Are you worried about the condition of your skin and hair? You take care of it in all possible and imaginable ways, yet you suffer from blemishes, dark circles and hair loss. Have you ever thought about the possibility that there is a correlation with your mental health? That's right: the health of the epidermis can be intrinsically related to that of the mind. Taking care of the psyche can make both hair and skin healthier.

Step 1. Don't lose control in anger
Anger can greatly affect the health of the skin and cause it to age. Learn to control yourself as soon as anger assails you. Take a deep breath and try to relax. Be patient. Understand that it was just an accident and that everything will be back to normal soon. Remember that it is only a passing state. Control yourself and think about the skin.

Step 2. Don't stay up late
In some cases, staying up in the small hours can have devastating consequences for the skin: premature aging, wrinkles, dark spots and so on. So try to finish work early and sleep for at least seven hours a night.

Step 3. Don't get overly anxious
Tension can be extremely harmful to skin and hair health. Anxiety and worries can cause hair to fall out due to a hormonal reaction, so don't worry and face life with optimism.

Step 4. Exercise regularly
It will benefit the body in general, but also the skin and hair. Regular exercise promotes proper blood circulation, improving the condition of the epidermis. Work out for at least half an hour a day.