Are you looking for a sport that requires team spirit, improves your communication skills, strengthens the upper body and is a lot of fun? This article will teach you the basics of volleyball. When finished you will be able to raise, beat and dunk!
Part 1 of 4: Play

Step 1. Choose the players
The ideal is to have six players per team. However, if you are playing with a group of friends, just form two teams with the same number of players.
- Players should line up in two rows, three closest to the net and three closest to the end of the field.
The player in the lower right corner will be the one serving. Players will be able to spin so that everyone takes turns at the bar.
If you want to spin the players, do it clockwise - looking at the net, the player closest to it on the right side will rotate to the serve
Step 2. Determine which team will serve first
Flip a coin or agree on who goes first.

Step 3. Serve the ball from behind the baseline
The ball will have to pass the net (but it can touch it), and it will have to fall back into the field.
- The player furthest to the right at the bottom of the field is the one to serve. Each player has only one service available per rotation.
- The ball is good even if it falls on the line.

Step 4. Send the ball over the net if you have to receive
The exchange has begun! A typical exchange will take place like this, receive, lift, dunk - but just stick to the three touch rule.
- According to the rules, you can hit the ball with any part of your body without letting it fall to the ground.
- Players can cross the lines of the court, but not the ball. If a player on your team sends her off the pitch, you can run to get her and put her back into play.

Step 5. Continue to send the ball across the net until a foul
A foul occurs in the following cases:
The ball hits the ground.
- If the ball lands on the court of the batting team, the opposing team will have to bat.
- If the ball lands on the receiving team's court, the batting team will continue to bat.
- The point is awarded to the team that drops the ball into the opponents' court.
- The ball falls outside the playing field. The team that threw the ball out of the playing field loses the point.
- A player touches the net. If a player of one team touches the net, the opposing team wins the point.
- A player steps on the opposing team's field under the net with his foot. When this happens the opposing team wins the point.
- A player hits the ball twice in a row.
- A team hits the ball 4 times without sending it to the other side of the net. It is not possible to exceed three touches.
- The ball cannot be stopped or held. It can be hit with any part of the body only in the execution of the first touch ("team touch"); with regard to the other two touches, the contact of the ball with the palm of the hand constitutes a foul (if however the latter is below the axis of the shoulders, otherwise it is considered regular).
- If the ball touches the net and comes back it can be replayed, provided that the three hits have not already been made and that it is not the same player who directed the ball into the net to replay it.

Step 6. Serve again
The team that won the last point will have to serve. If you want to rotate the player, you will have to do it now.
- If your team has the ball, the players usually back off. The idea is to prepare for an attack. If you don't have the ball, move forward. Instead, the idea is to make an attack.
- A team that misses or knocks the ball out will automatically serve the opposing team.
- No penalty is awarded if the ball hits the net and passes over to be played. The ball continues to be active and playable (unless it bounces back).

Step 7. Keep playing until you reach the set score
You can decide how many points will be needed to win a set. For example, you can decide that the set ends when a team reaches 15 points.
- According to the most recent rules, official matches are played with two sets of 25 points and a decisive set of 15.
A standard game consists of three sets. At the end of each set the teams should change sides.
The team that loses during each serve should have a chance to serve in the next set of the match
- A set must be won with two points clear. 26-25 will not be enough, you will have to get to 27-25. For this reason, balanced matches can greatly exceed 25 points.
Part 2 of 4: Learning the Shots

Step 1. Learn the position
When you are not serving, you will need to assume the basic volleyball stance. Spread your feet slightly more than your shoulders, with your weight on your toes and bent knees. Make sure your arms are free and in front of you.
Contrary to the opinion of many, volleyball is an intense sport. During a game, players can travel several kilometers

Step 2. Practice serving
A basic serve will cause the ball to drop into the other court, after passing the net. You can bat from anywhere behind the baseline. A serve that allows you to score a direct point (which immediately touches the ground) is called "Ace".
More experienced players can try the serve from above:
- Raise the ball in front of you.
- Close your fist and raise your dominant hand in the air. Bend your elbow to bring your hand in line with your shoulder.
- Straighten your elbow and hit the ball with your open hand.
Beginner players are better off hitting from below.
- Throw the ball up in front of you (it's against the rules to hold it).
- Close your fist and move your hand back and to your side. Hold your thumb between your fingers and bend your elbow slightly.
- Hit the ball at waist height by moving your arm upward. You should hit the ball with your thumb and forefinger.
Play Volleyball Step 9 Step 3. Receive in bagher
This is the most common way to respond to a joke. Ideally, you should be able to "pass" the ball to the setter. The bagher is the first touch of a three-touch action.
- Close your left hand into a fist. Wrap your right hand around your left. Both thumbs should be flat and side by side, with the nails pointing up.
- Rotate your elbows until the flat part of your forearm faces upward. You should have your arms straight in front of you tilted down, and your elbows locked.
- Move so that you have the ball in front of you. Spread your legs at shoulder level and wait for the ball to be at waist level.
- Hit the ball with your forearms, 5-15 cm above the wrist. Move your arms up to fend off the ball and angle your arms to direct it.
Play Volleyball Step 10 Step 4. Practice lifting
Normally, you will not attempt a lift directly by responding to a joke. On the other hand, after the reception, you will use the dribble to pass the ball to a teammate who will crush or place the ball in the other court.
- Keep your hands above your head and curve them into a bowl. Spread your feet at shoulder level and bend your legs slightly.
- Hit the ball with your fingertips once it is at eye level. Push your legs up as you hit the ball.
- In an official match, you will have to be careful not to accompany the ball by making this move, or you will be called an infraction.
Play Volleyball Step 11 Step 5. Learn to crush
This technique is also known as "attack".
- Approach the ball and raise your arm. Your hand should be curved like the ball, and your elbow bent.
- Jump and hit the ball with the palm of your hand. Hit it at the highest point to impart more strength. The ball should go over the net, but at an angle that will make defense difficult.
Play Volleyball Step 12 Step 6. Get ready to brick
This technique is used by the three players at the net to stop a dunk. There are two types of wall:
- An offensive block has the intention of dropping the ball back into the opponent's court. The timing must be perfect to jump, predict the trajectory of the ball and drop it on the opponent's side. Ideally, the ball will go straight to the ground.
- A defensive wall is instead used to dampen the ball and make defense easier. The ball will hit the palm of the wall, roll onto the fingertips (losing strength) and be received by another player.
- A block is not counted as one of the three hits a team has available to send the ball into the opponent's court.
Play Volleyball Step 13 Step 7. Dive
This play consists of a spectacular dive recovery thanks to which you can save a ball that is about to touch the ground. To perform it you need great reflexes and agility.
In a dive, the player will land on the chest with the arms extended forward. It is very important to do it right or you will risk injury. Experienced players learn to do a somersault to minimize injuries
Part 3 of 4: Game Strategies
Play Volleyball Step 14 Step 1. Decide who will play as the setter
Raising is a very specific skill, and it is essential for a good attack. The setter must work in concert with the hitter and place the ball in exactly the right place for the attacker to hit it correctly.
- He will need to be quick and agile as well as have the technical skills to play the ball accurately. With a bad lift, the ball won't go anywhere.
- But be careful: the setter has to be careful about many things. When he is on the front line he can attack and even dunk at will, but when he is on the second line he cannot attack any ball that is above the ribbon.
Play Volleyball Step 15 Step 2. Use a free
If your team is already at a good technical level, adopting a Libero can be a good strategy. This player can enter without having to call for a substitution - he is wearing a different colored shirt and cannot serve.
- The role of these players is to receive attacks or jokes thanks to their excellent reflexes. They are "defense specialists". They usually replace the center in its second line rotation. If there is a player on your team who is very good at reception, set him up as free.
- As the word itself says, the free can enter the field as many times as he wants; however, he cannot play on the front line.
Play Volleyball Step 16 Step 3. Set up a central, an opposite and two hunters
Each role requires different characteristics. Observe your team and choose who falls into these categories:
- The central players must perform fast attacks and know how to block. They always play offense and defense.
- Spikers are reserve setters and mostly work in defense. They will always have to do their best to brick.
- Opposites have to be the best hitter on the team because they will be the ones who get the most lifts. They are often called into action if the first pass does not reach the center of the field.
Play Volleyball Step 17 Step 4. Make substitutions
While some leagues allow unlimited substitutions, international rules limit the number to 6.
You will be able to bring in a service or defense specialist (in addition to the free one) if your team has gaps in those aspects
Play Volleyball Step 18 Step 5. Evaluate different formations
In this article we assume that the team consists of 6 players. If not, choose another formation, suited to the number of players and their technical skills. In six, however, you will generally have to choose one of these three formations:
- "Formation 4-2". This formation has four hitter and two setters. In general terms, the setters are positioned on the right; will be the two front forwards. This training is suitable for beginners.
- "Formation 6-2". In this case, a player comes from the second row and plays as a setter. The first line is completely dedicated to the attack. All players will be hitters during the rotation. This training is not used often.
- "Formation 5-1". This formation includes only one setter, who plays his role from all positions of the rotation. Of course this means that there will be alternately 2 or 3 attackers on the front line. The setter can therefore change his strategy during the game, and in some cases crush himself. This formation puts everything in the hands of the setter.
Play Volleyball Step 19 Step 6. Always be careful
The ball could come your way at any time!
Part 4 of 4: Organizing a Match
Play Volleyball Step 20 Step 1. Buy a volleyball ball
The best balls are made of leather or synthetic leather, and should have an inner tube made of rubber.
- To play indoors, choose a well inflated ball that is light and uniform in color.
- To play outdoors or on the beach, choose a very colorful ball that can be clearly visible in the sun.
Play Volleyball Step 21 Step 2. Buy a network
Make sure the mesh supports are made of metal or treated wood. Stuff the poles to protect the players.
- An official net measures 9.75m in length and is 1m high. In men's volleyball it is raised to 2.43 m, while for women's volleyball at 2.24 m.
- If you are playing outside, dig a hole of at least 1m to plant the posts. If you want to create a permanent course, pour concrete into the holes before you insert the posts.
Play Volleyball Step 22 Step 3. Measure the field
An official volleyball court is 9m wide and 18m long.
- Use spray paint or colored nylon tape to mark the lines of the pitch. The lines should be about 5cm wide. Alternatively, you can use the lines supplied with the network if they are present.
- Your field should be north-south rather than east-west oriented. In this way, no team will have the sun in their eyes.
- If you are playing a very friendly game, you can mark the lines of the pitch with sweaters or backpacks. Don't worry too much about the measurements, the important thing is to have fun.
Play Volleyball Step 23 Step 4. Gather your friends
Now that you have all the tools you need, find a group of people! You can play volleyball with two people, but it's much more fun with six. Adopt a formation suited to the number of players on the pitch - how will you rotate and how will you highlight the players' skills?
If there are an odd number of players, you can take one player out, move him to the weaker team, or take turns as referee or scorer
- Always pay attention! You never know when the ball will come your way.
- You can wear knee pads and other protection to prevent injury.
- Practice if you have a match.
- Keep some water on hand!
- If you have no money to decide who will hit first, you can trade "for the ball". To do this, pass the ball over the net to a player from the opposing team. Continue the rally, and the team that wins it will have the right to bat first.