How to Win at Beer Pong (with Pictures)

How to Win at Beer Pong (with Pictures)
How to Win at Beer Pong (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Beer pong is a popular game to enjoy at parties. It is very popular in American colleges, but lately it has also been gaining ground in Italy. The game consists of throwing ping pong balls into the opposing team's glasses, which are partially filled with beer. Every time a ping pong ball ends up in a glass, the latter must be removed. The first team that runs out of glasses loses the game. To play beer pong you will need to learn the basics, understand the rules and a few extra tips that will help your team achieve victory.


Part 1 of 3: Play

Win at Beer Pong Step 1
Win at Beer Pong Step 1

Step 1. Arrange ten glasses on a long table

In all, you will need twenty plastic cups. Arrange ten glasses in a pyramid structure at each end of the table. The row closest to the player has four glasses, the last one (closest to the center of the table) has only one. A regular beer pong table is at least 210cm long and 60cm wide, although you can use any type of table that is long enough.

Half-liter glasses are usually used; they can be bought in most supermarkets

Win at Beer Pong Step 2
Win at Beer Pong Step 2

Step 2. Fill the glasses with beer

You will need to partially fill each glass with beer (or any other liquid you wish to use). If you want the game to be non-alcoholic, you can use water. Generally, two 33 cl beers are enough to fill ten glasses; you can use more or less depending on how much you want to drink. The glasses must be filled with beer because when a point is marked that glass must be drunk and set aside.

  • Fill the glasses to about ¼ of their capacity.
  • Put a glass full of water only on the side of the table to clean balls that fall on the floor or get dirty.
Win at Beer Pong Step 3
Win at Beer Pong Step 3

Step 3. Make teams

Each team can consist of one or two players (no more). If you are playing with two-player teams, each of them must have two balls.

Win at Beer Pong Step 4
Win at Beer Pong Step 4

Step 4. Decide who starts

Determine who shoots first in a one-on-one match. A player from each team stares the opponent in the eye and throws the ball towards the other's glasses. They continue like this until one player hits an opponent's glass and the other doesn't. If you play in teams, switch partners until one of them hits a glass. The team that wins the face-to-face challenge gets the right to start shooting.

Do not remove the glass that is centered at this stage. Just remove the ball, wash it and start playing

Win at Beer Pong Step 5
Win at Beer Pong Step 5

Step 5. Take turns throwing the ping pong balls

One at a time, throw a ping pong ball into the glasses. Drink the contents of the glass that is centered and remove it each time. Keep doing this until all glasses are cleared. The winning team is the one that first eliminates all the opponent's glasses.

  • The game is automatically won if the members of one team hit the same glass as the opposing team.
  • Usually the winning team stays at the table and faces a new team in the next game.

Part 2 of 3: Learning the Rules

Win at Beer Pong Step 6
Win at Beer Pong Step 6

Step 1. Keep your elbows behind the edge of the table

A common rule is that the elbows must remain behind the edge of the table when making a shot. In some cases the rule also extends to the wrists. The throw is canceled if it was taken with the elbows over the outer edge of the table. If the elbows were on top of the table, the ball must be returned and the shot must be repeated.

This rule can be ignored in the case of particularly short players or players with poor throwing skills, if everyone agrees

Win at Beer Pong Step 7
Win at Beer Pong Step 7

Step 2. Rearrange the glasses twice per game

A rearrangement, or realignment of the cups, is allowed twice per game and can occur when 6, 4, 3 or 2 cups remain. You can ask for a square or triangle structure. The last glass left in play can always be moved and centered, even if the two possibilities of realignment have already been used.

  • If you are doing very well, try to keep your realignments for later. For example: instead of using them when there are 6 and 4 glasses, try to keep them for when there are 4 and 3 (or even 2) left, so that the glasses are closer together in the final stage of the game.
  • You can ask to arrange the glasses at any time during the match. In this case, this is not a realignment but just putting them back in place if by chance they have shifted slightly.
Win at Beer Pong Step 8
Win at Beer Pong Step 8

Step 3. Bounce the ball

If you bounce the ball off the table and hit a glass, you can ask to remove another glass (of your choice) along with the one you hit. Remember that if you choose to bounce the ball, the other team has the right to hit it to defend themselves (and vice versa). Players cannot protest a ball that has been blown away during a rebound shot.

  • It is best to wait to attempt a rebound shot when your opponent is at the last glass.
  • Try a rebound shot when the other team seems distracted.
Win at Beer Pong Step 9
Win at Beer Pong Step 9

Step 4. Call “Fit”

A player who hits two shots in a row can say "Fit"; if it hits three it can say “On fire” (which cannot be said unless it has been called “In shape” first). Once “On fire” is said, the player can keep shooting until he misses.

Make sure the opposing team notices that you are shouting "In shape" and "On fire"

Win at Beer Pong Step 10
Win at Beer Pong Step 10

Step 5. Roll to the insulated glass

Once per game it is allowed to declare that you are aiming for a glass that does not touch any other. You can call this roll by saying "island" or "alone". If the ball hits the declared cup, the player may ask for a second cup to be eliminated. If the player declares a specific and isolated glass but hits another, the latter must remain on the table.

A glass is considered "isolated" when those close to it have been removed, but not if it moves slightly away from the others due to the wet surface

Win at Beer Pong Step 11
Win at Beer Pong Step 11

Step 6. Try a "death roll"

A death roll is one that hits a glass removed from the formation and is currently in the opposing player's hand; this glass can be aimed at by the opposing team. If the death roll is successful, the game ends automatically. If the glass in question is still on the table and not in the opponent's hand and the shot is successful, 3 glasses are eliminated.

  • Drink the beer as quickly as possible to prevent the glass from being centered.
  • Wait for the other team to get distracted when trying a death roll.
Win at Beer Pong Step 12
Win at Beer Pong Step 12

Step 7. Ask for a dispute

Once a team has won, the losing team has a chance to contest. To do this, each player on the losing team shoots towards the remaining glasses of the opposing team until someone misses. If there are still glasses left, the game is over. If all the glasses have been hit, the game proceeds to the overtime, during which each team creates a pyramid of 3 glasses and rolls until one of the two teams runs out.

No disputes are allowed during overtime, but the glasses can be arranged

Part 3 of 3: Learning Winning Moves

Win at Beer Pong Step 13
Win at Beer Pong Step 13

Step 1. Prepare the ball

Always wet the ball before a shot: this will increase its accuracy and help it to slice through the air more smoothly. A dry ball will travel a shorter distance and the shot will be more inaccurate.

Clean it in the glass of water before each shot

Win at Beer Pong Step 14
Win at Beer Pong Step 14

Step 2. Get into the correct position

Position is key when preparing to shoot. Whichever hand you shoot with, bring your foot to the same side in front of you; the opposite foot should be placed further back to give stability. Make sure your elbows don't go over the edge of the table and practice aiming before shooting.

Win at Beer Pong Step 15
Win at Beer Pong Step 15

Step 3. Practice shooting

There are three main types of shooting. Archery, in which the ball is made to take a higher trajectory. The fast, direct and quick shot towards the glass. The bounce shot, which is bounced off the table before falling into the glass.

Quick shots are sometimes not allowed because they can heat the hearts

Win at Beer Pong Step 16
Win at Beer Pong Step 16

Step 4. Always be careful

Always keep your eyes on the table to avoid getting a sneak hit. You can also take advantage of a moment of distraction from the opposing team. A common technique is to pretend not to pay attention. While the other team is shooting, you can look away or start talking to someone who is not playing.

Win at Beer Pong Step 17
Win at Beer Pong Step 17

Step 5. Blow or hit the ball

If a ball is spinning on the edge of a glass but has not yet fallen into it, you can blow or hit it with your finger. The rule typically instructs girls to blow on the ball and boys to hit it. As long as the ball does not touch the beer, if it comes out it will not count as a hit.

  • For girls, when the ball is on the edge, you can blow into the glass to get it out. Put your face close to the glass and blow as hard as you can.
  • For boys, while the ball is on the edge, reach out and try to get under the ball. You have to be very quick: put your finger under the ball and hit it quickly.


  • Shoot while holding the ball with three fingers instead of two. It will improve your accuracy.
  • Aim for a glass and not for the whole group in general. It will increase your chances of hitting that glass.
  • Be prepared to catch the ball after a shot, so your opponent doesn't reach for it to take another shot.
  • Do not place the drink or glass of beer you are drinking at the party on the table because, if someone from the other team hits it with a shot, they automatically win the game, forcing you to drink it all in one go.
  • Be careful not to overturn a glass; in that case you will have to eliminate it from the table.


  • Never drink when you know you need to drive.
  • If you are not in Italy, find out about the minimum age allowed to drink alcohol in the country where you are.
