A wheel of fortune, like the one used in the popular televised prize game, is a circular wheel that is spun to determine what you will win - or lose! You can use wheels of fortune at fairs, parties and festivals, and they are very simple to do. This article will show you the steps. Do you feel lucky? Spin the wheel!
Method 1 of 5: Make the Wheel
Step 1. Get a circle of plywood
You can find them in home improvement stores. There are many sizes, but you can choose one of 90 cm. The ideal thickness is 2-2.5 cm. The circle should be large enough to accumulate moment of inertia, and small enough to be transported.

Step 2. Mark the center of the circle
Find the center of the disc by drawing two approximate perpendicular lines along the diameters. The crossing point is the center. Insert a small nail or screw in that spot.

Step 3. Hook a string and a pencil to the nail, and use it as a large compass to draw a circle
Draw the circle about 2.5-5 cm smaller than the plywood.
Step 4. Establish the intervals
First determine the number of wedges you want on your wheel. For example, if you wanted 16, you would divide 360 (the number of degrees in a circle) by the number of wedges, and record the number. In this example the result is 22, 5. Write that number.

Step 5. Make the wedges
Using a protractor, start from a zero angle point and mark all points that are multiple of the number calculated in the previous step. - In this case you will need to make marks at 22, 5, 45 °, 67.5 °, 90 °, 112.5 °, 135 °, 157.5 °, 202.5 °, 225 °, 247.5 °, 270 °, 292.5 °, 315 ° and 337.5 °
- Draw the lines starting from the first: connect the two marks on opposite sides of the circle - they should form an angle of 180 °. Repeat the process for the next signs, e.g. 22, 5th and 202, 5th. Draw the lines until they meet the circle you drew earlier.
- If you want, you can make wedges of different sizes. The larger wedges will be more likely to happen and the smaller ones will be harder to reach.
Step 6. Plan the location of the posts
Between the lines, between the circles you drew and the edge of the circle, make a mark. You can measure them if you want, but it is not essential, if they are the same distance from the outer circle for the entire circumference.

Step 7. Cut the stakes
You will need to have as many stakes as wedges. Make each stake 7-10cm long and 1-2cm in diameter.

Step 8. Drill the holes
Use a drill with a suitable bit (equal to the diameter of the posts), and drill the holes up to halfway through the wood, around the entire circumference.

Step 9. Glue the posts
Make sure they are secure so they don't fly off when you spin the wheel!

Step 10. Decorate the wheel
Paint the sections in different colors or alternating colors, or choose the decoration of your choice.

Step 11. Give each section a prize
These prizes could be stuffed animals, cash rewards, or tickets to a sporting event.
Method 2 of 5: Make a Support
Step 1. Measure the base
It should be 2.5cm thick, and at least as wide as the circle. For our 90cm wheel, you should have a base about 90-120cm wide. Make sure it is deep enough to support the weight of the wheel (plus the force exerted to turn it). 50-90cm will be fine.

Step 2. Measure the wheel holder
It should be 1-2cm thick and at least 30cm longer than the wheel diameter. For a 90cm wheel for example, the stand should be at least 120cm high, and the same width as the base.

Step 3. Draw a straight line across the bottom of the base, perpendicular to the long side and approximately two thirds of the way across
Draw an equal line across the top. This offset will prevent the wheel from tipping over when you spin it with a lot of force.
- Drill four guide holes along that line using a 0, 12 bit. Measure the distance between the edge of the base and the first and last holes. Take the same measurements on the bottom of the stand and drill guide holes there as well.
- Pour some glue along the top line, place the support perpendicular to the base, and using wood screws at least twice the thickness of the base, screw the two pieces together.
- Use the drill bit to drill guide holes for the two center holes, and insert the last two screws. Tighten all the screws, and let the base dry for 24 hours.
Step 4. Decorate the background
When everything has dried and is firm, decorate the wallpaper however you like.
Method 3 of 5: Mount the Wheel

Step 1. Mark where to place the wheel
Make the mark at the halfway point of the media width: at 60cm if your media is 120cm wide. Also add 7.5-15cm to the radius of the wheel, and mark that distance from the start of the stand. For example, if you have a 90 cm wheel, make a mark about 60 cm from the beginning of the support (45 cm + 15 cm).
Make an X where the two lines meet

Step 2. Drill a hole in the center of the wheel
Make sure it's large enough to accommodate a 1.3cm pin, and let it spin freely on that pin. Using the same drill bit, drill the holder where you made the X.

Step 3. Mount the wheel on the holder
Slide a metal washer onto the axle, then insert it into the wheel. At the back of the wheel, put a couple more washers, then slide the pin and washer assembly onto the holder. On the back of the support board, put a washer on the pin, then tighten the nut until the wheel starts to stop, and loosen it again to allow it to turn freely.
Method 4 of 5: La Falda

Step 1. Make the pitch
What you need is a heavy, strong piece of leather. You can use an old pair of shoes or an old leather belt.
It should be 7.5-12.5cm long and about 0.5-1cm thick

Step 2. Stop the flap
Make a vice with two pieces of wood, screws and insert the leather strip in the middle. Attach the vise to the holder.
Make sure that the screws do not go through the other side of the wooden block of the vise
Step 3. Attach the flap
Above the wheel, about halfway up the support, drill a hole the diameter of the flap component.
Pour some glue into the hole, and insert the vise. Let it dry for a few hours before you start spinning
Method 5 of 5: Game Rules
Establishing rules will make the game more fun and prevent any dispute over winnings.
Step 1. Set a price to spin the wheel
You can calculate this price by considering the cost of producing the wheel and prizes, the number of people who will play and the probability of winning the super prize.
Step 2. Decide on a maximum number of shots
People sometimes get into a streak and start winning prizes upon prizes. To prevent this, decide on a maximum number of throws for each person.
- Try to make designs that create optical illusions when you turn the wheel. You can try different designs on the paper to find out which ones work.
- Offer various rewards.
- If you decide to decorate the posts, use an array of colors such as the rainbow.