The tasks are easier to do if you have bought all the materials. Organization is the key to knowing where all the things you need are, including important term papers. The school materials will also guarantee you higher grades, because you will always know where to find things.

Step 1. Make a list of everything you need, like:
- Colored pencils
- Penknives
- Quills
- Rulers of different lengths
- Tires
- 'Bianchetto'
- Highlighters
- Glue
- Scissors
- Geometry set
- Mini calculator
- Textbooks.

Step 2. Carve out a space to study at home
Instead of leaving your school supplies all over the house, keep them in one place. Keep a couple of pencils, pens and erasers in different jars, don't leave them scattered on the desk. If your desk has drawers, don't throw objects in at random; organize them. For example, in one drawer the books, in another the old homework, the next for the materials and so on.

Step 3. Buy a large folder, or smaller folders for each subject you study
Keep all your notes and homework in there. Don't be lazy, organize them as soon as they are a bit messy. When you get to class, all you have to do is pull out the folder and you will have everything you need. Better keep the old notes in a box, you may still need them.

Step 4. Make sure you have a notebook for each subject
Do not mix your notes, it will be more difficult later on to find what you are looking for. Write in an understandable way, so you will be able to reread what you have written even after some time.

Step 5. Having a pencil case is a good idea
So you can put all the pencils, pens, etc. into it. You will know where they are, and you won't have to search for a pencil for hours. The case will quickly become chaotic, so throw away broken pencils and anything you don't need right away.

Step 6. Clean your backpack
This will make everything easier in the classroom. Books and folders go to the widest part of the backpack.

Step 7. If you use a laptop to take notes, clean it once in a while
Create a folder called "School" and in this open as many sub folders as there are subjects of study. Put the documents in the right place.
- It is a good idea to use a color code for your subjects (using the colors of the rainbow is easier), for example math - blue: notebook, binder and highlighter will all be blue.
- If you need a piece of flying paper, don't tear it from the binder. Open the rings and take it. This way you won't have an unwatchable sheet.
- Get some sets of materials; for example, if you need pens, buy 5-10 of the same type (make sure they are the type you like). This will make it easier to keep track of them and find them if you miss one, because you'll know how it's done. Also, you can show people what you have lost and say, "Have you seen a pen like this?".
- In addition to the color code linked to the subjects, your school materials could be in the same color for example with your backpack.
- Try to have a binder for each subject. Not the small ones, but those in which you can also put the book of the subject, the notebook, plastic covers and sheets.