How to Take Care of a Goldfish: 7 Steps

How to Take Care of a Goldfish: 7 Steps
How to Take Care of a Goldfish: 7 Steps

Table of contents:


Congratulations! You just won a goldfish at the carnival. How are you going to take care of it?


Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 1
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 1

Step 1. Give it a name

You can choose something creative, the name of a famous person or the name of the animal itself.

Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 2
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 2

Step 2. Take the fish out of the plastic bag

These bags do not contain enough oxygen for the fish. As soon as you can, go to a pet store and buy a tub that fits your new pet.

Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 3
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 3

Step 3. Take the largest one you can find or can afford

For example, if you can afford a 20-liter one, buy it. It is always better to choose a large one. Some trays are sold with other accessories included, such as gravel, toys etc.

  • If you buy a regular tub, you will need to purchase other accessories separately to stimulate your fish. Colored sand, games and plants are an excellent idea.

    Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 3Bullet1
    Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 3Bullet1
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 4
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 4

Step 4. When you get home, rinse the tub, gravel, toys, plants, etc

with water.

Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 5
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 5

Step 5. Now organize the tank and fill it with water, making sure to put the right amount of softener specific for aquarium water (follow the instructions in the bottle)

Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 6
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 6

Step 6. When the tank is ready, put the bag containing the fish inside

In this way, it will gradually get used to the water temperature without having any shock.

Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 7
Take Care of Your Carnival Goldfish Step 7

Step 7. Check the fish for a few minutes, grab the net and rinse it with water

Take the fish gently and accompany it with the net into the tank.


  • Remember to feed the fish every day. Don't give it too much food, it will swell.
  • Always wash your hands before and after handling the feed, to avoid the transmission of disease between you and your fish.
  • When you can afford it, consider buying more fish. Fish suffer from loneliness if they don't have companions to play with!
  • Goldfish are usually happier if they have a bubbly tank.
  • Always keep medicines on hand. You might need them in an emergency.


  • Remember to change the water in the tub at least once or twice a week, even if it has a filter.
  • Be careful when removing and returning the fish to its tank. Do it very gently and quickly.
