How to Thrive When You Are Young According to the Bible

How to Thrive When You Are Young According to the Bible
How to Thrive When You Are Young According to the Bible

Table of contents:


The Bible says: "You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ: from being rich, he made himself poor for you, so that you became rich through his poverty". Jesus made himself poor to make you rich. This article talks about the spiritual condition and the sharing of goods and money, since, when you follow God's recommendations, you help each other in all these ways.


Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 1
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 1

Step 1. Know that Jesus said Christians are not very smart about money

At Luke 16: 8 it is said that the children of this world are more cunning in their affairs than the children of light. This means that too many Christians "ignore God's promises" and want to believe that spiritual holiness will give them money. The sanctification of Jesus Christ in salvation will bring you to heaven (Hebrews 12:14), but if you keep the right conduct, you will be blessed (Matthew 5: 3).

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 2
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 2

Step 2. Believe and act right while keeping promises

"Jesus said to him, 'If you can! Anything is possible for those who believe'" (Mark 9:23). Furthermore, "Patience completes its work in you, so that you may be perfect and whole, lacking in nothing" (James 1: 4).

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 3
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 3

Step 3. Understand that God has promised to fulfill your every need (Philippians 4:19)

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 4
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 4

Step 4. Understand that the Father wants you to prosper, so that you can have what you need, and

And you, do not be wondering what you will eat and drink, and do not be anxious:

the pagans of this world seek out all these things; but your Father knows that you need it. Rather seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you in addition. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your father has liked to give you the kingdom (Luke 12: 29-32).

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 5
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 5

Step 5. Be prepared, because the Bible recommends that you establish your career, before building a house (and getting married):

"Take care of your outside work first and prepare it in your field, and then build your house" (Proverbs 24:27). In America, 54% of divorces are due to lack of money.

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 6
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 6

Step 6. Understand that you need to invest in yourself and get a college degree

In Deuteronomy 8:18 it is said that God has given you the strength to acquire riches. Everyone has skills and abilities that, if developed, will lead them to success. Invest in yourself and get a college degree: Government research carried out in 2003 shows that, in America, the average salary for a college graduate is over $ 28 per hour.

  • If you are able to finish college, don't leave it (Proverbs 24:27). Isaiah, Luke, and Paul were educated people.
  • Have you ever heard on television, "Your source is not the economy, nor your job, your boss or your education. Send me all your money and God will take care of you"? This is beautiful and good nonsense. At Proverbs 13:15 it is said that wisdom brings favor. Proverbs 13:15 does not say that a man will be rewarded for his generosity.
  • In Luke 6:38, Jesus introduced faith in giving, but, after you have given, notice that God will bless you according to your ability (Deuteronomy 8:18); you must therefore make yourself available for God's guidance on how YOU will specialize and thrive.
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 7
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 7

Step 7. Have the power and the will to give, as Christ said to his disciples:

"Sell what you possess and give it in alms; make bags that do not age, a sure treasure in heaven, where thief does not arrive and worm does not consume. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be too" (Luke 12: 33-34). And "Be ready, with your garments tight around your hips and the lamps lit; be like those who await their master when he returns from the wedding, so that, when he comes and knocks, they open it immediately. Blessed are those servants who the master at he will find him still awake; verily I tell you, he will tighten his garments to his hips, have them sit at table and come to serve them. to understand this: if the master of the house knew at what time the thief was coming, he would not let the house be broken into. You too be ready because, at an hour you do not imagine, the Son of man is coming "(Luke 12: 35- 40).

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 8
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 8

Step 8. Understand that those who specialize are paid well, as opposed to those who don't

Proverbs 13:15: "Sense brings favor." If you choose well and continue for many years to devote yourself to the same qualified profession, you can become a specialist.

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 9
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 9

Step 9. Pray to God to show you which career to follow

"Call on me, and I will answer you and tell you great and untenable things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33: 3). According to 2 Corinthians 1:20, all of God's promises made through Jesus belong to you.

  • In the New Testament, in Romans 8:16 it is said that God will be a witness of your heart, and, in Romans 8:17, that this will lead you to prosperity.
  • According to Galatians 3:14, yours is Abraham's blessing.
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 10
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 10

Step 10. Understand that God wants you to work "smarter", not just "harder"

At Proverbs 12: 8 it is said that a man will be rewarded according to his wisdom (not according to his commitment). Note that it doesn't even say "according to his hard work".

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 11
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 11

Step 11. Pray for wisdom

In James 1: 5 it says: "If any of you lack wisdom, ask it of God, who gives to all with simplicity and without conditions, and it will be given to him." When you get your college degree, pray for several days and get an inner witness to get you a well-paying job in your field (for example, computers); submit your application and start your work.

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 12
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 12

Step 12. Give in good quantity, right from your earliest fruit, with faith

"Give and it will be given to you: a good measure, pressed, filled and overflowing, will be poured into your lap, because with the measure you use, it will be measured for you in return". Jesus presents this concept in Luke 6:38.

Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 13
Prosper As a Young Person According to the Bible Step 13

Step 13. Obey the Lord:

"The master of that [unjust and cruel] servant will come a day when he does not expect it and at an hour he does not know, he will severely punish him and inflict on him the fate that the infidels deserve. The servant who, knowing the will of the master, he will not have disposed or acted according to his will, he will receive many blows; instead the one who, not knowing it, has done things worthy of blows, will receive few ".

"From whoever was given much, much will be required; from whoever was entrusted with much, much more will be required" (Luke 12: 46-48).


  • The Holy Spirit will teach you everything (John 14:26), including how to work and earn money.
  • Pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation (Ephesians 1: 16-17).


  • Beware of mediocre ministers (Revelation 3:11). Having conquered their position, they may not want to abandon it; they do not have to attend courses to keep their skills up to date, and are often unable to give good advice when it is time to provide advice on career and money.

    Do not follow the so-called prophets who brazenly claim that the sinner's wealth has been set aside for the righteous, then go to buy homes and start businesses, not understanding the bad prospects of the recession. Then house prices plummet, old and new businesses fail as foreclosures and unemployment rise, prices fall, and the economy collapses. It rains on the just and the unjust, but a rising tide lifts all ships. So, invest wisely

  • Among the biggest obstacles to the investment cycle are:

    • Opening a business when unemployment is rising and deflation is lowering the value of your money and properties.
    • Impatience and lack of wisdom: The Bible says, in Hebrews 12: 1, to "run with endurance", and, in Qoèlet 3: 1, that "there is a time for everything" (and, of course, other times to not undertake certain things).
  • "I passed by the field of a lazy man, the vineyard of a foolish man: behold, wherever weeds had grown [without any investment to make a good profit], the ground was covered with thistles and the stone fence was in ruins. I have observed and reflected, seen and drawn this lesson:

    a little sleep, a little doze, a little cross your arms to rest, and meanwhile poverty comes to you, like a vagabond, and poverty, as if you were a beggar " (Proverbs 24: 30-34).
