There may be a time in your life when you want to reconnect with your ex-boyfriend. It is good to understand that it is not a bad thing to want to talk to an ex, just see it as an attempt to reconnect with an old friend. There are simple things to consider when trying to contact your ex for the first time after a breakup, or if you haven't talked to him for a long time.

Step 1. Don't present yourself as desperate
Many people call an ex just to beg or try to convince them of something in a desperate way. Others, like your ex, are not interested in being begged, it will likely annoy them or lead them to believe they have an edge in any conversation with you, which in turn will make it very difficult for you to attempt to strike up an appropriate conversation with them. /she. If you are trying to talk to him or her for the first time since your breakup, or if you haven't talked to him in a while, rest assured and use an inviting, open tone. This will make talking to you very easy and possibly enjoyable.

Step 2. Have a reason to talk to your ex
When it comes to talking to exes, you need to know what to talk about, when to talk about it, and how to say it. Plan ahead about what you're going to get out of the conversation, whether it's simply to let him know you're someone he can turn to if he needs help, or if it's just to have a friendly conversation. Think of answers to possible questions or comments he can ask you, you must know how to answer whatever your ex says with confidence, honesty and above all: respect. So find a subject that you and your ex can easily deal with, and enjoy the conversation.

Step 3. Don't bring the past back to the surface
Talking about what happened in an old relationship is probably the last thing to do. Avoid talking about misconduct or responsibility for what happened to the relationship. It could bring back old emotions that can easily sadden or even infuriate someone. This is an obvious thing to avoid when trying to reestablish friendly and functional contact with an ex. So, if possible, avoid talking about what happened in the past, unless your ex seems willing to bring it up. If this is the case, discuss it calmly, with maturity and respect.
- Stay calm as you make the first move
- Be respectful
- Plan your moves ahead and make sure you're ready
- Avoid talking about your favorite pastimes when you were together, it could give the wrong idea. Life is constantly moving forward and so should you.