The calves are made up of two different muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus. These muscles are among the most difficult to strengthen, especially without having the gym equipment available; it is however possible to train them effectively (and above all for free) even at home. In no time, you will be ready to conquer the highest mountains and the longest running routes, with your calves of steel.
Method 1 of 3: Training the Ankles

Step 1. Do calf raises
This is a classic invigorating exercise to strengthen these muscles, which uses the weight of your body, instead of a machine, to develop the muscle mass of the gastrocnemius and soleus. To begin with, stand close to a wall for balance and keep your feet hip-width apart with your ankles, knees and hips aligned vertically.
- Push your body up on the tips of both feet. Make sure you squeeze your abs so your back stays straight and doesn't lean forward or backward.
- For a more intense workout, you can put your toes on a step, so that your heels come lower than your toes. Push with your toes to get your heels off the ground as much as possible. Then, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat.
- Plus, you can add weight to further strengthen your calves, such as holding water bottles, canned food, a heavy backpack or any other heavy object.

Step 2. Try the one-leg calf raises
Using one leg at a time can make the exercise more challenging, as you have to lift the entire body weight with the muscles of one limb. Again, stand close to a wall to maintain balance and keep your left leg behind you. Make sure your right leg's ankle, knee, and hip are aligned vertically.
- Push your body up with the toe of your right foot. Make sure you contract your abdominal muscles to keep your back straight.
- For a more intense workout, you can put the toe on a step, so that the heels come lower than the toes. Push with your toe to lift your heels off the ground as much as possible. Return to the starting position.
- Repeat with the left leg.
- You can add weights to further strengthen your calves, such as holding water bottles, canned food, a heavy backpack, or something else while doing this exercise.
- If needed, hold a heavy object with one hand and keep the other on the wall to maintain balance.
- It is important to work each leg the same way to avoid uneven development.

Step 3. Try the mule raises with the calves
To do this exercise, you need a bench or other sturdy surface and a partner - you don't need any other equipment. Lean forward and grab the object or bench with your hands. You should keep your fingertips forward and make sure you don't lock your knees.
- Ask your partner to climb onto your lower back, near your sacrum. The heavier the person, the more intense the training will be.
- Lift your heels off the ground by pushing up with your toes. Pause, then lower your heels back to the ground and repeat.
- You can add more weight by asking your helper to hold something heavy, such as a backpack or water bottles, while you do the exercise.

Step 4. Perform jumps on a step
This exercise can strengthen your calf muscles and make them stronger. By practicing regularly, you will train your muscles to react and contract more quickly. This allows you not only to build muscles, but also to jump and sprint in different directions with more speed.
- Get a step high enough to put you in trouble, but not to the point of fatigue or risk of injury. You may have to start with a lower step and work your way up to a higher one over time.
- Stand in front of the step. Use your toes to jump on it, always landing on toes. Jump to return to the ground and repeat.
- Do 8-10 exercises per set. As with calf raises, it will become easier if you do the exercise regularly. At that point, the difficulty increases with more repetitions.
- It is not a good idea to hold weights in your hand when doing this exercise so that you can hold yourself in your hands if you fall.

Step 5. Jump rope
When using a skipping rope, continuously contract your calves. This exercise helps build muscles, provides a good cardiovascular workout, and improves your footwork. Do it regularly and you will realize that you don't need machinery to tone your calves.
- To jump rope effectively, keep your hands on your hips, then make small, quick circles with your wrists to spin the rope. Jump a few inches above the tool as it passes under your feet.
- Jump rope at least three times a week. Start with a 2-minute series of jumps, then move on to multiple consecutive series. You should aim for a minimum of 15 minutes per session.
- If you don't have a rope or find this exercise difficult, run on tiptoe in place.

Step 6. Train your front muscles
Remember that it is just as important. To stimulate this area, try walking in heels or simply stand on your ankles, turning your toes up.

Step 7. Create a calf training program
You should work these muscles several times a week, with one day off between workouts. If you've never stressed them before, follow a beginner's training program. If you have been exercising for some time, consider the intermediate or advanced program.
- For a beginner workout, do 2 sets of 12 calf lifts and 2 sets of 15 seated lifts.
- If you want an intermediate workout, do 3 sets of 12, 10, and 8 calf raises, then a set of 20 seated calf raises. Include one-legged lifts in the program as well.
- For an advanced workout, do a set of 15 step jumps, 2 sets of 10 and 8 calf raises, then 3 sets of 15 seated calf raises. You could also incorporate one-legged lifts and jump squats into your program.
- You should feel soreness and fatigue in your muscles as you complete a set. These sensations indicate that the muscles are breaking down and regenerating with newer, larger and stronger fibers.
- For each week of training, try to do more sets.
Method 2 of 3: Stretch the Calf Muscles

Step 1. Learn to stretch your calves correctly
These muscles need to be extended regularly to prevent them from becoming short and tight, restricting your movement. It is important to integrate stretching into your training program before and after exercise. Slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth as you stretch.
You should hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds. If you can't do it right away, don't worry. As your calves are more flexible, you will be able to hold the stretches longer. Do 3-5 sets of 20 seconds on each leg

Step 2. Try a step drop stretch
Put your toes on a step and slowly lower your heels. You will feel your calves pulling when you try to bring your heels to the ground.
- You may need to do this exercise next to a wall or other surface that can help you keep your balance.
- Don't bring your heel to the ground if you're in pain. It may take some time, but with practice you will improve your flexibility.

Step 3. Try stretching with a towel
Sit and stretch your legs out in front of you, keeping your back straight. Wrap a towel around your right toe and hold it with your hands. Slowly lean back and pull the towel until you feel your calf tighten. Hold for 20 seconds, then switch feet.
It is best to do this exercise barefoot

Step 4. Try the runner stretch
This very common exercise is great for the gastrocnemius. To do this, keep your back straight and straighten your arms. Place both palms against a wall or other sturdy surface as you extend your right leg behind you and keep your heel on the ground. Move your left leg in a front lunge and, bending your elbows, slowly lean forward.
To stretch the soleus, lower your hips and bend your knees as if you were sitting on a chair. Then lean forward without lifting your heels

Step 5. Do a standing calf stretch
Keep your legs stretched hip-width apart. Bend forward at the waist, bringing your fingers to the ground. As you touch the floor, slowly move your hands in front of your body, supporting the weight with your arms. Then, return your hands to the starting position.

Step 6. Do a seated calf stretch
Sit with your legs in front of you. Bend your toes towards your body, then reach out and grab your toes. Pull your toes until you feel your calves stretch. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Step 7. Stretch your front muscles
Try these simple techniques:
- Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs and point your feet;
- Sitting on a chair, move your foot back and slide it under the chair. Push the top of your foot to the floor.

Step 8. Do yoga
Yoga is best known for its relaxation and stretching benefits, but it can also help build and tone muscles. A particularly effective pose for training and calf stretches is the Downward Looking Dog. While you don't need any special equipment to take this position, you need a large enough space to perform it.
- Get into the push-up position, with both hands and toes on the ground. Raise your hips, keeping your hands and toes on the ground, until your body takes the shape of an inverted "V".
- Hold the position for 2 seconds, while lowering your right heel to the ground. Raise your heel again, then lower your left heel for 2 seconds.
- Do 2 sets of 10 reps. Rest between sets for at least 30 seconds. With the passage of time and experience you can increase the number of sets you perform and the duration of holding the pose.
Method 3 of 3: Make Exercise a Habit

Step 1. Run, walk or hike
These activities require your calves to carry your body weight during strenuous activity for a longer period than they normally do - this is especially true if you run or hike uphill. Your calves have to work hard to pull your body on steep climbs, so consider taking advantage of the rough terrain to train these muscles to the max.
- You can use an elliptical to strengthen your calves and protect your joints at the same time. Many ellipticals have incline control functionality, which allows the muscles to work harder while keeping the exercise low impact.
- If you walk, run, or hike on rough terrain, be careful where you step so you don't trip and get hurt.

Step 2. Practice of sports
There are many fun activities you can do on a regular basis that can help tone and strengthen your calves. Especially consider sports that require you to run, jump, and push on the calves to accelerate quickly or change direction. These include soccer, basketball, tennis, kickboxing, and other sports that primarily use the legs.

Step 3. Take a dance or aerobics class
These activities require you to use your calves a lot. When you step on or off a step, bend your knees or push on your toes, you work these muscles. Search the internet for courses in your area.

Step 4. Swim
If you are recovering from an injury and are unable to participate in high impact activities due to medical problems, consider swimming. When practicing this sport, you use the muscles of the legs, including the calves. It doesn't strain your joints because it doesn't involve any impact and is a pretty safe way to make your calves stronger.

Step 5. Ride your bike often
Technically, a bicycle is a tool, but many people already own it at home. If the climate and weather conditions in your area allow, go out for a ride on two wheels. This is a great way to train your calves. Another benefit of cycling is that it gives you plenty of opportunities to challenge yourself.
Using gear ratios allows you to increase the intensity of your training, as well as cycling uphill and on more bumpy surfaces than asphalt

Step 6. Eat a healthy diet
By eating fruits and vegetables, you will have the energy to train hard. Protein-rich foods like lentils, beans, quinoa, eggs, white meat, fish, nuts, and cheese, as well as the protein supplements you can add to smoothies, help build muscle. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.
- If you are a man, eat at least 60 grams of protein per day; if you are a woman, eat at least 50 grams.
- Drinking lots of fluids is critical to any stretch. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, preferably water.
- If you don't feel burning in your legs, you are not doing the exercises correctly, or you have not completed enough repetitions. Keep trying until your legs feel sore. The feeling will fade over time and you will feel stronger!
- Working out your thighs, glutes and abs helps you strengthen your calf muscles. Exercises like squats, lunges, lifts, and aerobic jumps are all very helpful.
- Follow a program with many different exercises. The different movements and efforts test the calves, so as to strengthen them more.
- Be patient. Your calves will get bigger, but it takes dedication, patience and commitment.
- Irish dancing can also help strengthen your calves!
- Make sure both legs are at the same level of development.
- Get advice from a fitness professional to make sure you are doing the exercises and stretches correctly.
- Don't overdo the workouts. Customize your exercises according to your state of form, so as not to risk injuries.
- Always speak to a doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have had previous foot, ankle, or calf injuries.
- If you suffer from persistent leg pain after a workout, talk to your doctor.