Did you know that there are specific commandments in the Bible for husbands? Husbands have a responsibility to love and honor their wives. If you want to be a husband who loves his wife as Christ loved the church, read this article …

Step 1. "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the church
(Ephesians 5:25) Be prepared to risk your life to help or save your wife. Christ's love for the church is limitless, it is an all-giving love. Christ gave his life for the church., even before you loved him. His love does not depend on your love for him. Love your wife as a service under the authority of God, as if you were giving your life to God.

Step 2. "Love your wife as you love your body and your life
(Ephesians 5: 28-33) Every day you take care of your body, nurturing it and keeping it healthy. You do not wait to satisfy needs or desires. Any sexual desire of a husband should be satisfied by his wife. Likewise, take care of your wife's needs and well-being. Share your wife's pains and illnesses and rejoice with her when she is well, as if it were your own life. A husband must also consider his wife's sexual desires and do everything possible to Basically, in your relationship, her needs or desires (financial, physical, psychic, emotional or spiritual) must receive your full attention. Only then will you love and care for her as yourself.

Step 3. "Live together with your wives, with due regard for the woman
.. (I Peter 3: 7). The Bible says that if we neglect this commandment, our prayers will be prevented! Be considered, eliminating any annoying habits! If she needs help carrying heavy things, help her! If she needs help! some time for herself, take care of the family! Help her with all the strength you have, show the love you have for her with all respect. Pray to understand where you are not considered.

Step 4. "Do not be bitter against your wives
(Colossians 3:19) If your wife is sensitive, you must realize that harsh responses, angry looks, angry tones of voice and impatience hurt your wife deeply. Rejoice that she is a lady and not like you; remember that yours wife is a precious gift from God.

Step 5. "It is not only the husband who has power over his body, but also the wife
(I Corinthians 7: 3-5) Satisfy your wife physically. Do not deprive her of what she needs. Sexual pleasure is something that is given, not imposed or taken by force. Talk to her about her needs in bed and out. from bed.

Step 6.”Live happily with your wife all your life
Let his body get you intoxicated. Be rapt in her. (Proverbs 5: 18-19) No man should look at another woman or pictures of other women when he has a wife to contemplate every day. A husband should feel fully satisfied with his wife's body. Whatever his wife's breasts, if a man permits it and asks God for help, he can learn to see them as the most attractive breasts in the whole world. This is what it really means to get drunk with your wife. A wife with such a husband. she will feel sexy, attractive and most importantly, a real lady.

Step 7. "Likewise, women dress decently, modestly and modestly:
not braids and gold or pearls or luxurious garments; (1 Timothy 2: 9) Encourage your wife to be modest in public and erotic when alone with you. A modest woman is a lady. There are too many sins and temptations caused by women showing too much of their bodies in public. Think of the pleasure of knowing that no one else can see your wife's legs but you! You will be amazed to see how this maneuver will increase your manly and feminine sensations.

Step 8. "Don't be charmed by other women
(Proverbs 5:20) Seeing other women attractive and looking at them will harm the way you think about your wife. It will satisfy you less and she will feel less special in your eyes. Any man who is used to giving other women small bids will subconsciously do it too. in the presence of his wife. And she will notice. Remember to be charmed only by your wife and no one else. She will feel like a queen and you will feel even more in love.

Step 9. "Proclaim your wife 'blessed' and praise her
(Proverbs 31: 28-29) Tell her how special she is and greater than any other woman in all the earth. Don't just refer to her appearance, but also how she takes care of you, how she engages in what she does. does and all her ladylike qualities. See how your wife will blossom like a flower when you repeatedly shower her with your praise. She craves those words so much and wants to hear them only from you! Of course you don't have to get proud, but that doesn't change your wife's need and desire to be held in high regard.

Step 10. "Tell your wife how enthralled you are with her body
(Song of Songs 4: 7; 7: 1-8) A true lover will let his wife know that he finds no fault in her. God made your wife. God does nothing wrong. body does not go well, it is you who must change your way of thinking. It is the husband's responsibility to grow in love and to express this love for the whole body of his wife; and it is also his duty to express it in a respectful way and sensual. Do not it helps to criticize or make sarcasm. Think about how it will make her feel good being sure, on the part of both of you, that you are in love with every part of her!

Step 11. "Honor your marriage; keep it pure by staying true to your wife in everything
"(Hebrews 13: 4) Jesus says that" a look full of desire is adultery. "(Matthew 5:28) This is similar to:" for where your treasure is, there will your heart also be … "(Luke 12:34). Do not accumulating such a desire in any area of your life; don't let it enter your heart. Keep your marriage pure by teaching your heart and eyes to be faithful to your wife. If you do this, you will reap incredible benefits!
Thank the Lord for beautiful things and appreciate them, but keep your looks, your joy, your mind and your heart for your wife

Step 12. "Be grateful for your wife and realize the favor you have received from God
"(Proverbs 18:22) Think how lonely you would be without her. Adam was alone, but it was not good for him; therefore God gave him a wife. In her you have a companion for life, a friend and a lover to be enjoyed every day. How blessed you are! Thank God and pray for her every day. It is an immense "reward" from God.

Step 13. "Be one flesh with your wife in every respect
(Matthew 19: 5) Enjoy life with her as if you were inseparable, but live thoughtfully. She longs to be with her as the first time you met her. Run home to her after work. Think of her During the day. Call her every day. Learn to get along: have the same thinking. Enjoy intimacy and sex often. You should have sex with a frequency that satisfies the wishes of the spouse who feels the most need. Obviously take into account your various commitments and your health conditions. Spend time simply talking about what happened during the day. Show genuine interest: listening with participation, showing full attention and looking her in the eye. Your wife is more important than anything and all, except Jesus Christ, be one with your wife.