How to Care for Amaryllis Flowers (with Pictures)

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How to Care for Amaryllis Flowers (with Pictures)
How to Care for Amaryllis Flowers (with Pictures)

The Amaryllis plant, or Hippeastrum, is a tropical flower native to South Africa. The amaryllis bulb is loved by gardeners because it is easy to plant and replant after a short hibernation period. You can care for amaryllis flowers in garden beds or in indoor pots, planting in spring or fall.


Part 1 of 4: Having Timing for Amaryllis Bloom

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 1
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 1

Step 1. Buy Amaryllis bulbs of the color you want

You can find them in shades of red, pink or orange, or even white. They could also be multi-color combinations.

The larger the bulb, the more flowers the amaryllis will have

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 2
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 2

Step 2. Store the bulbs in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place until they are ready to be planted

The ideal temperature is between 4 and 10 ° C (40 and 50 Farenheit)

Use the fruit and vegetable drawer in your fridge to store the bulbs for a minimum of 6 weeks. However, you shouldn't keep the bulbs near fruit, such as apples, or they may sterilize

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 3
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 3

Step 3. Decide if you want your amaryllis to bloom in winter or summer

This will depend a lot on your climate. If you have cold temperatures, below 10 ° C in winter, you will need to plant the amaryllis in an indoor pot to keep it indoors.

  • -winter buds are usually larger and last longer than summer buds.
  • You can plant during both seasons, as long as there is 6 weeks of cold storage between the dying of the last bud and replanting.
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 4
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 4

Step 4. Plant the bulbs in rich soil outdoors or in compost soil indoors approximately 8 weeks before you want them to bloom

Part 2 of 4: Planting the Amaryllis Bulbs

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 5
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 5

Step 1. Choose a container with good drainage

Do not use pots that do not have holes in the bottom. Amaryllis bulbs are very sensitive to excess water.

  • Amaryllis prefers to be pot bound, although it can be planted in some smaller garden beds.
  • Plant them in the garden bed when temperatures are above 10 ° C and there is no risk of bad frosts. Use the same instructions for planting them in pots as well.
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 6
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 6

Step 2. Choose a container that is half a bulb wide on each side

There should be about two inches of soil between the bulb and the pot. Most Amaryllis bulbs prefer a sturdy 6 to 8 inch pot.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 7
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 7

Step 3. Soak the Amaryllis bulb in warm water for a couple of hours before planting

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 8
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 8

Step 4. Purchase some rich potting mix at a local garden store

You can buy ready-made mixes that will work well for this type of flower. Garden soil will not do well, because it does not drain the water sufficiently.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 9
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 9

Step 5. Place the amaryllis bulb with the roots down

Gently fill with potting mix around the bulb. Leave the stem of the bulb, about 1/3 of the plant, above the ground.

  • Don't compress the soil too much if you want the roots to stay intact.
  • If you are concerned that planting the stem above the ground could cause it to bend and fall, place a stake near the bulb to hold it up.

Part 3 of 4: Treating the Amaryllis

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 10
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 10

Step 1. Place the pot in direct sunlight for the first few weeks of care

It grows best in climates between 21 and 24 ° C.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 11
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 11

Step 2. Water the bulb from time to time until it reaches 2 inches (5 cm) of growth

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 12
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 12

Step 3. Turn the base of the pot once a week to grow the bulb straight

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 13
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 13

Step 4. Move the pot to less direct light as it begins to bloom

They should bloom for approximately 2 weeks. The buds will last longer in temperatures around 18 ° C rather than higher.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 14
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 14

Step 5. Water the Amaryllis flowers regularly, as you would most home plants

Add liquid house plant fertilizer at regular intervals.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 15
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 15

Step 6. Cut the flowers 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the bulb when they begin to die

When the bud fades, cut it where it meets the bulb. You can keep the plant as a green plant for several weeks or months.

Part 4 of 4: Reusing Amaryllis Bulbs

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 16
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 16

Step 1. Begin watering the plant less as you get closer to removing the bulb

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 17
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 17

Step 2. Make sure you remove it before the first frost, and before the temperatures drop to 10 ° C

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 18
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 18

Step 3. Cut the leaves up to 2 inches from the bulb

When they begin to turn yellow due to colder temperatures and water shortages, they are ready to be cut.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 19
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 19

Step 4. Remove the root bulb from the soil

Be gentle to avoid damaging the bulb.

Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 20
Care for Amaryllis Flowers Step 20

Step 5. Wash the bulb with water

Dry it and store it in a cool place, just as you did before planting it. It should be kept cool and dry for another 6 to 8 weeks before it can be replanted.
