How to Build a Containment Wall: 9 Steps

How to Build a Containment Wall: 9 Steps
How to Build a Containment Wall: 9 Steps

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You can build a retaining wall using brick, stainless steel rods, concrete, and without the mortar. In this way, dry stacking the bricks becomes an easier and more versatile operation. Basically, the brick is the wall formwork; the empty spaces of the bricks are subsequently filled with bars and concrete in small quantities, so that it can be prepared by hand. In this way the retaining wall can first be completely "modeled" and, once everything is perfectly aligned, it is fixed in place by adding the concrete. This is a very simple way to build a solid retaining wall.


Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 1
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 1

Step 1. Pose

Place wooden pegs in the corners and start creating the structure around the perimeter of the wall to be built. Between the two pegs you will place a central one; for this work you can also use wood scraps. Nail the plank of wood to the center batten and to the pegs along the entire perimeter. The wooden planks will act as a guide, so when you place the bricks, the outside of the wall will be in line. To find out if the slats are straight, measure the diagonals (which must be equal to each other), and / or use 3, 4 or 5 triangles to make sure that each angle is 90 degrees.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 2
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 2

Step 2. Place the first row of bricks

Start the wall at the lowest part of the foundation and form the lower rows until they are completely buried. If the base is made of a mixture of stone and gravel, make sure it is well pressed before placing the bricks; if you can't press it properly you can wet it a little. To place the bricks correctly, use a rubber mallet and a spirit level to check correct alignment with the ground and with the guide stick.

  • The lower series of bricks is the most difficult to put in because it has to be placed more accurately, while with the following ones the work will be easier: you will only have to add the bricks following the shape below. Make at least 2 rounds of bricks stuck together.

    Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 2Bullet1
    Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 2Bullet1
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 3
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 3

Step 3. Add gravel to the inside and outside of the first row

It will help you position the wall, keep it dry and keep weeds and roots away.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 4
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 4

Step 4. Cut the steel bars for the wall

Buy 6 meter long bars; you can find them in the same shop where you got the concrete and bricks. Choose 10mm diameter (3/8 inch) bars, so you can easily cut them with wire cutters. Some may be harder, so place them on the ground along with the wire cutters and push your weight onto the top handle. The bar must be 30 cm higher than the height of the wall, so that it can be driven into the foundation. To give the wall more stability, measure and cut a piece of bar to insert into any empty space between the bricks.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 5
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 5

Step 5. Create the concrete

If you create concrete from a mixture of sand, gravel and cement, calculate the ratio well (usually 1 part concrete, 2 and a half parts sand and 3 and a half parts gravel) and mix it in a wheelbarrow. You can also try measuring using a bucket: less than half a bucket of concrete, 1 meager bucket of sand, and 1 bucket full of gravel. Mix well before adding the water. Mix with a shovel one or two liters of water at a time and mix well until the mixture reaches the right consistency. It's hard work, so do it in the shade.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 6
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 6

Step 6. Put the concrete in the gaps you see between the bricks

It must be a homogeneous mixture that fills all the empty spaces without dripping. If some of the dough ends up in the dry parts, spread it with a spatula. Once you've completely filled a gap, run a trowel over it to flatten the surface.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 7
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 7

Step 7. Insert the bolts J

Take the longest bolts you find and make sure that they stick and protrude at least 6-7 cm above the wall, in order to insert the backplate, the washers and the nuts that will go on top; 6 cm should be enough, but if the base plate is not perfectly straight you may need it 7. After inserting the bolts, make sure they are well surrounded by the concrete, otherwise help with the shovel. If concrete gets on the bolt threads, you can remove it with a wire brush.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 8
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 8

Step 8. Wet the concrete at least once a day if it's hot

This will allow for adequate drying. The longer it takes to dry, the harder it will be. You can optionally cover the fresh concrete with plastic sheeting or cardboard to keep it moist.

Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 9
Build a Mortarless Concrete Stem Wall Step 9

Step 9. Continue along the entire perimeter of the foundation, to the end

It is better to start at one corner and move in both directions until you get to the opposite corner, rather than starting and ending in the same place. So you reduce the risk of going wrong or going too high or too low.


  • To make the wall more beautiful and durable, apply a layer of putty. It will reinforce laterally as if it had a layer of lime, with or without plaster. There is also a product called "structural stucco", which contains fiberglass and which, when applied, makes the wall 7 times stronger than a traditional retaining wall built with mortar.
  • You can cut bricks with a diamond blade circular saw. To keep the dust out, wet the area where you cut the bricks.
