fresh and dried fruit and incorporate seeds, whole grains and exotic flavors into your diet.
  • Visit vegan restaurants and challenge yourself by trying to learn their menus. If they don't share their secret recipes with you, try to mimic what you've eaten as best they can by taking a cue from books and websites.
  • Many Asian dishes are vegan, visit an Indian, Japanese, Chinese or Thai restaurant.


  • Don't use veganism as a way to mask anorexia or other eating disorders. Like any diet, veganism can be abused. Find out what your body needs to be healthy.
  • Be aware that many doctors receive very little nutrition instruction in medical school, especially vegan. Furthermore, most doctors receive an education from the so-called Western society, where veganism has been widely ridiculed. If your doctor opposes the vegan diet for seemingly ideological reasons, consult a competent dietician who will know how balanced plant-based diets are composed.
  • Being vegan does not necessarily mean being a healthy person, try to thoroughly study the nutritional aspects from impartial sources before proceeding.
  • Don't overdo the amount of soy consumed. Research has shown harmful side effects, especially on hormones. By basing your diet on soy, tofu and noodles may soon become your worst enemies.
  • It will be helpful to remember that not all members of your family will support you in this decision. Those who like to eat meat may not support you in your choice. Don't let their speech influence your choice; you are changing your life not theirs.
  • If you have any particular illnesses, consult your doctor before making a drastic change in your diet and lifestyle. Proceed with caution, and listen to your body. This applies to any diet.
  • Beware of sweets, many contain honey or gelatin (= isinglass).
  • Don't overdo it with substitutes for sweets and cakes. Even if vegan, they can still make you fat. Handle everything with due moderation.
  • Veganism doesn't make you superior or necessarily healthier than an omnivorous person. Don't brag about your choices.