4 Ways to Find a Topic to Write About

4 Ways to Find a Topic to Write About
4 Ways to Find a Topic to Write About

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Many people are afraid of the thought of writing. One of the main factors that can contribute to writer's block is not knowing what to write about. If you can find a topic that interests you, your writing will most likely be smoother, more readable, and you are more likely to write a hit piece. Use a range of strategies to find a topic to write about, to understand what works best for your writing and learning style.


Method 1 of 4: Choose a Topic for an Academic Essay

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 1
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 1

Step 1. Understand the purpose of the essay

Understanding why you need to write an essay is the first step in finding a topic. The type of work is expected of you, the length of the essay and the degree of research expected will determine the scope of the topic you choose.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 2
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 2

Step 2. Evaluate the goal of the assignment

The purpose of the trace will also help determine the type of argument. A persuasive essay, for example, should cover a very different range of topics than a writing about personal experience.

Look for keywords, such as compare, analyze, describe, summarize and illustrate the differences. These words will help you determine the type of work the teacher wants you to do in the essay

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 3
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 3

Step 3. Choose a topic from a list provided to you

If your tutor or teacher has provided you with a list of topics, choose one from the list. These topics are likely to have been gathered together because they have appropriate scope and breadth, and your teacher will have noticed that they have led to well-written essays in the past.

  • Try to write a thesis, or central argument, for each topic.
  • Choose a topic for which theses come to mind naturally and that you could easily develop in writing.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 4
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 4

Step 4. Ask if you can write on an alternative topic

If you really feel limited by the list of topics provided, ask the teacher if you can take care of anything else. It is best that you already have a specific topic in mind when making this request.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 5
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 5

Step 5. Make a list of ideas

Write down a list of ideas that come to mind. They don't all have to be valid: just start writing a list so that ideas can flow. Write down everything that comes to mind - you can evaluate each idea later.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 6
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 6

Step 6. Write freely for a set amount of time

Decide in advance how long you will write free-of-charge, then start writing without stopping.

  • Most people write for 10-20 minutes.
  • Don't stop writing, even if you just write "blah blah blah" in the middle of a sentence.
  • Hopefully, you will work your way up and find useful ideas through free writing. While you won't get content to use in the essay, it can be great writing training.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 7
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 7

Step 7. Create a visual representation of your ideas

Particularly if you're using visual learning, creating a visual representation of your insights can help you discover or narrow down ideas for a good topic.

  • Use a mind map. The center of the mind map contains the main argument, or thesis, while the other ideas branch out in all directions.
  • Draw a network of ideas. This is a visualization that uses word circles linked to other words or ideas. Focusing on the links between ideas, as well as the concepts themselves, can help you find a topic.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 8
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 8

Step 8. Remember what the teacher focused on in class

If you are writing an essay for a subject, think about the topics the teacher has been talking about for the longest time. This can be a good choice for an essay because the teacher clearly thinks this is an important topic.

  • Review your lecture notes and see if there is anything interesting or important.
  • Review all material or key sections of a text that has been assigned to you.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 9
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 9

Step 9. Think about what interests you

Writing about something that you care about or that interests you is much easier than writing about a subject that seems boring to you. Make a list of the topics that interest you and see if there is a way to connect one or more of them to the essay.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 10
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 10

Step 10. Consider the list you made

Write a few additional notes next to each potential topic, then evaluate them individually and figure out which subjects might be appropriate. At this point, you should be able to narrow down the list to a few good choices.

  • If you've narrowed the list down to two or three topics, you might want to ask your teacher for advice. He may give you suggestions on which topic is best.
  • Go back to review the original track and determine which of the selected topics will best fit the purpose of the assigned work.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 11
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 11

Step 11. Limit the scope of the topic appropriately

When you have decided on the general topic, you will need to make sure that it is not too broad and dispersed to cover.

  • Too broad a topic will make the paper too long or lead to fruitless debate, because you have not provided enough detail. For example, the topic "dogs" is too broad for a discussion.
  • A topic that is too small or specific will lead to a paper that is too short, which lacks a general theme. For example, “the adoption rate of one-eyed miniature poodles in [city]” is too narrow a topic for an essay.
  • Choose a subject that can be explored sufficiently. For example, “the effects of puppy factories on adopting stray dogs in [state]” may be a topic to be explored sufficiently for a paper of the right length.

Method 2 of 4: Choose a Creative Writing Topic

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 12
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 12

Step 1. Identify your audience

The first step for any type of written work is to get to know the audience. Who will read your creative writing work can determine the topic you choose to write about.

  • Ask yourself what the public would be interested in reading.
  • Think about what might surprise or shock the audience.
  • If you're not sure who your audience actually is, create an imaginary reader in your mind. You can also give it a name.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 13
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 13

Step 2. Find out what interests you

Writing about something that interests you will help you make your writing flow easier, create original content, and get a better final product.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 14
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 14

Step 3. Write freely on a topic

It matters little on what you write, compared to the fact of writing. Choose a situation that seems interesting to you: maybe someone got lost in the desert, maybe they are waiting to find out if they have an illness or are trying to decide whether to tell someone that they are in love. Then, write freely about the situation you have chosen, thinking about what might happen, what the characters might think, the conversations that might take place, and so on.

  • Write non-stop for a set amount of time (most people do this for 10-15 minutes).
  • Don't stop writing, even if you just write "blah blah blah" in the middle of a sentence.
  • Hopefully, you will work your way up and find useful ideas through free writing. Even if you won't get content to use in your work, it can be a great writing practice.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 15
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 15

Step 4. See a list of writing tips

There are entire books suggesting creative writing ideas and numerous websites with advice lists.

  • Take the hint as a starting point, but don't be afraid to stray from the suggested topic.
  • Search the library for a hint book so you don't have to buy one.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 16
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 16

Step 5. Make a list of ideas

Always keep a list of topics to write about with you. If you come up with an idea, write it down. Go through your list whenever you feel like you need help finding a topic.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 17
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 17

Step 6. Observe your surroundings

The environment you live in contains a wide range of elements that can act as writing tips, so shop around and write something about what you see.

  • Close your eyes, then reopen them and write about the first thing you see, no matter what it is.
  • Look at the color of something nearby and write a list of other things of the same color until you feel inspired.
  • Look at an element near you and try to remember the last time you saw a similar object. Who were you with? What were you doing? Then write a story, real or imagined, related to this memory.
  • Find a unique element in your field of vision, then imagine it's the first time you see it. It's about a person from a different culture seeing this object out of context for the first time and imagining what it's used for.

Method 3 of 4: Choose a Subject for a College Admission Essay (in USA)

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 18
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 18

Step 1. Read all available tips very carefully

If you live in the United States, find out if the school you are applying for uses the 'common application'. If so, be sure to pick one of the current year's questions. Most college applications can be identified as one of several "types" of questions:

  • Describe an event in your life that changed you. Make sure you answer this type of question with a specific, detailed story, followed by an analysis. Tie it to who you are now and be sure to add details about how you think it will shape your future.
  • Explain how you could contribute to the differentiation of the student body. Remember that there are various types of diversity: race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and family history. If you are the first in your family to go to college, this can contribute to the diversity of the school. Find student body statistics on the school's website to see if there is a way you can excel.
  • Explain why you want to go to this school. Be specific and flattering, but try not to be too flattering. Use the school's website to find unique specific programs you are interested in attending. Make sure you link your teaching goals to your personal strengths.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 19
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 19

Step 2. Rewrite the essay theme in your own words

Rewriting the topic in your own words ensures that you really understand it and know what you are asked to do. If you have any questions, ask a teacher, tutor, or parent for help to get a second opinion.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 20
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 20

Step 3. Think carefully about the list of topics

Don't just pick the one that stands out on first reading - think about the topics for a while.

  • Narrow the list down to a couple of options that would allow you to write a good essay.
  • Pre-write a list of ideas or draw a mind map for each of the selected topics.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 21
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 21

Step 4. Choose the topic you feel most connected to

While there may be many topics you could cover in writing a good essay, if you choose the one that "feels" right for you, you are more likely to be able to put your own interpretation into it.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 22
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 22

Step 5. Use a reverse approach

Instead of choosing your essay topic first, try to make a list of personal stories, attributes and achievements you want to include in your writing, then select the subject that will help you shine as a candidate.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 23
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 23

Step 6. Tell something meaningful and unique

The key to writing a good college admissions essay is to stand out from the crowd and offer the college student body some kind of value.

  • Avoid generic stories and topics, try to find something to say that really highlights who you are as a person.
  • Include your strengths and goals in the answer to the question, but also make sure you answer well to what is asked of you.
  • Find out if there are any stereotypes or ideas used too frequently that might not fit in a college entrance essay. An example of an overused topic is a trip to a charitable mission. Your tutor can help you understand what has already been written too many times.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 24
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 24

Step 7. Show, rather than tell

It is a common mistake in a college admissions essay. You can be in such a hurry to tell the admissions committee all of your accomplishments that in the end the essay sounds more like a list. Use concrete examples of personal relevance to support your claims.

For example, don't just say "I have great leadership skills." This is to say. Rather, it uses a wording like this: "My _ experience has made me develop great leadership skills." Then tell about how you organized the sale of cookies for your Scout group or how you consulted at summer camp (or whatever is consistent with your statement)

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 25
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 25

Step 8. Read the college website thoroughly

Determining what appears to be important to college (such as diversity, community service, or personal integrity) and emphasizing those qualities in yourself can make you seem more suitable for that school.

  • Search the college principal's page to make a "strategic plan" for the years to come.
  • Discover the 'mission' and vision of the school, then try to intertwine them with your personal values.
  • Search the website for special programs or initiatives such as service learning, global leadership, or environmental conservation and integrate those ideas into your work.

Method 4 of 4: Choose a Topic for a Blog

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 26
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 26

Step 1. Evaluate your passions and interests

It can be a long-term writing project, so you need to be sure you'll still be interested in the subject months or years from now.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 27
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 27

Step 2. Choose a theme

Think of your blog as a theme. A theme is a large group of ideas that revolve around a central idea.

  • Thinking of the blog as a theme will help you determine its appropriate scope.
  • Having a consistent theme in your blog will likely make it more successful, because those who follow you will continue to be interested in what you write.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 28
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 28

Step 3. Make a list of ideas

As with creative writing, keeping a list of possible topics will give you a "series" to choose from when you're ready to write. You could also write a few sentences next to some topics that you can develop in one voice.

Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 29
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 29

Step 4. Ask your audience

If you have regular supporters reading and commenting on your blog, ask them what they would like you to write about. They might give you great ideas that wouldn't have occurred to you otherwise.

  • Give readers a list of topics and ask them to choose one they would like to read.
  • Read the comments on the different items to see if any ideas have been indirectly suggested to you.
  • If your blog is social media related, try asking on social media what the blog should be about. It can be less embarrassing than writing a blog post asking what you should be writing about.
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 30
Come Up with a Topic to Write About Step 30

Step 5. Keep up to date on other blogs

If you read other people's blogs regularly, chances are you will come up with ideas on what to write as you read. Write these ideas down on your list.

  • Be sure to link to blogs that inspire you to write, to appropriately credit others' ideas.
  • Ask other bloggers to post on your page. This can bring new ideas to you or your readers.


  • Try different methods to see which works best for your writing style.
  • Don't be afraid to ask others for advice. Sometimes just talking to someone about a topic can help you solidify your ideas.
  • Don't get frustrated and don't give up before you even begin. Using these strategies will help you come up with ideas.
