Here's a quick guide on how to get a geisha look.
Geisha - A group of Japanese professionals who have studied the art of conversation, dance and song since childhood, to entertain groups of men.
This is a simple guide - there are different hairstyles and attire for the different steps in a geisha's career.

Step 1. Decide on your hairstyle
There are two options. The first is simply to buy a geisha wig. There are many online stores that sell them. Alternatively, you can try a geisha style hairdo.
You have to have long hair to do this. You could ask your hairdresser to get you some extensions.
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If your hairdresser knows the geisha style, you can ask him to do it. Otherwise, you'll have to get by on your own. Information about it is rare to find, especially in Italian, but some books and sites explain everything. If you can't find directions, simply tie your hair up, taking a cue from pictures you can find.
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This site provides traditional geisha hair accessories. Even if you use a very simple style, some accessories will serve to enhance it. However, many cost more than € 100. If it's too expensive, look for cheaper costume jewelry.
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Step 2. Make up with care
If you are not good at wearing makeup, we recommend that you get help from a friend or a beautician. Geisha makeup has to be perfect. See the "Things You Will Need" section to make sure you have everything you need.
Geishas use a wax-like substance called "bintsuke-abura" which they spread on their face, neck and chest. It is an excellent make-up base.
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Take some white tinted primer, and mix it with a lot of water to create a kind of paste. Apply the material obtained with a brush to your face and neck as a base. You may need to brush several times: the face, chest and neck must be completely white. However, it is important to leave some bare skin under the hairline. This way, it will look even more like you're wearing a mask. It is particularly important to do it on the nape of the neck, a very erotic area in Japan (like the legs here). If you want, you can leave two or three V-shaped lines free from the white background. Finally, take a sponge, and pass it on all the areas where you have applied the white base: in this way you will absorb the excess water, obtaining a completely white skin.
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Take a black eyebrow pencil, and brush it over your eyebrows. Look at the picture - the eyebrows should be full and soft. You will also notice the red color, so get yourself a red pencil - but note that there is only a minimal amount of it.
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Take a brush, and a liquid red eyeliner, and put a layer of red on the upper lid. Start the line towards the middle of the eyelid, and widen it slightly towards the end. Then, take a black liquid eyeliner, and using a finer brush, swipe it over the upper eyelid, as is done in normal Western makeup. If you want, use a small amount of red eyeshadow; if you do, try blending it to form different shades along the eyelid.
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Using a simple black pencil, apply a soft layer of black to the lower lids.
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Finally, the lips. Use a thin brush and bright red lipstick. First of all, using a pencil of the same color as the lipstick, draw the lip line you want to achieve. Geishas only rarely color their lips in full - draw a small outline, in the center of the lips. The rest of the lips should be covered with the white bottom. When you have decided on the shape of your lips, color them until they are covered in a thick, bright red.
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Step 3. There is information on kimonos in other Wikihow articles
- If you really want to look like a geisha, you also need to have a cute, doll-like attitude. Always have an elegant bearing, whether standing or sitting, and smile shyly.
- If you can, sit in the Seiza position, as geishas often do.
- Always wear make-up before getting dressed, so as not to dirty your clothes.