How to Play Volleyball Without a Court or Companions

How to Play Volleyball Without a Court or Companions
How to Play Volleyball Without a Court or Companions

Table of contents:


Volleyball is a very fun sport. You will still need to train a lot to get good at it, and sometimes it can be difficult to practice at home because you don't have a court or teammates. But with the help of this article you will be on your way to becoming the next Samuele Papi!


Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 1
Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 1

Step 1. Look for a suitable wall

Most of the exercises described below require a wall, so you'll need to find a flat one before you begin.

Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 2
Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 2

Step 2. Stick to the wall

Stand about 3 meters from it. Throw the ball up with your left hand, then step forward with your left leg and hit the ball with your right hand. Make sure you close with your wrist. If you do it perfectly, the ball will come back after bouncing off the floor and wall. Pick it up and repeat.

Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 3
Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 3

Step 3. Dribble against the wall

Position yourself 3 to 4, 5 meters from the wall. Throw the ball higher than your head and slightly in front. Then dribble it to the wall. The dribbles must be precise and high, and draw an arc trajectory. You can pick up the ball and repeat, or keep dribbling on the rebound.

Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 4
Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 4

Step 4. Dribble on the head

It's very simple. You can do this while watching TV or when you get bored. All you have to do is lie down and dribble right on you. Continue as long as possible.

Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 5
Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 5

Step 5. Make bagher on the spot

All you have to do is get into the receiving position and perform upward baghers. You can also count them and attempt to beat your high score.

Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 6
Practice Volleyball Without a Court or Other People Step 6

Step 6. Practice serving

Take the measurement of 2.24 meters on the wall (more or less high depending on the net you usually practice with) and mark the exact spot with masking tape. Stand 9 meters from the wall. With your left hand throw the ball up and hit it with your right as you step forward with your left foot. Aim to hit just above the tape. You can also practice hitting in jump or from below.


  • Never give up!!
  • When you bagher or dribble on the head, call "mine" or "me" or "there" every time you hit the ball.
  • Training ALWAYS helps you improve.
  • Keep practicing, and even if you aren't great, remember there are no losers. Keep trying and never give up.