White hair is usually seen as a sign of aging, so it's understandable to want to get rid of it. Fortunately, there are some remedies to be implemented to cover them, prevent them from growing further and even reverse the process. You will find out everything starting from step 1.
Method 1 of 3: Preventing White Hair

Step 1. Eat a healthy diet
Diet plays a vital role in hair health, so make sure your body is getting all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.
- Eat lots of lean proteins (hair is made of protein), fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Always drink plenty of water.
- More specifically, make sure you're getting more vitamin B12 and zinc. This is if you think you are not getting enough of it in your diet.
- Try to get adequate amounts of vitamins A, C and E as well as copper, iron and folic acid.
- Biotin (sometimes called vitamin H) is another important vitamin for healthy, naturally colored hair. It is found in foods such as cucumbers, oats, and almonds.

Step 2. Avoid poor quality hair products
They are full of chemicals such as sulfates, phosphates, chlorine and ammonia that dry out the hair, weakening the root and making it easier for white hair. So you should choose products with the most natural ingredients possible.

Step 3. Massage your head regularly
Scalp massages help stimulate blood flow, which keeps hair healthy. If possible, massage with a natural oil such as almond or coconut, which helps moisturize the roots.

Step 4. Stop smoking
According to a study, smokers are four times more prone to having white and gray hair than others. The smoke dulls and breaks the hair.

Step 5. Take some Melancor
It is a capsule product that rejuvenates the natural hair color by stimulating the production of melanin in the follicles. It can help bring color back to gray hair and prevent new ones from forming. It is taken once a day and there are no known side effects. It is purchased online.
Method 2 of 3: Dyeing White Hair

Step 1. Make a total tint
It will cover all gray hair and is an option to consider if more than 40% of your hair is graying.
- You can choose a semi-permanent color that lasts a couple of weeks, or a permanent one that stays on until the hair grows back.
- If you want to keep the color close to natural, it's best to have it done by a professional, as it's hard to predict how home kits will react with your hair. However, many use the need to dye their hair as an opportunity to experiment with a new color.
- If you decide to dye your hair at home, avoid those kits that contain ammonia, which will damage your hair by drying it out.
- Remember that this route requires a lot of maintenance, as you will need to reapply the color (or at least touch up the roots) with each regrowth.

Step 2. Make the meche
They are an alternative tint option. Instead of the whole head, choose strands that are dyed or bleached to give vitality and texture to the hair.
- Highlights can be very subtle and give a hint of color and shine to the hair, or large and massive to add contrast and variety.
- In this case you will have to go to a hairdresser and they could be expensive. However, they tend to last longer than the total tint.

Step 3. Try henna
Henna is a form of natural dye. It contains no chemical ingredients and softens the hair, leaving it shiny and well nourished.
- It gives the hair a nice red tint. The lighter your hair (or the more white you have), the lighter the red will be.
- Henna can lead to mess - it's a loaf that needs to be melted or a powder that you mix with lemon juice, tea, or coffee. It will have a muddy texture and will need to sit for a few hours while the color develops.
- You have to remember that chemically dyed hair cannot be treated with henna afterwards, so decide before you act because you will be tied to your choice for a while!

Step 4. Experiment with more temporary solutions
If you're not ready to dye your hair yet, there are other temporary solutions to cover up white hair.
- Use hair mascara. It is just what it sounds like: a hair mascara. Perfect for covering gray strands around the temples and on the crown. It will last the time of a shampoo.
- Use a root concealer. It works like a dry shampoo - it is in the form of an aerosol and can be sprayed on gray hair near the roots where it will blend into your natural hair color. It is rinsed with shampoo.
- Use tinted shampoo and conditioner. They coat the white ones bringing them to a shade similar to yours. After one wash with these two products, the color should last for three weeks.

Step 5. Use natural rinses
There are remedies that consist of rinsing the hair with different liquids, which potentially add color. Whether or not any of these methods work is still under discussion, but they're worth trying!
Rosemary and sage:
boil half a cup of rosemary leaves and half a cup of sage leaves in a bowl of water for about 30 minutes. Drain and let the water cool. Once cool, pour it into your hair, let it air dry, then wash with a natural shampoo. Repeat once a week.
boil some Indian gooseberry (also called amla) along with a little coconut oil until it turns dark. Allow to cool slightly and apply to hair and scalp by massaging with your fingers. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Dark walnuts:
break some dark walnuts and add them to a cup of water. Boil for 15 minutes and let cool. Remove from the water then rinse your hair and let it dry naturally before washing. Repeat twice a week.

Step 6. Accept the gray
Instead of trying to cover or get rid of your hair, think about accepting it. If you take good care of it, you will look very chic. And you'll save yourself a lot of time and money.
Keep a modern cut.
Many women (and men) associate white hair with an old look, but it's often a question of an old-fashioned cut. Try having a modern, fresh one done by a professional hairdresser - like a bob or an uneven fringe. This way you will look young.
Keep them silky.
White and gray hair tends to dry out and look electric, which can age you. Keep them hydrated and shiny by using nourishing shampoo and conditioner, oil packs (such as argan and coconut) and using the straightener to tame them.
Method 3 of 3: Understanding White Hair

Step 1. Know that white hair is genetic
Although many associate them with aging, there is no specific age at which they are "supposed" to turn white.
- Some people already have it when young, while others don't turn gray until middle age. Since as we said the presence of white hair is genetic, if your parents have had it from a young age, it will probably happen to you too.
- Race also affects. Most whites start to see some gray hair by the age of 35, Asians around 40, and blacks in their mid-40s.

Step 2. Gray hair is not caused by stress
It is an erroneous belief that is not supported by any scientific basis.
- The hair actually whitens when the cells that produce the color in the root stop and no longer produce pigments such as melanin (the one that gives it color, in fact).
- It has also been suggested that a buildup of hydrogen peroxide around the follicles can discolor hair, following oxidative stress.
- However, stress has many other negative health effects (including possible hair loss), so reducing it is a great idea.

Step 3. Check if any previous conditions exist
Sometimes, when a person's hair bleaches prematurely, the cause is an autoimmune genetic condition.
- Some specific conditions often linked to white hair are vitiligo (a thyroid disease) and anemia. Pituitary gland problems can also be a factor.
- So, if your hair turns white prematurely and you have other symptoms related to these conditions, you should see a doctor.
- Henna is better and healthier than dye because it is natural and makes hair healthier, shinier and more voluminous.
- Be happy with yourself! Hair is not everything in life: you have a family, friends who love you in spite of everything!
- When showering, try using a conditioner after shampooing for shinier, healthier hair, and to reduce the stress of dyeing.
- If you choose to dye your hair, use a natural color that suits your complexion and style.
- If you're not sure how to dye your hair yourself, go to a hairdresser and let him do it.
- Every week make an oil pack for an hour, then rinse your hair. This way they will stay healthy and gorgeous.
- Do not pull out white hair, it would do worse! It is said that at least two reappear!
- Don't get depressed, there is always a solution to every problem.