We've all been there. You go to sleep determined to get up early and the next morning you find yourself postponing the alarm. 5, 10, 15 minutes. In a short time, an hour passes and you are still sleepy, not to mention the fact that you are late. How do you change such a habit, and how do you learn to wake up early? Well, first of all you have to maintain a healthy daily routine and a night routine that allows you to go to bed faster and wake up earlier, without having to postpone the alarm. If you want to know more, go to the first step.
Part 1 of 2: Waking Up Early

Step 1. Do not postpone the alarm
If you do, you lose. Postponing the alarm for 15 minutes will do no good because that sleep will not provide you with any rest, you will only waste precious time. If you have a strict morning routine you shouldn't have a hard time turning off the alarm and getting up to start the day. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but you can train to make it easier
To motivate yourself, you can imagine something you would like to do only if you had enough time. You can tell yourself that if you wake up right away you can watch ten minutes of your favorite TV show, read an interesting article, or take a walk around the neighborhood. If you tell yourself that you can only do it if you get up in time, then you will be more motivated to do so

Step 2. Drink a nice glass of cold water
It will begin to wake you up and put your body in order. Drink it standing up, you will begin to feel your body and senses coming back to life. If the water is good and fresh, the process is even faster. You can also keep a bottle of water on the bedside table to motivate you to get up early.

Step 3. Rinse your face with cold water
It will allow you to stay alert and awake as you prepare for your morning routine. Remove the constrictions from your eyes, gently slap your face and shake your head from side to side to wake you up. If you don't feel the awakening effect, keep wetting your face with cold water.

Step 4. Get a breath of fresh air
Go out to the balcony and take a deep breath. It will make you feel awake, alert and ready to start the day. The change in the environment itself can motivate you to wake up. Watch people outside going to school or work so you know you're not the only one who has to struggle to wake up early. This sort of empathy will motivate you.

Step 5. Have a nice, nutritious breakfast
It can give you the energy you need to wake up your body and mind without weighing you down. Don't eat anything fatty or oily, like cheese omelettes or fried bacon. Throw yourself into healthier options that allow you to stay alert for a long time. Here are a couple of suggestions:
- Lean proteins, such as turkey breast, ham and egg white.
- Vegetables, such as kale, celery, and spinach
- Whole grains, such as oats.
- A small yogurt.

Step 6. Have a coffee, but don't overdo it
A cup of tea or coffee can help you start the day, some people swear the smell of coffee wakes them up! A small cup can help you stay alert, but if you overdo it you risk not being able to sleep at night, and consequently wake up late in the morning. If you are addicted to this drink try to reduce it to two or three cups a day, and stop drinking it after noon. This way you will start the day off on the right foot, and avoid collapsing later.
It goes without saying: avoid energy drinks! They are sugary concoctions that can help you with the physical exam, but they increase your heart rate and prevent you from falling asleep

Step 7. Take a cold shower
Hot water makes you tired, but cold water can help you feel more awake. Some like to take a shower in the evening, but in the morning it can be useful for waking up the whole body. You can choose whether to do it before or after breakfast, depending on what you think is most effective.

Step 8. Stay alert throughout the day
If you want to sleep well and wake up early, you need to maintain healthy habits throughout the day. There are many ways to do this, here are some ideas:
- Take a nice nap if you need it. Even a 20-minute nap can help you feel refreshed. Don't overdo it, though. If you sleep for more than an hour, you may wake up even more tired, without considering that you will have more difficulty falling asleep.
- Work out in the morning. Exercise helps the body to release some energy and can be useful for preparing for an afternoon nap. Try not to train after the early afternoon, otherwise the adrenaline will continue to circulate and prevent you from falling asleep.
- Spend some time outdoors. Breathe in fresh air, get hit by the sunlight and don't spend the whole day indoors. It will allow you to absorb some energy during the day, and will prepare you for sleep.
- Stay hydrated. Drink at least 2.5L of water throughout the day, it will keep your energy levels high and help you stay healthy.
- Eat healthy meals throughout the day. You must have at least three balanced meals that contain proteins, fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates. Also remember to make small snacks of fruit, nuts or yogurt, so that the body does not go into reserve. Find a balance to feel neither too full nor too hungry.
Part 2 of 2: Getting ready to go to sleep

Step 1. Avoid caffeine
If you want to wake up earlier, you need to try to go to sleep early. To do this, you must absolutely avoid drinking coffee in the afternoon, even if you feel tired. There are many ways to recover some energy, and caffeine must be the last alternative.

Step 2. Avoid drinking alcohol at least two to three hours before bedtime
A beer or a glass of wine at the beginning can help you collapse after a long day, but in the long run, alcohol prevents you from falling asleep deeply. And this is why it is difficult to fall asleep for eight hours after drinking alcohol and waking up tired and sore after a hangover. You can have a glass of wine with dinner, but make sure it's at least two hours away from sleep.

Step 3. Dine with something healthy but fill you up at least 2 hours before bedtime
If you eat late and go to sleep right away, you won't be able to fall asleep because your body is still busy digesting food. Eat a dish of mixed vegetables, accompanied by proteins (fish or chicken) and carbohydrates (rice or wholemeal pasta). Make sure you eat enough so you don't wake up hungry in the middle of the night, but don't get too full or you won't be able to sleep.
- Avoid eating spicy, heavy or creamy foods, otherwise your body will not be able to digest them and you will need more time to fall asleep.
- Drinking during the day is important, but you should avoid drinking after 7pm, in any case 3-4 hours before going to sleep, otherwise you will wake up during the night to go to the bathroom.

Step 4. Use the bed only for sleeping
If you want to fall asleep quickly you have to use the bed only for sleep (and also for sex, if you've already gotten there). If you work, watch TV, or argue with your best friend over the phone all the time in bed, your brain will think it's a place to stay awake, certainly not to rest.
You can read something before going to sleep. Just make sure it's a relaxing, or at least escapist, reading, and that it doesn't stress you out

Step 5. Stop all visual stimuli one hour before going to sleep
You probably think that watching TV or reading the latest gossip on the internet will make you sleepy, but it is not, on the contrary, it can prevent you from sleeping. When getting ready to sleep, your mind needs to be calm and relaxed, so turn off your phone, television, and computer at least an hour before going to bed.
You can listen to some light and relaxing music before going to sleep, such as jazz or classical pieces. But don't listen to anything too rough, or you won't go into night mode

Step 6. Develop a routine that allows you to totally unload
Each person is different from the others, so you will need to find something that is right for you to fall asleep in the easiest way possible. You can try making yourself a cup of chamomile tea, reading some poems, doing some stretching exercises or listening to some classical music. You can also combine techniques. You may like to comb your hair before bed or put on silk pajamas. Follow your routine every night so your mind understands that you are trying to shut it down.
Some like to take a warm bath before bed. If you like, you can do it, but make sure you leave some time between the bathroom and the bed. The heat of the water increases the temperature of the body and keeps it high for a while, preventing you from sleeping

Step 7. Get up and go to sleep at the same time
It is essential if you want to get up early. It is important to get 7-9 hours of sleep, but it is equally important to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, so that the body begins to follow a routine. When you start to get carried away, it will surprise you how easy it is to wake up early.
- If you know you need to wake up early in the morning and try to go to sleep three hours earlier, it won't work. You have to let your body and mind gradually adjust to this change to make it happen. Take it easy, it will be difficult for you to wake up at dawn if you are used to getting up at noon.
- Some use weekends to catch up on some sleep. You can also give yourself an hour or two more, but don't overdo it, otherwise you will have a hard time resuming your weekly routine on Monday.

Step 8. Leave the alarm clock out of your reach
Put it across the room or on the dresser, the important thing is that it is far enough away for you to get up to turn it off. You will never be able to stop delaying your alarm if you can reach her in a half-sleep. Don't put it too far, or you won't hear it!
If you really want to force yourself to wake up, you can put a second alarm clock in another room. This way you will be forced to get up and turn it off, but you won't have to worry if you don't hear it

Step 9. Imagine yourself waking up with ease
When you are in bed, just before falling asleep, imagine what your next day will be like. Visualize yourself hearing the alarm, open your eyes and grab it. Imagine smiling, stretching your arms over your head, yawning and getting up slowly. Then continue watching yourself as you pour yourself a glass of water and drink it. If you can visualize it, it will be much easier for you to actually do it.
As you struggle to wake up, remember how easy it was to do it in your mind, then try again

Step 10. Prepare for a relaxing sleep
Once you have a perfect night routine, all you have to do is get on the bed and close your eyes. Before doing so, however, there are still a few small suggestions that you can take into consideration:
- Don't do anything stressful in the afternoon. Avoid arguing with your partner, replying to work emails, or answering stressful phone calls. If you are dealing with something stressful that can wait until tomorrow, leave it alone. You will go to bed more quietly.
- Lower the temperature. The body rests more effectively if the temperature is below 22 degrees. If it's cool outside, you can even open the window a little.
- Say goodbye to your beloved cat. Keeping your cat in bed does not induce sleep, on the contrary, it disturbs him.
- Move fast in the morning. Wake up by activating your whole body. Don't walk around the house like a zombie and don't lie on the sofa.
- Make sure your room is dark, blue leds can keep you awake. If you really need to keep a light, use an orange one.
- Stick to your night routine for two weeks, after that it will be easier for you.
- If you skip a day, start over. Does nothing.
- Don't make excuses.