Doing situps is a quick way to strengthen your abdominal muscles. However, you will need to perform this exercise with the correct technique to avoid injuries to the spine, neck and head muscles. Also, you will need to be careful to use only your abdominal muscles when performing these exercises, so as not to decrease their effectiveness and not to suffer injuries. It's not as hard as it sounds - always focus on your abs and you'll be well on your way.

Step 1. Bend your knees and place your feet completely flat on the ground

Step 2. Place your hands on opposite shoulders, so that you cross your arms across your chest or behind your head
This will allow you to center the center of gravity.

Step 3. Gently contract your abdominal muscles by bringing your navel towards your spine
Step 4. Keeping your feet completely flat on the ground, slowly and gently raise your head first, followed by your shoulder blades. Concentrate gaze at your bent knees as you gently contract your abdominal muscles. Lift off the floor until you reach a 90 ° angle, or when your elbows are level or have passed your knees.

Step 5. Hold the position for a second
Slowly bring your chest back to the ground, but try to keep it slightly raised and not rest it. Maintain a relaxed arch position.

Step 6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the rest of the exercise
Do only two or three repetitions if you are a beginner and gradually increase the amount over time as you are stronger. You will probably be able to lose weight too!
- If you can't keep your feet flat on the ground when standing up, ask a friend to keep them still. You can also use a heavy object (like an armchair) and put your feet under it. That way you will have support when you try to lift yourself up.
- Moderation is essential for all abdominal exercises, because these muscles are literally the center of the body. If you think about it, move your abs in every daily activity (walking, running, sitting, standing, reaching for something, etc.) you perform. So keep in mind that if you overdo the abdominal exercises you run the risk of ruining the next day with pain in that area of the body. If you are a beginner, start with a few repetitions and increase the amount gradually.
- When you are stronger, try a Pilates variation of this exercise: instead of keeping your arms behind your head or on your shoulders, keep your hands outstretched next to your chest and as you lift, bring your arms forward, lift them and straighten them together with your chest. Keep your shoulders relaxed and don't lean your head too far forward. When you return to the starting position, bring your arms back to a relaxed position on the floor next to your chest. Repeat for each abdominal.
- Don't make common abs mistakes:
- If you decide to move your hands away from behind your head, be sure not to push your head forward as you lift your chest. You will have a natural tendency to do this because it helps you lift yourself up and the tendency will increase with abdominal fatigue. But pushing on the head will strain the neck muscles. If you hold your arms differently, still try not to use your head in this exercise.
- Don't try to rest your forehead on your knees. The more you can lift your chest off the ground the better it will be, but within certain limits. If your back starts to sag (i.e. you would be hunchbacked if you were standing), you would strain your lower back too much.
- If you cannot keep your feet on the ground and have not secured them properly, you will make an extra effort to do so during the exercise. Unfortunately this effort will take place in the thighs, which are not a muscle you want to train. Some people's thighs may sag before their abs, making the exercise useless.
- Avoid doing situps if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Bending your spine while sitting puts pressure on your bones and can put you at risk of a stress fracture.
- Remember that the only way to build muscles is to push them beyond their limits. But if you do so many crunches that you feel a stinging sensation in your muscles, you will have gone too far. Your technique will start to deteriorate and you will not be able to perform correct abdominal exercises.