Making an origami fortune teller is one of the best ways to entertain your friends. All you need is a piece of paper and a marker to create a fun game to play anywhere, anytime. First of all, you need to fold the paper using the origami technique suitable for making a fortune teller and, finally, fill in the blanks with predictions that will make your friends giggle with laughter.
Part 1 of 3: Creating the Soothsayer

Step 1. Get a piece of origami paper or a classic square-shaped sheet of printer paper
It doesn't matter what color or size is, as long as it's square in shape.
- If you are using a rectangular sheet of paper, you can cut it to make it square. Take a corner and fold the paper to the adjacent side. Use a pair of scissors to cut out the rectangle. What you will get is a square shaped piece of paper.
- It's fun to make little fortune tellers to put in your pocket or hide in a friend's backpack. Use a small piece of paper to make a mini fortune teller.
Step 2. Fold the paper diagonally
Fold the top right corner to align and overlap the opposite corner, which is the bottom left corner. Press and define the diagonal fold with precision.
Step 3. Make another fold diagonally
Rotate the paper and fold the opposite side. Fold the top right corner to align and overlap the opposite corner, which is the bottom left corner. Press and define the fold with precision.
Step 4. Fold the paper in half
Bring the top edge to the bottom. Press and define the fold.
Step 5. Fold the paper in half in the other direction
Turn it over and fold the other edge over the opposite one. Press and define the fold. The paper should now have four folds that cross in the center.
Step 6. Bring all corners to the center of the square
Press and define the folds. You will get a smaller square.
Step 7. Turn it over
The smooth side must face up.
Step 8. Bring all corners to the center of the square
All corners should line up neatly in the center. Press and define the edges. You're done folding!
Part 2 of 3: Writing the Forecasts
Step 1. Turn the fortune teller over so that the squares are facing up
One side of the soothsayer should contain four squares, while the other should have four triangles. Start with the side of the squares facing up.
Step 2. Fill them with the names of four colors
Write a color in each square. You can use whichever you prefer.
- For example, you could write pink, green, purple, and orange. Alternatively, simply try coloring each flap a different color.
- If you want to create something different, write down the names of four animals, four planets, four movie stars or whatever you want. The important thing is that each square contains only one.
Step 3. Flip again
You will now have the triangles facing up.
Step 4. Number the triangles
Each triangle is divided into two parts, for a total of eight triangles. Number them from 1 to 8. Write 1 and 2 on the first two triangles, 3 and 4 on the following and so on, until you get to 8.
Step 5. Write a prediction under each number
Open triangles 1 and 2 and write a prediction under each number. Do the same under numbers 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, so that you have a total of 8 predictions in all the guesser. The predictions you write can be about anything. Perhaps you will need to write in very small print to get the whole sentence in! Here are some examples of predictions:
- Something amazing will happen to you tomorrow.
- You are destined to marry Justin Bieber when you are 23.
- You'll miss tomorrow's math test, but you can still get a good grade on the question.
- You will live a very long and happy life, but you will never be a millionaire.
- Your future is bleak, unless you make a big personal change.
- You will never know if you are reciprocated unless you ask them today.
Part 3 of 3: Predicting the Future to People
Step 1. Turn the fortune teller over so that the squares are facing up
Basically, the side with the colors should be facing you.
Step 2. Slip your thumb and other fingers under the squares
Lift them up slightly so that you can insert your thumbs under the bottom two flaps and the index fingers are under the top two flaps. With your fingers inside, each square will form a small cone. Hold the fortune-teller so that all vertices match up in the center.
Step 3. Make the fortune teller work
Put your fingers and thumbs together, then move them apart. The four sections of the soothsayer will move in and out, following the movement of the fingers. When you bring them back and forth, the soothsayer will simulate the opening and closing of a mouth.
Step 4. Make people predictions
Now it's time to have fun with the fortune teller. Prepare it by inserting your fingers and thumbs inside the four cone-shaped sections. Join the tips in the center, so that the four colors written on the flaps are visible. Then play like this:
- Ask someone to choose one of the four colors.
- Scan the color, moving the fortune teller up and down at each letter. For example, if the person chose "red", move it out for the "r", in for the "o", out for the "s", and so on. Pause where the word ends.
- Have the person examine the "mouth" of the soothsayer to choose one of the four numbers they see. For example, if he chooses the 5, he moves the fortune teller in, out, in, out, and in again, a total of five times. Pause where you finish counting.
- Ask the person to look at the fortune teller and select another number. This time, lift the flap and read the prediction corresponding to the chosen number.