How to Teach Your Rabbit to Approach When You Call Him

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How to Teach Your Rabbit to Approach When You Call Him
How to Teach Your Rabbit to Approach When You Call Him

A rabbit is a perfect companion animal, but it is very different from a dog or a cat; unlike dogs, it is not naturally obedient. They are very intelligent and independent animals, although you need to offer them an incentive to get them to do what you want. To train the bunny to approach when you call him, you need to find a way to encourage him, repeat the exercise several times and be gentle so that it is pleasant for him to complete it.


Method 1 of 2: Build Trust with the Rabbit

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 1
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 1

Step 1. Satisfy his basic needs

Provide safe shelter and food. You need to make sure he is healthy and happy before trying to train him; if he's sick or sad, there's little chance he's interested in going through exercise sessions with you.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 2
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 2

Step 2. Maintain a calm and steady temperament

Rabbits and other pets do not respond well to an aggressive and angry attitude. The proverb "you catch more flies with a drop of honey than with a barrel of vinegar" is quite apt when trying to train animals. A positive mood and kindness allow you to build trust, making the rabbit more likely to carry out commands than using force and hostility.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 3
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 3

Step 3. Spend a lot of time training

Set aside a moment each day to perform the exercises; training should be organized in short sessions of only 5-10 minutes.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 4
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 4

Step 4. Take advantage of the rabbit's favorite treats

Since training is based on incentives, you need to find a tidbit that triggers the best response. If you don't know what your furry friend's greedy "sweet spot" is, do some tests; if he does not eat the food you have chosen, it is probably not his utterance; if instead it devours it immediately, you have found what you were looking for.

Once a day you can offer him new foods, in small portions to prevent him from having abdominal problems, and observe his reactions

Method 2 of 2: Train the Rabbit

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 5
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 5

Step 1. Sit on the floor next to the rabbit

Keep healthy treats on hand, such as carrots and celery; hold the food in one hand and say the animal's name inviting it to come closer.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 6
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 6

Step 2. If your furry friend approaches, give him the treat and praise him a lot

In this way, you positively reinforce its action; also repeat the command as soon as it approaches you.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 7
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 7

Step 3. Step away a little

At the beginning do not distance yourself much, 50-60 cm is enough; over time you can move further and further away from the animal.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 8
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 8

Step 4. Hold the treat in your hand, showing it to the rabbit, and repeat the command

If he approaches even before you have said a word, say the command at that moment; if he does not respond to your order and is not attracted to food, come a little closer and try again.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 9
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 9

Step 5. Repeat this training session often

During the day, call the rabbit from time to time; in the first few weeks he always uses the incentive of a delicacy to get him used to creating an association between command and prize. When he learns to always approach you from a short distance, try calling him from a little further away.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 10
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 10

Step 6. Replace the food reward with a toy or petting

Over time, reward him with cuddles and games, but occasionally use treats to reinforce his behavior; by doing so, the bunny does not lose the habit of responding to the call and at the same time keep him healthy.

Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 11
Teach Your Rabbit to Come when Called Step 11

Step 7. Consider adopting clicker training

Many people suggest using this tool to strengthen the association between command, action, and reward. Whenever you feed the bunny, activate the clicker so that the animal connects the sound to the food. During the training sessions, the "click" tells him that a delicacy is coming.
