3 Ways to Get Rasta Hair

3 Ways to Get Rasta Hair
3 Ways to Get Rasta Hair

Table of contents:


Getting dreadlocks is a long and natural process that starts with separating your hair into equal strands and then helping them "tangle". Once the dreadlocks have formed, you will have a hairstyle that needs little maintenance and is very versatile. Read these three different methods of getting dreadlocks: backcomb, let nature do it, and tangle and divide.


Method 1 of 3: Method One: Backcomb

Dread Hair Step 1
Dread Hair Step 1

Step 1. Start with washed and dried hair

Use a shampoo against oily skin and do not apply conditioner afterwards, do so during the weeks before the session. Give up those products made specifically to nourish your hair and make them soft and shiny, because this will greatly complicate the knotting process during the session.

Dread Hair Step 2
Dread Hair Step 2

Step 2. Divide your hair into square areas

Use a comb to separate the hair into sections, then keep them separate with rubber bands. Each section will become a dreadlock, so make them small or large, depending on the look you have in mind.

  • 2-3 cm squares form a medium dreadlock. Make them a little bigger for big dreadlocks, or smaller for lots of little dreadlocks. The smaller the dreadlocks, the longer it will take you to make them.
  • If you don't want the dreads to be split into straight lines, create a messy or zigzag design. When the dreadlocks are formed, the design will look more natural than straight lines on a checkerboard.
Dread Hair Step 3
Dread Hair Step 3

Step 3. Back the hair back

Take a strand of hair and place a fine-toothed comb or toothbrush approximately 2 cm above the skin. Comb the hair towards the scalp, back it up until compacted around the root. Continue until the hair is well compacted, then insert the comb 2 cm higher and start the same operation again. Keep doing this until the entire strand of hair is backcombed.

  • Use your free hand to tangle your hair as you comb it.
  • Keep backcombing each strand until your whole head is backcombed. Call a friend to help you in case you get tired.
Dread Hair Step 4
Dread Hair Step 4

Step 4. Secure the dreadlocks

Put a rubber band at the root and end of each individual dreadlock. Make sure the rubber bands are tight, as they will need to stay in place until the dreadlocks are "ripe", approximately after 3 months.

Dread Hair Step 5
Dread Hair Step 5

Step 5. Put some gel on the dreadlocks

Use a gel that contains natural ingredients such as aloe, which tames frizz and loose hair. Smear it on each strand until your whole head is covered with it.

Dread Hair Step 6
Dread Hair Step 6

Step 6. Maintain the dreadlocks

During the three months, the dreadlocks will begin to compact in place. Help the process in these ways:

  • Shampoo yourself regularly. Use an oily scalp shampoo and avoid conditioner.
  • Moisturize your hair with essential oils, such as lavender. Do not use edible oils that can make your hair stink.
  • Tuck in the hairs that come out. Use a crochet hook or tweezers to make each dreadlock come out neat.

Method 2 of 3: Method Two: Leave it to Nature

Dread Hair Step 7
Dread Hair Step 7

Step 1. Change the way you wash your hair

Use an oily scalp shampoo and avoid using conditioner, this creates the ideal conditions for dreadlocks to start forming. If your hair is too greasy or has too much conditioner, it will never begin to tangle or compact into dreadlocks.

  • Avoid shampoos that say "nourishing", as they usually contain conditioners that remain on the hair even after rinsing.
  • Stop using conditioner for at least two weeks before starting to dread.
Dread Hair Step 8
Dread Hair Step 8

Step 2. Stop straightening your hair

If you use chemicals to straighten your hair or other similar techniques, it will be much harder for your hair to become dreadlocks. Leave your hair as natural as possible so it can get tangled.

Dread Hair Step 9
Dread Hair Step 9

Step 3. Stop combing your hair

Dreadlocks are simply hair tied together. Every time you comb your hair, you prevent dreadlocks from forming by detangling your hair. When you're ready to get dreadlocks, set aside combs and brushes and anything you usually use to untangle your hair.

Dread Hair Step 10
Dread Hair Step 10

Step 4. Divide your hair into sections

You can facilitate the formation of more defined dreadlocks by dividing the hair into straight sections as they reach the time when the dreadlocks are about to form. The sections don't have to be perfectly straight, as the beauty of the natural method is that it takes little effort.

Dread Hair Step 11
Dread Hair Step 11

Step 5. Roll up the strands

If you want to help the dreadlocks form, knead them in your hands to keep them together. Kneading them a few times a week will help create cleaner, more even dreadlocks, but this step isn't necessary if your goal is to be 100% natural.

Dread Hair Step 12
Dread Hair Step 12

Step 6. Maintaining the dreadlocks

Once your dreadlocks have formed, continue to shampoo yourself regularly to keep them clean. If you have planned to go camping or do some activity that can make your dreadlocks dirty, wear a cap to protect them.

Method 3 of 3: Method Three: Tangle and Divide

Dread Hair Step 13
Dread Hair Step 13

Step 1. Divide your hair into sections

Make a small section for each dreadlocks you want to achieve. The size of the section will determine the size of the dreadlock. Use a small rubber band to keep the sections apart.

Dread Hair Step 14
Dread Hair Step 14

Step 2. Rub the strand and divide it

Take a strand and rub it, then use both hands to divide it in two. Take one part in each hand and pull in opposite directions. This action causes the hair to tangle and knot vertically.

  • As you pull the parted hair, the knots will descend towards the root and begin to compact. Continue to tangle the strand, divide it, pull it and tangle it again until the entire strand is knotted and tangled.
  • Repeat until all the strands on your head have gone through the process of tangling, splitting and pulling.
Dread Hair Step 15
Dread Hair Step 15

Step 3. Secure the dreadlocks

Put a rubber band at the root and end of each dreadlock. Keep these rubber bands in place as your dreadlocks mature. After 3 months you can remove the rubber bands; dreadlocks should be firm and smooth and will no longer need the safety bands.

Dread Hair Step 16
Dread Hair Step 16

Step 4. Maintain the dreadlocks

Use an oily scalp shampoo and essential oil spray to keep your dreadlocks healthy. If you think you will be spending time outdoors or in a place where your dreadlocks might get dirty, wear a cap to protect them.


  • Do not go to sleep with wet dreadlocks, mold could form.
  • Only time causes dreadlocks. There is no such thing as "doing dreadlocks", they can only grow. The methods mentioned above are to begin to compact the braids, which over time will look more and more like dreadlocks.
  • Seawater helps dreadlocks form faster.
  • Never use wax or dreadlock kits. There are hardly any real products for dreadlocks; most are scams or even malicious. If you use dreadlock wax it will all stay in your hair.


  • https://howtogetdreads.com/
  • https://www.dreadlocktruth.com/faq
