How to be part of your school's volleyball team

How to be part of your school's volleyball team
How to be part of your school's volleyball team

Table of contents:


Volleyball is fun but it can be a confusing sport. This article helps you join the volleyball team and stay there.


Part 1 of 4: Knowing How to Play Volleyball

Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 1
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 1

Step 1. Learn the rules

Obviously, the coach will not choose someone who does not know the rules and often makes fouls. Search for rules online and find a site with rules. Check the sites with the rules relevant to the place where you live; there may be variations.

Part 2 of 4: Preparing for the Selections

Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 2
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 2

Step 1. Train 2 months before the selections begin

Practice volleyball 60 minutes a day before rehearsals. Practice with bagher, block, dribble, dunk, serve and serve.

Train alone and in company. Dribble and bagher against the net, try the serves and jump rope. Run daily, but not too much so as not to waste all the energy you need to jump

Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 3
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 3

Step 2. Do exercises to strengthen your arms, such as push-ups

You will need to serve and hit better. If you are strong, the manager will definitely take you on the team.

Step 3. Consider taking a summer volleyball course before the selections

So you will test your skills without the stress of selections. Plus, you'll have fun.

Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 4
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 4

Step 4. Know the coach's expectations

If the coach expects everyone to serve well, then learn how to do it. All coaches want to see how good you are with core skills. Show the coach these skills during the selections.

Part 3 of 4: Selections

Step 1. Arrive 10 minutes early for the selections

This way you will have time to check the situation, the players and to relax.

Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 5
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 5

Step 2. Think positive

If you think you can hit, you will definitely follow your internal instincts.

  • Always try to reach the ball during the selections, otherwise how does the coach know that you are good? Also, remember to call the ball.
  • Backhands are your favorite serves, but if you have a good foundation the manager will learn how to do them.
  • Don't talk about how badly you hit the ball, etc. This negativity only serves to put you down and the manager will definitely not pick a negative player.
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 7
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 7

Step 3. Get noticed during your selections

If the coach needs a volunteer, propose, wear colorful clothes. Behave briskly, the coach will surely remember you.

  • When the coach asks to take the ball, you have to be the first to do so.
  • When the ball goes towards you you have to shout "Mia!" or "Ball!" So others will know that you will take care of it without interfering. Your coach might be surprised.
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 6
Make Your School's Volleyball Team Step 6

Step 4. Don't be disappointed if you can't

Remember that you will have another opportunity this year so train in the meantime!

Part 4 of 4: Staying in the Team

Step 1. If there is a problem, talk to the coach

Coaches love to know what's going on and therefore will appreciate your honesty. If you have a minor injury and want to play anyway, tell him before the selections so he will know that you need a break to rest and not because you are lazy.

Step 2. Maintain good discipline

Coaches look for players with positive and strong personalities. Listen to what the coach says. They appreciate it when you listen. If he tells you to change something next time, you need to focus on doing it. It serves to show him that you listen to what he says.

Step 3. Maintain team spirit

Always encourage others. Get ready to talk to team members. It is important to communicate in a volleyball team, the sooner you will do it and the sooner people will depend on you. You will be considered a reliable player who maintains the team spirit and therefore you will stay on the team.


  • Wear clothing suitable for volleyball, such as knee pads, shorts (possibly made of elastane), sneakers, and a comfortable shirt.
  • Move! Be confident in what you do as a team.
  • If you have experienced volleyball friends, ask for advice on how to train.
  • Be a sports player. Don't be bad if they're better than you or don't make rivals.
  • Show the coach that you are not afraid of the ball. It is vital when you play volleyball.
  • Don't think too much if the ball goes towards you. Run and hit it.
  • Remember it's not the end of the world if you can't be part of the team. There are other places you can play that work best for you. Try next year and train more.
  • If you can't make it to your school's volleyball team, try joining a local team but know that you will have to train a lot.


  • Dribble and bagher correctly. A badly executed bagher can hurt your knuckles and break your finger.
  • Not all of us are athletic, if you do it just to be 'trendy' you are doing the wrong thing and you will probably not be able to be part of the team.
