Since it helps calm the mind, fight stress, and accept yourself more, meditation is very effective in relieving anxiety. There are different types of meditation, so you may want to experiment with several to find the most suitable one. Regardless of the style you choose, you will learn to focus on the present and get rid of negative thoughts associated with the past or the future.
Part 1 of 3: Starting from the Basics of Meditation

Step 1. Find a comfortable, quiet place
It is possible to meditate anywhere, but for a beginner it is much easier to do it in a quiet place, free from distractions and where you can be alone for a few minutes.
You could designate a specific area of the house. It should have a comfortable place to sit and encourage meditation. It is possible to create an altar / reliquary or decorate the area with elements that stimulate meditation

Step 2. Sit straight
Try to have good posture while meditating. Not only does it benefit the spine, it also helps to maintain focus.
Sitting on a yoga cushion or block can help keep your back straight

Step 3. Proceed step by step
To start meditating, it is not necessary to take a lot of time away from daily tasks. Initially it is possible to do meditation even for just 10 minutes a day.
- Having a fixed schedule can help you take your daily commitment seriously.
- As you progress, you may begin to feel the desire to meditate longer, but it is by no means necessary. Don't feel compelled to meditate for a certain amount of time if you don't think it is suitable for your needs.

Step 4. Try to define an intention
Some people find it helpful to work out a specific intention during the initial phase of the session. It should have altruistic purposes, helping to focus on the good that is being created through meditation.
For example, you might think about how it will help you focus on the present and not dwell on the past or worry about the future

Step 5. Keep a journal dedicated to the meditation process
Some people find it very useful, so you might want to give it a try too. This allows you to keep track of the various meditation techniques you have tried and how it felt during the practice.
Also, keeping a diary helps you to process your emotions and perhaps to understand why a certain technique aroused certain feelings
Part 2 of 3: Combat Anxiety with Meditation

Step 1. Replace thoughts associated with anxiety
All meditation techniques involve the replacement of negative or tormented thoughts, favoring the achievement of a calm mental state. If you suffer from anxiety, you are probably plagued by numerous thoughts that lead you to worry unnecessarily. Whichever style of meditation you choose, the practice should focus on replacing negative thoughts.
- It takes time to understand when to meditate. For example, you could do this as soon as anxiety arises. You may also find it more helpful to meditate when you know you are about to expose yourself to a situation that can trigger anxiety.
- Over time, meditating will teach you to pay less attention to troubled thoughts. This way they will weigh less.

Step 2. Don't be too hard on yourself
A beginner may come to think that he does not know how to meditate or that he is doing it the wrong way. In fact, many people feel this way. Indeed, anxious individuals are particularly predisposed to allow themselves to be held back by self-criticism, which prevents them from enjoying the practice. Instead of judging yourself for your alleged shortcomings, remind yourself that you are improving session after session and that you don't have to be perfect.
Judging your skills in meditation can even cause stress and anxiety, which would be counterproductive. If this happens to you, recognize the negative thoughts and consider them on the same level as all the other thoughts that plague you

Step 3. Consider any red flags
Meditation is effective for many people with anxiety, but it's not for everyone. In some cases it can exacerbate the problem. If this happens to you, stop practicing or spend less time on it.
- Observe how you feel before and after a meditation session. Sometimes you don't feel better right away (not a problem), but you shouldn't feel worse or more anxious than before either.
- People prone to relaxation-induced anxiety, highly introspective, or who have repressed memories are more likely to feel anxious following meditation.
- Those with relaxation-induced anxiety may be able to unplug only initially, starting to feel even more anxiety or tension later on. It could happen because he is afraid of the thoughts that will occur once the mind is quieted, or because he is afraid of being lazy or not meditating "correctly". If you suffer from anxiety, it is possible to witness this phenomenon.
- If repressed memories or traumas arise during meditation (while trying to meditate all of a sudden you are reliving a traumatic emotion or experience), stop the session. You shouldn't try to deal with trauma alone. Talk to a psychotherapist or other trained professional.

Step 4. Be consistent
If you realize that meditation is for you, don't expect to see changes overnight. It may take some time for the brain to start changing in a noticeable way, but it will happen. If you work with the aim of relieving anxiety, be patient and engage in meditation regularly.
Part 3 of 3: Practice Different Styles of Meditation

Step 1. Try mindfulness meditation, one of the most popular styles for fighting anxiety
To practice it, just focus all attention on the present. This helps the brain not fixate on the past or the future.
- Thoughts are normal to wander, so don't be discouraged. If thoughts or emotions arise, acknowledge them, but don't judge yourself for it. Then, commit to replacing them with thoughts about the present.
- Keeping your eyes open helps you stay focused on the present.
- Many people like to consciously focus on their breathing while practicing. This helps to breathe deeply, but also to prevent other thoughts from invading the mind. If you have difficulty concentrating on your breathing, you can try counting each breath or mentally repeating the words "inhale" and "exhale".

Step 2. Consider meditation based on love and kindness
It is similar to mindfulness in that it involves the replacement of unwanted thoughts. However, instead of focusing on the present, you can focus on all the elements associated with love and kindness.
- Thoughts should express love and kindness towards oneself and others.
- You can combine this type of meditation with mindfulness, as they complement each other.

Step 3. Try guided meditation, sometimes called visualization
This style requires you to think deeply about a place or situation that feels relaxing. By practicing this type of meditation, you must try to involve all the senses by imagining the sight, smells, sounds, tastes and emotions that would be experienced if you were actually in that place.
Guided meditation can be done alone, but it is often done in a group following the instructions of a teacher

Step 4. Experiment with transcendental meditation
If you decide to practice it, you need to repeat a mantra to yourself in order to achieve relaxation. The mantra can be made up of any word, phrase or sound that you find comforting.
The way the mantra is pronounced is also important. You should really focus on every single word

Step 5. Incorporate movement into your meditation
It doesn't always have to be practiced while sitting. In fact, there are various techniques that combine exercise and meditation. It could be the perfect solution for those who don't like to sit still.
- Tai chi, qi gong and yoga are all practices that mix movement and meditation. If you are interested in learning one, you can find courses in numerous gyms and spas. You can also try watching videos online.
- If you want to add a dynamic and less structured element, you can also try walking while meditating. This movement shouldn't hinder her at all, as long as you are able to maintain focus.
- You can incorporate elements of any religious belief into your meditation practice, but it can also be totally secular.
- Meditation is very personal and varied for anyone. Try not to compare yourself to others or judge yourself for the way you practice it.