Snakes are mysterious animals that attack just when you don't even know they're there. They are silent, mysterious and they walk sliding on the belly without making a sound. You will hear their hissing only when they are about to bite. However, they can also be friendly animals when they have been domesticated. Here are some tips to overcome the fear of snakes.

Step 1. A lot of information about snakes is available
For example, did you know that most snakes can't hiss? You should take advantage of the large amount of information gathered about snakes; you could start by reading a book or doing an Internet search. You could also watch videos to see how they behave in nature.

Step 2. Visit your city zoo and go to the reptile area
There should be a section devoted to snakes. You can begin to familiarize yourself with snakes in this area, as they are all domesticated and used to living in confined spaces. In this way you will be able to get close to them but without coming into too direct contact.

Step 3. Try to locate someone who owns snakes in your area
This is a good idea to start the process of overcoming your fears. A pet snake is usually used to the presence of humans and will not behave too aggressively. There are also snakes that live in the wild, usually away from inhabited areas. If they come across an abandoned house they will try to enter it but if they see people they will run away in fear.

Step 4. Snakes can also be afraid
You need to know that they get scared when you make sudden movements. If you happen to see a snake and try to escape, it is possible that it will attack you before you can leave. Be very careful not to scare him, it is advisable instead to remain calm and be cautious.

Step 5. The time has come to face your fear
If you feel ready you should pick up a snake. It doesn't have to be a savage and deadly one but a tame one. Try getting it at a pet store or the home of a relative or friend who owns one. At this point you should have overcome a small percentage of your fear and hopefully you should also be able to hold it in your hand, you need to be careful as they move very fast.
- If you know someone who is not afraid of snakes, ask them to speak to you and you may begin to appreciate their perspective on these animals.
- Talk to the clerks at your local pet store, ask about snakes, and if you can see any.
- Visit a zoo and ask the keepers to help you overcome your fear with a chat and direct observation.
- Do not make sudden movements in front of a snake. If you see that he opens his mouth immediately withdraw his hand, you do not want him to bite your fingers. Don't squeeze it too tightly when you hold it in your hand. Don't drop it on the floor if you're afraid, it wouldn't be fair to the poor animal.
- SNAKES WILL NEVER BE TAMED TO SUCH AS TO CONTAIN THEIR INSTINCT. They might bite you, you have been warned.
P. S. Don't be discouraged. Despite everything, they are beautiful and fascinating animals. Overcome fear and you will have opened up a wonderful new world to study.
- Snake cubs are smaller but also livelier. Do not think that because they are small they will not bite or stand still. You are very wrong.
- It is helpful to repeat that tame snakes will tolerate being touched and picked up but you should never provoke them. They are pets but will never love their owner like a dog or a cat. Snakes see the master as someone who does something for them, but they will not hold back from attacking him for this reason alone.
Don't make the mistake of thinking snakes are docile / tameable. Even if they live indoors they are still wild animals and will not hesitate to bite you if they think you are a threat or are limiting their freedom. Snakes are always wild animals, no matter how pampered they are!