Having a talking cockatoo is a lot of fun. However, you need to teach him to speak first and that will require a good deal of effort.

Step 1. First, tame the cockatoo
Some believe that you can teach a bird to talk and tame it at the same time. This is a false belief. If you need help taming the pet, your veterinarian or pet store managers can help you. a friend who has experience is fine too.

Step 2. Begin to let your pet know the words you want him to repeat, using them frequently
Use each word at the right time, such as not saying "Good morning" in the evening when you are about to go to bed.

Step 3. Give the cockatoo lots of rewards and attention when he says a word correctly
There is no one right thing to do: it depends on what the animal prefers. Some specimens like human food more, while others prefer bird treats. Whatever you choose, he must like it a lot.

Step 4. Repeat often and be patient
No matter how smart the animal may be: it is not Einstein. You will have to be patient, otherwise the bird will start to fear you and you will lose all the progress you have made. A single hand movement can cause this reaction, so be careful.

Step 5. Choose words that the cockatoo "likes"
Look him in the eye. Do your pupils get bigger when you say certain words? Does its crest rise, indicating emotion or interest? If you don't notice anything, he may not like that word. He may not be able to repeat it. Because cockatoos have a high voice intonation, you may not be able to teach them words that you speak in a low tone.
- Train him in the environment that the animal prefers. This way he will feel more comfortable while learning.
- Use the right word at the right time of day. Don't say good morning in the evening.
- The animal may start talking just to get your attention and stop as soon as you get close. He will learn that when he says a word he usually refuses to repeat, you will give him a lot of attention and affection, so he may do it for his own convenience.
- Women and children are often the best teachers, because teenage boys and men have a deeper voice that is harder for the bird to imitate.
- You can get some videos on how to teach birds to talk; can be found in pet stores. Or turn one yourself. Grab a video camera and record about 6 minutes with the words you want to teach the cockatoo. Include 3 or 4 breaks, depending on the attention span of the animal.
- Don't teach the cockatoo bad words.