How to Make Coffee Flavored Vodka

How to Make Coffee Flavored Vodka
How to Make Coffee Flavored Vodka

Table of contents:


An infusion of coffee, vodka and a simple syrup becomes an excellent drink to be enjoyed straight or with a soda. It also proves to be a good base for coffee-flavored cocktails like the Staten Island Martini.




  • 475 ml of water
  • 300 g of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 300 g of freshly ground espresso beans
  • 750 ml of vodka


Part 1 of 4: Making the Syrup

This simple syrup allows you to reduce the bitter taste of coffee vodka. Vanilla also helps soften the flavor.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 1
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 1

Step 1. In a medium-sized saucepan, boil the water

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 2
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 2

Step 2. Turn the heat down to medium and stir in the sugar

Stir until completely dissolved.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 3
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 3

Step 3. Add the vanilla extract and boil for another 3-5 minutes

This way the syrup thickens.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 4
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 4

Step 4. Set the saucepan aside and wait for the syrup to cool

It should turn golden brown like honey.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 5
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 5

Step 5. Pour it into a sterilized half liter glass jar

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 6
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 6

Step 6. Keep it in the refrigerator for as long as you need it

Part 2 of 4: Making the Vodka

Finding the right balance between vodka, coffee and syrup is the key to a good drink. Be sure to keep the syrup in the refrigerator as you will still need it during the brewing process.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 7
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 7

Step 1. Insert the funnel into a one-liter sterilized glass bottle

Pour the ground coffee beans inside. Remember that the bottle must have been sterilized in boiling water or in the dishwasher.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 8
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 8

Step 2. Pour the vodka into the bottle with the help of the funnel

Submerge the coffee.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 9
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 9

Step 3. Close the bottle and shake it gently to mix the ingredients

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 10
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 10

Step 4. Open the cap, put the funnel back on and pour in the sugar syrup until the bottle is completely filled

You will likely use 1/3 or half of the syrup you made. Save what is left over for future use.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 11
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 11

Step 5. Close the bottle cap and shake it again until a light foam forms, this could be either brown or white

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 12
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 12

Step 6. Wait for the foam to settle and then open the bottle again for a 'refill' of syrup

Part 3 of 4: Flavor the Vodka

Let the vodka and coffee rest in a cool, dry place. During this time the coffee will release its aroma.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 13
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 13

Step 1. Put the bottle with the coffee, vodka and syrup in a cool dark place

Wait five days.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 14
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 14

Step 2. Check the bottle every day to see if air has formed on the top

If that happens, add more syrup.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 15
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 15

Step 3. After 5 days, taste the infusion

If the coffee flavor is intense enough for your taste, you can proceed to the next step. If not, wait a couple more days.

Part 4 of 4: Strain the Vodka

Filtration through a French coffee maker allows you to remove all the coffee grounds. You will need to do it twice. It is a long process that requires a little elbow grease. When done, the vodka will be dark brown in color.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 16
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 16

Step 1. Pour the vodka into a French coffee maker

Try to pour in as many coffee grounds as possible.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 17
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 17

Step 2. Clean the bottle you used making sure to get rid of all debris

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 18
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 18

Step 3. Put a funnel in the bottle and line it inside with a conical coffee filter

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 19
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 19

Step 4. Lower the coffee pot plunger about ¼ of its length

Pour the liquid into the bottle through the funnel and filter.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 20
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 20

Step 5. Repeat the process until all the grounds in the pot appear dry

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 21
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 21

Step 6. Clean the coffee pot and bring all the vodka back into it so you can proceed to the second filtration

Remember to carefully clean the coffee maker so that there are no residues. Also replace the filter inside the funnel.

Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 22
Infuse Vodka with Coffee Step 22

Step 7. Taste the final product and add more syrup if desired

Store the vodka in the refrigerator.


  • You can enjoy this vodka on ice or mixed with a glass of soda. It is also an excellent base for coffee cocktails such as the Staten Island Martini.
  • If you want to add chocolate, put 50 g of cocoa pieces in the infusion.
  • For best results, choose medium to high quality vodka.
