Exotic, definition: Weird, original, extravagant… many women would like to have an exotic look, and it is not difficult to achieve. The first step is to decide which look is right for you.

Step 1. Decide what you mean by “exotic”
It is a word that can define cultural, social and artistic parameters. In Western culture, an exotic look can be Polynesian (Hawaii, Fiji), South American, African (Ethiopia, Somalia), and in some ways also European (Spain, Greece, Portugal) inspiration. All of these populations have something exotic about them, but ultimately, an exotic look is one that is not common in one's cultural context.

Step 2. Study what you want to change about your appearance
Obviously, if you are small or stout, you can't think of emulating a slender look. Here are some cases where small changes can be made.
- Hair. It is probably the most viable change for anyone. A person with long, straight, blond hair, in a region where this hair type is common, may decide to dye, curl or braid it, or cut it in a unique and different way. A black person can lighten or straighten their hair and instantly achieve an exotic look.
- Skin tone. There are only a couple of choices here, both of which concern fair-skinned people. You can tan naturally or artificially to give your skin a darker shade, or purposely avoid the sun for an extended period of time for even paler skin. Makeup can accentuate the face, and in some cases, you might use body cosmetics as well, but it's hard to get the effect you want, and maintaining it takes time. If you have dark or olive skin, chances are you already have an exotic look! So make sure you moisturize your skin well and you will look gorgeous.
- Clothes. Tidying up your clothing can have a big impact on your appearance, as well as flattening your figure and changing your perception of yourself. However, often a change of clothing is what it takes to have an exotic look.
- Accessories. Going beyond the usual standards when it comes to jewelry, bags and hair accessories can go a long way in your change of look.
- Makeup. Using makeup to accentuate or change the shape of the eyes can be an effective way to create an exotic look. Using eyeshadow and mascara doesn't actually change the shape of your eyes, but it does make it look like it does.

Step 3. Let your hair grow long enough so that you can choose between different cuts, then look at the style of the culture you would like to emulate
If you notice that people in a particular culture have dark, straight hair, choose a suitable color and cut that fits that style. You could indulge in a striking look, such as a very short one, or afro, do some braids, or wear some beads. It all depends on what you are personally looking for, and if you are comfortable with the new look.

Step 4. Work on the coloring of the skin to achieve the shade you want
Spending a fortune on lamps, self-tanner sprays, or cosmetics will give you short-term results unless you commit to maintaining them.

Step 5. Find some examples of traditional pieces from the exotic culture you are trying to reflect
You may have to buy or even design replicas of those clothes that you think will look good on you, whether they are Asian items or something from the Pacific Islands or the East Indies. You can otherwise go to online shops or to ethnic shops in your neighborhood, if any.

Step 6. Consider any cultural accessories you want to relate to
Don't overdo it and don't stereotype yourself, try to stay focused on something that is consistent with the concept you have chosen. If you want to have a tribal look, know that one of the main features is represented by various piercings and ornaments.
- Emphasize the eyes for an exotic and Egyptian look. Use dark brown or black eyeliner, depending on your skin and hair color. Start lightly, until you've found the right amount for you.
- Put the nail polish on your nails in an unusual but not too bright color. Gold, copper, and other warm metallic tones will add a pop of exotic color. Coral, on the other hand, will give your skin a warmer, more bronze tone.
- Make sure you always look well-groomed and clean.
- Don't try to get a look that you think will change your appearance too much.
- Don't forget to match the jewels too. Having large wooden or silver bracelets is fine.
- Fijians have afro hair, so no straight hair.