Since still water is tasteless, not everyone likes it. Adding a wedge of lemon or lime not only flavor it, it also makes it more refreshing. This article shows some recipes for making lime flavored water. It also explains how to customize it to suit your tastes.
Lime infusion
- 2 limes, sliced
- 700 ml of cold water
- 4-5 mint leaves (optional)
- Ice (optional)
Flavored Water with Squeezed Lime Juice
- 1 cup (250 ml) of fresh lime juice (about 5 limes)
- 10 cups (2.5 l) of cold water
- Slices of lime (optional)
- Fresh mint twigs (optional)
- Ice (optional)
Sweet Lime Flavored Water
- ½ teaspoon of lime juice
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- 250-300 ml of water
Method 1 of 4: Make Lime Infusion

Step 1. Take 2 limes and scrub the peel to remove any dirt and pesticides from the surface
Since once sliced you will put them directly into the water, the citrus fruits must be perfectly clean.

Step 2. Cut the limes into thin slices
Simply lay them on the side and slice them into fine washers. In addition to flavoring the water, they will also color it.

Step 3. Place the lime slices in a large jug
You can also use a 1 liter glass jar.

Step 4. You can also add 4 or 5 large mint leaves, which will make the lime flavored water even more colorful and tasty

Step 5. Pour 700ml of cold water into the jug
Stir gently with a long-handled spoon.

Step 6. Cover the jug and put it in the fridge
The longer you let the water steep, the tastier it will become. If you want the aroma to be barely noticeable, wait 10 to 30 minutes. If you want it more intense, leave the jug in the refrigerator overnight.

Step 7. Serve cold water
If you want, you can also put some ice cubes in the jug. Alternatively, take some ice cubes and use them to fill a glass jar, then pour over the lime flavored water.
Method 2 of 4: Prepare Flavored Water with Squeezed Lime Juice

Step 1. Squeeze enough lime to fill 1 cup (250ml)
You will need about 5 to get this amount.

Step 2. Pour the lime juice into a large jug
It must have a capacity of about 3 liters.

Step 3. Pour 10 cups (2.5L) of cold water into the pitcher
Mix the lime flavored water with a long stick.

Step 4. You could also add lime wedges, which will color the juice and make it even more pleasing to the eye
It's a great idea for a party. Just take a lime, wash it well, cut it into thin slices and put it in the jug.

Step 5. Try adding a few twigs or a handful of fresh mint leaves, which will allow the lime juice to flavor and color even more

Step 6. Before serving the flavored water, put it in the fridge for at least 10 minutes
Cold lime flavored water tastes even better.

Step 7. Serve the lime flavored water with ice
Place a few cubes in the bottom of the jug. You can also fill a glass with ice and then pour the drink over it.
Method 3 of 4: Prepare a Glass of Sweet Lime Flavored Water

Step 1. Fill a glass with 250-300ml of cold water
The measurements don't have to be exact.

Step 2. Add ½ teaspoon of lime juice to the water
If you use fresh juice, you will need about ½ lime.

Step 3. Pour 2 teaspoons of sugar into the water
If the drink is too sweet for your taste, you can squeeze out more juice. If it's not sweet enough, sweeten it further.
You can also use sugar in sachets. Each pack contains about 1 teaspoon of sugar

Step 4. Stir the water and serve it
Some people find this drink to be a good remedy for treating a hangover.
Method 4 of 4: Variants of Lime Flavored Water

Step 1. Try replacing the water with some other drink
You could use coconut water, soda water, or green tea. In the latter case, make sure it is very cold before adding the lime wedges.

Step 2. Make lemon and lime flavored water
Cut 1 lemon and 3 limes into thin slices, then place them in a large jug. Pour in some cold water and keep the drink in the fridge for at least 10 minutes. Serve it with ice cubes.

Step 3. Make ginger and lime flavored water
Peel and thinly slice a 5 cm piece of ginger, then put it in cold water (you will need 2 liters). Cut 2 limes into thin slices and place them in the water. Stir with a long-handled spoon and let the drink cool in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Step 4. Make cucumber, mint and lime flavored water
In a 1 liter glass jar, place ½ thinly sliced lime, 6 mint leaves and 5 cucumber slices. Fill the jar with water, close it and leave it in the fridge for at least 15 minutes. Serve the drink cold in a glass.

Step 5. Make strawberry and lime purifying water
Mix 1 cup (200 g) of sliced strawberries, 1 cup (150 g) of sliced cucumber, 2 sliced limes, 5 g of fresh mint leaves and 2 liters of water. Put the ingredients in a bowl and add some ice cubes. Let the drink cool in the fridge for 10 minutes before serving.

Step 6. Make a ginger and lime purifying water
Cut 1 lemon, 1 lime and 1 cucumber into thin slices, then place them in a large jug. Add 10-15 mint leaves and 1 tablespoon of grated fresh ginger. Fill the jug with 2 liters of cold water. Stir the ingredients and let the drink cool in the fridge for a few hours before serving.

Step 7. Pour the lime juice into the compartments of an ice tray
When you plan to drink a glass of water, add a lime ice cube - it will flavor the water as it melts.

Step 8. Try adding sugar or honey to the water
If you find it too acidic, you may want to sweeten it. However, remember that flavored water must still have a delicate taste, not particularly intense.
- Store the flavored water in the fridge. It will keep fresh for about 3 days.
- If you use sliced lime, the water will gradually acquire more flavor in the fridge. You will get the best results after letting it sit for 24 hours.
- If you run out of liquid and you have any lime wedges left, you can fill the pitcher with water another 2 or 3 times. However, the citrus fruit will gradually lose its flavor, becoming less and less perceptible.
- Try storing water in the fridge using glass jars. You can close them tightly with the lid so you don't have to worry about them falling over. These vessels are also decorative.
- Some people find that lime flavored water promotes weight loss.