How to be a scholar (with pictures)

How to be a scholar (with pictures)
How to be a scholar (with pictures)

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Studying implies seriousness and commitment to learning. Studious people still know how to have fun, but they make their studies a priority, sticking to a thorough and meticulous work program. However, being a scholar is more than just studying many things - it is about entering into a perspective that allows you to be enthusiastic about acquiring knowledge and notions.


Part 1 of 3: Entering the Studio Optics

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Step 1.

People are becoming more and more addicted to technology these days, and therefore, focusing on any one task over a long period of time can be a little more difficult. You may have a habit of checking your email or phone every 15 minutes, but if you really intend to commit to studying, then you need to make the effort to concentrate for 30, 45, or even 60 minutes at a time. You can train your mind to apply more and stay focused over a longer period of time if you commit yourself to it.

  • Eliminate all distractions before starting, as they prevent concentration. For example, put your phone in another room and avoid studying while watching TV.
  • Learn to examine yourself and notice when the mind is drifting. If something is bothering you, tell yourself that you will give it a full 15 minutes instead of letting it interfere with your thoughts.
  • Taking a few breaks is just as important as focusing. You will need to take a 10 minute break at least every hour so that the mind can re-channel its energies.

Step 2. Read the teaching material before studying it in class

For example, you could read the textbook chapter assigned for tomorrow the previous evening. This will help you better understand the topic that the teacher will explain in class. In addition, you will be able to identify the concepts where you need further clarification and consequently let you know what questions you need to ask during the lesson.

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Step 3. Pay attention in class

An important part of studying is being attentive during the lesson. Learn to assimilate everything explained by the teachers and to really understand the subjects. Avoid as many distractions as possible and don't get lost in fringe conversations with friends. Read along with your teacher and make sure you don't waste time in class staring at the clock or studying for the next few hours. Consider it important to stay focused and not let your mind wander; if it happens, just be quick to remember it.

  • If you don't understand something, don't be reluctant to ask questions; being studious does not mean knowing everything, but it means engaging in study.
  • If you can choose the seat, then sitting next to the teacher can help build a relationship with him and pay more attention, as you will feel more responsible.
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Step 4. Join the class

Studious people participate in the classroom, because they are active and engaged during the learning process. They answer the teachers' questions, raise their hands when they have some questions and volunteer for the proposed activities. It is not necessary to answer every question, taking away from other students this possibility, but it is important to have an active and constant part in class discussions.

  • While answering questions or sharing your opinion is a great way to participate, asking great questions is also important to actively participate in the lesson. Avoid feeling obligated to always have all the answers.
  • Participating in class also makes you feel more engaged and enthusiastic about what you study. It helps you to assimilate the subjects and to have good grades.
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Step 5. Make study a priority

Studying does not mean putting aside all other interests. However, it does mean making study an important priority in one's life. When you balance your time between friends, family, extracurricular activities, and studying, you need to make sure you don't neglect to study and make sure your social life doesn't get in the way of your performance. Sticking to a schedule can help you manage the time you spend studying with other commitments.

  • You may have to make some sacrifices to make sure you have time to study, but in the long run it will definitely be worth it.
  • Coordinate the study with your daily schedules. It's important to make time to study almost every day so you don't end up getting distracted with other activities, hobbies, or social events.
  • You have to understand what your moments are to study. Some people like to study right after school, when classroom explanations are still fresh in their minds, while others like to spend a couple of hours relaxing.
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Step 6. Don't expect perfection

Studying doesn't mean becoming the class nerd. It means making a serious and constant commitment to studies. If you expect to become the student with the highest grades, then you need to anticipate a high hurdle to overcome. While it may be a personal goal, what's most important is making a commitment to give your best so that you don't feel disappointed or mediocre or under pressure.

  • Being a scholar does not mean becoming the student with the highest grades in the school, but studying using your skills and always aiming to improve.
  • If you expect to never fail to answer, this attitude actually risks throwing you into frustration and will make you less likely to succeed. If you are obsessed with the fact that you don't know how to do an exercise during a class assignment, then you will put yourself in the position of not being able to concentrate on the rest of the assignment.
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Step 7. Take notes in class

Taking notes in class will help you focus on subjects, carefully consider the words the teacher dwells on, and stay active and engaged, even if you feel tired. You can also take notes with different pens and highlighters, or use post-its to mark particularly important passages. Find the method that works best for you and commit to taking notes in the most complete and detailed way possible if you want to be studious.

  • You could use different strategies for taking notes and choosing the one that works best for you.
  • If you really intend to be studious, then try explaining the teacher's lesson in your own words. This way, you will not only have to write down everything he says, but also make an effort to really understand the subject.
  • Try to review your notes every day, so the next day you can ask the teacher for clarification on what you did not understand.
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Step 8. Get organized

Studious people are generally well organized so as not to waste time searching for notes, home checks, or textbooks. If you are disorganized, then it would be useful to have a binder for each subject, to dedicate a few minutes a day to cleaning your desk and to divide the work into different sectors so as to stay focused and not get confused. You will probably think that some people are naturally more messy than others, but you can always work hard to learn the habits of an organized person if you want to be studious.

  • A simple method to keep everything organized is to dedicate a notebook and a folder for each lesson and collect all the material specific to the single subject.
  • If you only spend 15 minutes a day tidying everything up, both in your bedroom and in your notebook, then you will be able to maintain an organized lifestyle.
  • The order is part of the organization. Don't throw crumpled papers into your bag and be sure to keep personal belongings and leisure items separate from study materials.
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Step 9. Don't worry about what others think

If you want to be truly studious, then you need to stop comparing yourself to other people. Don't try to get the same algebra grades as the girl sitting next to you, and don't try to get on the list of the best students in school, unless you think it's a realistic goal. The most important thing is to do your best instead of making constant comparisons with others. If you are too focused on other people, then you will never be happy with your accomplishments and you will not study with a positive outlook.

The best thing you can do, in case someone in the class knows more than you, is to try to study together so that you can understand information from that person. See prepared people as an asset, not a threat

Part 2 of 3: Developing Strict Study Habits

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Step 1. Establish a schedule

If you want to develop rigorous study habits, then one of the first things you should do is create a study program. If you sit in front of textbooks without a clear idea of what to do, then the chances are high that you will feel overwhelmed, waste a lot of time on less important things, or fall victim to distractions. To make the time you spend on books as productive and effective as possible, you should divide it into blocks of 15 to 30 minutes, making a work plan for each block of time so you know exactly what to do.

  • Having a plan will make you feel even more motivated. If you make a list of things to do and come up with them one by one, you will feel happier afterwards than when you were studying for three hours with no real direction.
  • Limiting study topics to a certain amount of time can also be helpful in maintaining focus. It is not recommended to spend too much time studying something unimportant and ignoring essential concepts.
  • Additionally, you can establish a weekly or monthly schedule. If an important exam is coming up, breaking the subject down into week-long study sessions can make it more manageable.
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Step 2. Create a study plan that matches your learning style

By knowing your learning style, you can get an idea of how to improve. Each person has a different one, and a study method, such as flashcards, may be fine for one student, but terrible for another. Many people fall into more than one category. Here you will find different learning styles and some tips on how to study to learn better:

  • Visual. Visual learners learn best using photos, images and tools that give better spatial awareness. If you belong to this category, then graphs and diagrams will be as useful to you as arranging notes with colors according to the topic of the subject. You can also use flowcharts when taking notes to get a strong visual image of the concepts.
  • Auditory. This type of student learns best through sound. You can learn best by recording and transcribing lessons, talking to experts, or participating in class discussions.
  • Physical / kinesthetic. This type of learner learns best using their body, hands and sense of touch. While it can be difficult to learn through mere use of this style, you could study by drawing a path of words that reinforce learning, use the computer to verify information, and memorize facts as you walk.
  • If you have learning disabilities, it is important to get the necessary study support accommodations. In addition to audio books, you can also have assistance in taking notes or audio recordings of lessons. If you are in high school, talk to the teacher to get the help you need. If you are in college, contact your professor or student support services.
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Step 3. Take breaks

Taking a few breaks is just as important as staying at work when it comes to developing a rigorous study habit. No human being is destined to spend eight hours straight in front of a computer, at a desk or in textbooks and it is important to take some breaks so that you can gather and gain more energy to resume studying. Make sure you take a 10 minute break every hour or hour and a half, or even more often if you really need it. Try to get some nutrients, get some sun, or exercise when you take a break.

Don't think that you are lazy for some interruption. In fact, this allows you to work harder when you get back to the books

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Step 4. Avoid distractions when studying

To get the most out of your effort, you should avoid any kind of distraction as much as possible. Make it a rule that you can only go to YouTube, Facebook, or your favorite gossip site during breaks, and that you must turn off your phone while studying. Don't sit next to people who are talking loudly, distracting you, or trying to have a chat with you. Look around you and make sure there is nothing that will distract you from your work.

If you are completely addicted to the phone or Facebook, tell yourself that you will have to study for an hour before going to check it out. That way you will be more motivated to study in the meantime, when you know a "reward" awaits you

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Step 5. Study in the right environment

The right environment to study is not the same for everyone and your job is to decide what works best for you. Some people prefer to study in a space of absolute tranquility, without any noise or passage of people, such as in their room, while others like the more vibrant atmosphere of the bar. Some people study better outdoors, while others are only able to do their jobs in the library. There is the possibility of studying in the wrong context without knowing it; try to find a study space that is suitable for you and you will see how much easier it will be to study.

  • If you normally only study in your room and think it's too quiet, try a bar for a change. If you are tired of the din of a bar, try the library, where you may feel inspired by many people, studying in peace.
  • Listening to music while you study can help many to stay focused. However, it is better to choose instrumental music, because the words can become a distraction.
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Step 6. Bring what you need to study

To make the most of your efforts, you need to prepare. Dress in layers or bring a sweater with you so you don't feel uncomfortable if you're too hot or too cold. Bring some healthy snacks, such as butter with celery, carrots, yogurt, almonds, or cashews, so that you have something to nibble on that doesn't add to sugar or make you feel tired. Prepare your notes, a few extra pens, charge your phone in case you need them later, and whatever else you need to stay focused and ready to get down to business.

If you are really determined to study, it is not advisable to ruin everything because you do not have what you need with you. Having a must-have schedule can help you study successfully

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Step 7. Take advantage of your resources

If you want to be a scholar, then you must know how to use all the aids at your disposal. It probably means talking to teachers, friends, or librarians for further help, going to the library, or reading online resources and other recommended materials. The more resources you use, the more likely you are to be successful in your studies.

Studious people are resourceful. When they don't have all the material they need from a textbook, they turn to other people, read other books, or turn to other online resources for help

Part 3 of 3: Stay Motivated

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Step 1. Make small improvements

To stay motivated while studying, you don't have to think you've failed if you can't get top marks. Instead, be proud of yourself when you've gone from barely good enough to full pass. When it comes to studying and finding the right motivation, you should apply yourself to improvement, otherwise you will be disappointed and lose your energy.

Track your progress. Whenever you notice how much you have improved since you started working, you will be very proud of yourself

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Step 2. Find a way to be enthusiastic about what you study

While not all topics will appeal to you, you should find something that interests you in every subject. Maybe Italian is not your favorite subject, but you have discovered that "Il fu Mattia Pascal" is your new favorite novel; you may not have to like everything you study at school, but you should still look for something that will win you over and motivate you to continue working seriously.

If you just find something that piques your interest, you will be much more motivated to be studious. Remember that you don't have to study just for homework and exams, but you have to really learn and show interest in what you are learning can really help

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Step 3. Study with a partner or in a group

While working with someone or in a group isn't ideal for everyone, you should sometimes consider applying yourself in the study by comparing yourself with other people. You can learn a lot by working with other peers, as they can help you stay focused and stay on track. You will also likely find that you can learn more from a friend than from a teacher, and that you gain more mastery of a topic after explaining it to your friends. Consider this study technique next time you need to study hard.

  • Some people are more social and learn much better with others. If so, then try working with a friend first and then create a study group.
  • Just make sure that study groups actually spend most of their time studying with some breaks from time to time; It is not appropriate to get sucked into a situation that prevents you from studying.
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Step 4. Reward yourself for hard work

Studying is not just work, work, work. If you really want it to become a life goal, then you need to remember to take a few breaks and reward yourself with each milestone you reach. Whenever you get a good grade, celebrate with ice cream or a movie night with friends. Whenever you study for three hours, reward yourself with your favorite reality show show. Find a way to motivate yourself to keep working and to reward yourself for the hard work you've done.

Any amount of work must be rewarded. Don't feel like you don't deserve any reward, because you didn't get the grades you were hoping for

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Step 5. Don't neglect the fun

While it's easy to think that studious people never have fun, it's actually very important to remember to relax and take a break every now and then. If you are focused only on your studies, you will exhaust yourself, feeling pressured to keep up. Instead, reward your app by hanging out with friends, pursuing your hobbies, or even doing some stupid activity, like watching Big Brother every now and then. A few breaks to actually enjoy yourself will make learning more enjoyable when you have to go back to studying, and will help you be studious.

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Step 6. Think about the overall situation

Another way to stay motivated is to remind yourself why you study. This reasoning will probably appear nonsense as you study the French Revolution or read "The Betrothed", but all the little things you study can contribute to making you a complete and interesting person. Getting stellar grades can also help you reach your educational goals, whether you're planning to graduate or do a PhD. Remember that while not every page you study will be fascinating, this will help you achieve your success in the future.

If you focus on details or dwell too much on an exam, you take yourself too seriously. It's about making a commitment to study over time, not working hard for a single class assignment or exam. If you view everything as a marathon and not a sprint, then you won't be putting too much pressure on yourself and you'll still be able to study along the way


  • Don't worry too much. Take it one step at a time.
  • Do not try to be who you are not - if it is not in your nature to be studious, do not force yourself.
