With just a small knife and a willow branch you can build a whistle. Give it a go!

Step 1. Find a willow branch with no side branches
It must be less than 2.5 cm thick and have a green bark. A length of 20 cm is sufficient. The ideal branch is straight, smooth and round to create a perfect whistle.
If you don't find a 20 cm willow branch, you can also cut a longer one and then shorten it to the desired size. You can also cut off the side branches if necessary, but you may need another knife

Step 2. Cut a notch in the branch, about a quarter of the way down

Step 3. Cut the twig all the way around, about 5cm beyond the notch made earlier
Be careful to cut only the bark, without affecting the wood underneath.

Step 4. Remove the bark
Wet the branch under water and tap it gently with the handle of the knife to soften the bark. Then rotate it and carefully pull it off. Try not to break the bark as you will have to put it back in place later. Soak it in water to keep it moist until you need it again.

Step 5. Dig deeper into the notch made earlier, going deeper towards the nearest end
The length and depth of this cut changes the note produced by the whistle.

Step 6. Remove some of the wood between the notch and the near end with the knife to flatten it

Step 7. Put the bark back
Dip the barked end of the branch first in a glass of water to make this easier. You have to whistle at this end.

Step 8. Finished
- If the whistle gets too dry it can be moistened by wrapping it in a wet napkin.
- This method also works with lime wood.