Do you have a school diary but you don't know how to organize it? You are in the right place.
Step 1. Name your diary
It may seem strange to you, but giving it a name is like making it more present in your life.
Step 2. Write sections for any subject
Write down the homework for each subject in the corresponding section. Use bulleted lists and create extra sections, if possible, to remind you of particular tasks and dates.
Step 3. Make journaling a part of your daily life
So it will become a daily routine to consult it, without you remembering it once a week.
Step 4. Write down the deadlines as soon as you know the dates
Write, in the relevant box, the pages of the book and the relative recommendations of the professor.
Step 5. Learn to use backward planning
Try reviewing your notes from previous days before reminding yourself of the event.
Step 6. Use the color coding system
It will keep your diary more organized. For example, try highlighting things that are due this week in yellow.
Step 7. Record everything in your diary
Homework, tests, parties, outings, conferences, etc.
Step 8. Use colored sticky applications to mark your events
Use colorful sticky note flags to mark your events. Maybe buy those colored snacks that are added to the pages to index particular sections. Give space to your creativity!
Step 9. Don't tear old pages, they might come in handy
If you really want to lighten your diary, buy a cataloguer in which to insert the old pages to consult in the future.
Step 10. Compliment yourself before the deadlines
Step 11. If possible, buy a diary made especially for school
It will surely have the split sections already printed, and you will just have to fill them with content.