Do you like to whistle but you can't do it well? Try this method to see how good you are at whistling with your hands. Try it now, you may surprise your acquaintances "certain"!
Method 1 of 2: Standard Method

Step 1. Extend your left hand in front of you, palm parallel to the ceiling

Step 2. Take the other hand and place it at 90 degrees to the right of the bone that connects your wrist to the little finger, making sure that the palm of your right hand is facing your left

Step 3. Take your four fingers (excluding the thumb) and place them around the bone that connects the joint of the thumb and the beginning of the index finger

Step 4. Place the back of your right hand over your left palm to form a hollow

Step 5. Wrap the four fingers of the left hand around the right

Step 6. Take your thumbs and let the tips touch, as well as the joints
There must be only one opening, between the middle of the thumbs and the beginning of the joints.

Step 7. Put the joints that are halfway between your thumb and palm between your lips so that the tips of your thumbs are under your nose

Step 8. Gently blow into your “whistle” to reproduce the sound of a whistle
Method 2 of 2: Easy Method

Step 1. Extend your hands in front of you
The palms must be facing upwards. Put your left hand on top of the top of the right one. The hands must be inclined as if to form wings. Place the four fingers of the left hand between the index finger and the thumb of the right.

Step 2. Bring your wrists together so they are secure
The thumb nails should touch. Any part of the hand must be close to the other, except for a cavity formed by the two-inch arc. The index must cover one third to half of the cavity.

Step 3. Put your lips as if you were going to give a kiss and place them on your knuckles
Cover only the top half of the cavity. The remaining half must remain open to let the air escape. Blows the air into the cavity producing a "tut". Put your tongue on the roof of the mouth and create the "T" sound. Now it should whistle.
- The breath must resemble when you say "ha", it is not just a jet of air.
- When you blow into the cavity between the two thumbs, make sure you leave a small passage to let the air out.
- Try blowing further down into the cavity.
- Do some tests to find the right spot. Move your mouth until you find the best position.
- You might attract certain people.
- You may bore others with your talent.