How to get rid of flies with cloves

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How to get rid of flies with cloves
How to get rid of flies with cloves

Have you ever sat around a Sunday picnic table only to be incessantly bothered by flies? These simple instructions will teach you how to get rid of it using the subtle aroma of cloves, a smell detested by common flies.


Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 1
Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 1

Step 1. Get a sweet, ripe apple (of any variety)

Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 2
Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 2

Step 2. Take 20 - 30 cloves

Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 3
Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 3

Step 3. Stick the cloves into the apple, randomly

Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 4
Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 4

Step 4. Place the apple on a plate and place it in the haunted area, for example in the center of a picnic table

Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 5
Get Rid of House Flies with Cloves Step 5

Step 5. Observe

You will be amazed at how quickly the flies will disappear. These insects hate the aroma of cloves and will not return to "sharing your meal" as long as your ornamental apple is on the table. Enjoy your meal.


  • If you want to get rid of a fly in your house, wait for it to get dark and turn off all the lights except the one in the bathroom. This will make it easier to catch / kill her in a confined space.
  • Flies often rest on warm ceilings, during the night or early in the morning. Pour some soapy water into a cup and leave some foam on the surface. Place the cup around the fly. It will get trapped in the foam and fall into the cup.
  • You can fill a small fabric bag with cloves and then hang it where necessary, for example at the entry point of flies (doors and windows). Squeeze the bag from time to time to release more aroma.
  • Use clove oil to clean surfaces, it will act as a fly repellent.
