Your feet are precious: they carry you for many kilometers and help you maintain correct posture. It is therefore not surprising if at the end of the day they are tired, swollen or rough. Give your feet the attention they really deserve by pampering them with a foot bath. Once you have mastered the basic technique, you can experiment with new variations based on your specific needs.
Method 1 of 2: Prepare a Foot Bath

Step 1. Create a relaxing atmosphere
Once you have decided where to take the foot bath, dim the lights and play some music to help you relax. You can also light scented candles. Prepare everything you need for the foot bath and keep it handy. Include towels. scrubs, creams and a pair of socks or slippers.
- You can take the foot bath wherever you want, in the bathroom, bedroom or living room.
- Zen, classical music and the sounds of nature are very relaxing. However, as each individual is different, you can also choose to listen to heavy metal if it helps to clear your mind.
- If instead of relaxing you want the foot bath to give you a boost, choose a room with windows and open the curtains to let in natural light.

Step 2. Fill a plastic basin with hot water
Any container that can comfortably accommodate both feet will do just fine. For an even more exceptional experience, choose a tall container so that the water can reach your calf. If you want to make the experience more refined, you can buy a special footbath tub.
If you want, you can deposit marbles or smooth stones on the bottom of the basin and slide your feet over them for a fabulous self-massage
Step 3. Add herbs, oils and bath salts to taste
This is the time when you can be truly creative. For a simple option you can add a handful of Epsom salts or sea salt; if you prefer something more refined, you can use milk. Experiment with the following ideas:
- Add some liquid soap to soak your feet in a soft foam.
- Add 10 drops of essential oil to reap the benefits of aromatherapy. The best options include peppermint, lavender, or lemongrass essential oil.
- Add a handful of mint leaves or rose petals to delight the eye as well.
- If you feel the need to soften the skin, add 125 g of powdered milk (cow or soy) and a tablespoon (15 ml) of almond oil.
Step 4. Soak your feet in the water for 10-15 minutes
Place the basin in front of a chair that allows you to sit comfortably. Sit down and slide your feet into the water. During the foot bath, you can read a book, listen to music or relax with your eyes closed. If you want, you can take the opportunity to pamper yourself with another beauty treatment, for example with a face mask or an eye contour mask.
Dirty water isn't very relaxing, so make sure your feet are clean before taking a foot bath. If they are dirty, wash them first in the tub, shower, or bidet
Step 5. At the end of the foot bath, [Exfoliate-Skin | exfoliate] the skin with the scrub or manicure brush
After soaking your feet for 10-15 minutes, it's time to scrub. For a simple but effective option, you can use a manicure brush or body scrub. For a targeted treatment, you can buy a specific foot scrub or make it easily at home. It especially exfoliates the skin on the heels which tends to be dry and rough.
- After doing the scrub, rinse your feet in the basin.
- If you have very cracked heels, consider using a pumice stone.
- Keep your feet over the basin full of water to be able to wet them whenever necessary.
Step 6. Get a foot massage
If you have placed marbles on the bottom of the bowl, just slide your feet back and forth and roll them. Alternatively, you can use an electric foot massager or perform a traditional hand massage.
Don't worry about having to massage like a pro. Simply take your foot in your hands and make movements that make you feel good

Step 7. Apply the moisturizer to dry feet
Pat them dry gently with a soft, clean towel. Massage the moisturizer all over. If you don't have a specific foot cream, you can use a body cream or a moisturizing oil, such as jojoba. At this point, put on a pair of socks and, if possible, keep them on all night, so that your feet stay soft and hydrated.
Don't wear socks if you want to have a pedicure

Step 8. Get a pedicure if you wish
Remove the dirt from under the nails with a toothbrush, then shorten them with the nail clipper. Dry your feet with a clean towel, then wipe your nails with acetone to remove old nail polish and oils. Apply a clear base, followed by your favorite colored nail polish and finally a layer of top coat. Make sure the nail polish is perfectly dry before continuing with the pedicure.
- Before applying the nail polish check the cuticles and, if necessary, push them back with the cuticle pusher or with an orange wood stick.
- It is advisable to wait at least 45 minutes before putting on the shoes after applying the nail polish.
Method 2 of 2: Increase Foot Bath Benefits

Step 1. Relax with a blend of herbs
Make an infusion with 700ml of boiling water and 20g of dried herbs. Bring the water to a boil, wait 1 minute, then add the herbs and let them steep for 30-60 minutes. When it's time to take the foot bath, filter the water and pour it into the basin. Add hot water to fill the bowl. Relax with your feet soaked for 20 minutes.
- The most suitable herbs include: basil, calendula, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, mint, thyme and rosemary. Lavender and chamomile are very relaxing, while lemon balm has an invigorating effect.
- You can avoid filtering the water from the herbs, but after the foot bath you will have to rinse your feet.
- You can also add 2 tablespoons (30g) of salt, 2 tablespoons (30g) of Epsom salts, 10 drops of essential oil and one tablespoon (15ml) of coconut oil to maximize the benefits of the foot bath.

Step 2. Eliminate bad odors from your feet with a blend of Epsom salts and baking soda
Pour 275 g of Epsom salts into a glass jar, then add 350 g of baking soda and 25 drops of peppermint essential oil. Close the jar and shake it to mix the ingredients. Dissolve 70 g of the mixture in the foot bath and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. When finished, apply a moisturizer to dry feet.
You can repeat the foot bath with salts and baking soda once a week

Step 3. Relieve sore feet with salt and vinegar
Fill the bowl with hot water, then add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of apple cider vinegar and a handful of sea salt or Epsom salts. Soak your feet for 20 minutes. When finished, empty the bowl and fill it with cold water. Dip a towel in the water, wring it out and wrap it around your feet for 5 minutes.
- You can repeat the foot bath several times a day if you have particularly sore or inflamed feet.
- Vinegar may seem inappropriate for a foot bath, but on the contrary, it is very effective in reducing inflammation.

Step 4. Make a peppermint scrub if you want soft feet
Mix 225g of white sugar and 50-100g of olive or coconut oil, then add about 3-5 drops of peppermint essential oil. Store the scrub in a glass jar with a wide mouth and use a handful to exfoliate your feet whenever you feel the need.
- The scrub should have a grainy consistency that resembles that of wet sand. If it feels too dry, add more oil. If it's too wet, add some sugar.
- The essential oil of peppermint gives relief and refreshment to the feet, makes them fragrant and promotes relaxation.

Step 5. Tone your feet with a lemon scrub
Mix 450g of white sugar with 60-80ml of coconut or almond oil. Add 6-8 drops of lemon essential oil, mix and transfer the scrub to a glass jar with a wide mouth. A handful of it will be enough to exfoliate and invigorate your feet.
- The scrub should have a grainy consistency, similar to wet sand. If it feels too dry, add more oil. If it's too wet, add some sugar
- The essential oil of lemon perfumes and tones the feet, it also gives energy and vigor to the mind.
- You can take a foot bath with friends after school or perhaps at a sleepover.
- If you want to propose a foot bath during a sleepover, make sure everyone has their own basin. You can also do a manicure or a facial mask to feel like in a real Spa.
- You can use a similar technique for your hands before doing the manicure.
- To recreate the atmosphere of a Spa, relax sipping an herbal tea while taking the foot bath; if you prefer something cool to drink, make an ice-cold lemonade.
- Place a towel under the basin so as not to risk getting wet and damaging the floor.
- If you want, you can keep a pot full of hot water on hand to add to that of the foot bath as it cools.
- You can do the footbath 2-3 times a week, but it is not necessary to repeat all the steps every time (for example redo the pedicure).
- To prevent ingrown toenails, cut them in a straight line rather than giving them a rounded shape.
- Do not use water that is too hot otherwise the foot bath will have a lethargic and exhausting effect.
- Look after bumps and calluses. See your doctor if necessary.