The period is something extremely personal and sometimes it is also a reason for teasing. In some circumstances, you may want to hide that you are on period. With a little preparation it is possible to hide this event. Read the article to find out more.

Step 1. Get ready
If you're not prepared, people will see blood in the back of your pants. Bring a bag with pads or tampons with you for extra protection. Put them in a non-transparent bag. If you want, take an airtight plastic bag and color it with permanent markers. Keep it in a dry place so it doesn't get damaged.

Step 2. Stay away from dogs
When you have your period, dogs will want to smell you more than anything else. It's like they know you are on period!

Step 3. Don't tell anyone
If you tell someone, people might be talking, especially those people who love gossip. To avoid these inconveniences, keep it a secret.

Step 4. Wear dark pants
If you get your blood stained, it won't show if you're wearing DARK pants. Gray is not enough, you will need black or dark navy blue pants. Avoid light colors and red. If you choose a shade of red similar to the color of blood, the blood will show the same because the pants will most likely be a little darker or lighter than your blood.

Step 5. Limit the damage
If you get stained wear dark pants to disguise the blood. But to hide the stain you can do the following:
- Sit down, but kneel so that the stain is covered by your shoes. This technique only works if you can wash the shoes or if they are not white.
- STAND ON YOUR FEET NOW. If you stand up you won't get any more dirty. Additionally, the stain will air dry.
Image Don't let your period get you down !! Remember that having periods is a natural thing for girls and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. The girls who don't have it yet might make fun of you, but remember that in reality they are just jealous of the fact that you became a woman before them.