Using the right tools is essential for getting a manicure or doing it for someone else. Some of them may seem a bit strange and not everyone knows how to use them correctly. However, it is possible to learn the right way to use cuticle pusher, cuticle clipper, nail clipper and nail file. After use, always make sure to clean and disinfect them to prevent the spread of bacteria that could cause infections.
Method 1 of 3: Use Cuticle Pusher and Cuticle Cutter

Step 1. Soften the cuticles with an emollient product
It is important to use a specific emollient product for cuticles before using the cuticle pusher or cuticle cutter. This will make it easier to push them back and remove the excess skin with the cuticle cutter.
- Soak your nails in a solution consisting of warm water and a few drops of hand soap. Let them soak for about five minutes.
- Then, remove your nails from the water and pat them dry with a towel. Apply a drop of emollient to each cuticle and massage it gently into the area.
Step 2. Push the cuticles back
Gently push the cuticle back using the rounded edge of the cuticle pusher. Perform the procedure on all nails.
- Make sure you are not exerting too much pressure. Just gently push the cuticles back.
- Are you having trouble pushing them back? Then let your nails soak in hot water a little longer.
Step 3. Use the pointed end of the cuticle pusher to remove dirt and other debris
The cuticle pusher should have a pointed end on the opposite side. You can use this side of the tool to remove any dirt or other residue that is next to the cuticle.
Be careful with this tool. Don't try to tuck it under the cuticle
Step 4. Remove excess skin with the cuticle cutter
Once you have pushed back the cuticles and cleaned the surrounding area, examine if there is any excess skin around the cuticle that could interfere with the application of the nail polish. If you notice it, then remove it with the cuticle cutter.
- How do i use the cuticle cutter? Open it and place it on the excess skin. The skin in question should protrude or show irregularities.
- Then, squeeze the two ends of the cuticle cutter to sever the dead skin layer from the cuticle and reopen it. Avoid squeezing the skin tightly and then pulling the cuticle cutter, otherwise you risk making it bleed.
- Once you open the cuticle cutter, the layer of dead skin you severed should fall off on its own. Rub it off if it remains on the cuticle.
Method 2 of 3: Cut and File Your Nails
Step 1. Use a straight edge nail clipper
If your nails are much longer than you would like, then you must first shorten them using a straight edge nail clipper. This tool leaves the edge of the nail square, but also allows you to proceed with greater precision.
Cut the nail only a little at a time, otherwise you risk shortening it too much
Step 2. File your nails
At this point you will need to file any uneven edges left over after using the nail clipper. Smooth the uneven parts with the file and start shaping the nail. There are some important factors to keep in mind when filing your nails. Make sure you:
- Start with a fine-grained file. Nail files are made from an abrasive material similar to sandpaper. Abrasiveness is generally expressed in grit. Those with a high number of grits are fine-grained and less abrasive. Those with coarse grain, that is, with a low number of grits, are instead rougher. It is best to start with a fine-grained file to avoid tearing or damaging the nails.
- File your nails in one motion. Instead, avoid serrating. Place the file on one edge of the nail, then make a quick forward motion. Then, lift it off the nail and start over.
- Support the edge of the file so that it fits snugly against the edge of the nail. If you tilt it, you risk thinning the tip of the nail and weakening it.
Step 3. Sand your nails to get a smooth finish
Once you have filed them, use a buffer to smooth the surface of the nails. This will improve its consistency, facilitating and making the application of the enamel more homogeneous.
- Smooth your nails in a horizontal motion.
- Some buffers also include a polishing edge that allows you to polish your nails at the end of the procedure.
- Polishing your nails is a good habit to take care of, as long as it is not done too frequently. Do not sand them more than once a week.
Method 3 of 3: Keep Manicure Tools Clean

Step 1. Throw away non-reusable items
Some items cannot be cleaned, so they must be thrown away after use. For example, the cardboard file cannot be disinfected well as it is made of an excessively porous material. It also throws:
- The wooden cuticle pushers;
- Cotton balls and cotton buds;
- The paper napkins;
- Toe separators.
Step 2. Clean the tools
Manicure tools can be washed with warm water and a liquid detergent, such as dish soap. Remove the dirt left by the last manicure using a sponge. Then, rinse the tools well and pat them dry with a clean towel.
- Make sure you use a clean and disinfected sponge.
- Wash your tools after each manicure.
Step 3. Disinfect the tools
Once you have washed them to remove dirt residues, you will need to disinfect them by soaking them in a special solution. When it comes to sanitizing them, always keep in mind that:
- It is not enough just to spray the disinfectant on the instruments. It is important to completely immerse them in the solution.
- UV sterilizers are not suitable for replacing disinfectant. They can be used to store tools, but only after they have been properly cleaned and sanitized.
- Fresh disinfectant needs to be prepared every day. The solution cannot be reused.