Knowing how to whistle with your fingers is helpful when hailing a cab or getting someone's attention. It sounds difficult, but with a little practice you can do it in no time!
Method 1 of 2: Use Two Fingers

Step 1. Press the tip of your index finger and thumb at the same time
It doesn't matter which hand you choose, just use one. It's easier with the dominant one. The index finger and thumb should form a ring.

Step 2. Open your mouth and stretch your lips over your teeth
In practice, the teeth must be completely covered and the lips should bend towards the inside of the mouth.

Step 3. Move your tongue inside your mouth
Fold it so that the tip points towards the roof of the mouth. Then, move it back into your mouth to create a gap in the front of your mouth. There should be a distance of about 1.5 cm between the tongue and the front teeth.

Step 4. Insert your index finger and thumb
Put these two fingers inside your mouth until they touch your tongue. At this point, the ring they form should be in a horizontal position.

Step 5. Take a deep breath and squeeze your lips around your fingers
Keep your lips pressed to your teeth. The only space should be between your fingers, which is where the air will come out as you whistle.

Step 6. Blow through your fingers and push the air out of your mouth
Blow vigorously, but not too much that it hurts. Don't worry if you don't make any sounds at first. You will probably need to practice a little before you can whistle correctly. If nothing comes out, take another deep breath and try again. In the end you will make it!
Method 2 of 2: Using Four Fingers

Step 1. Form an "A" using the index and middle fingers of both hands
Extend the index and middle fingers of both hands. Turn them so that your palms are facing your face. Next, bring the tips of the middle fingers together so that they form an "A". Keep your ring and little fingers bent down, helping with the thumbs of both hands to hold them in this position if necessary.

Step 2. Stretch your lips over your teeth
They need to be completely covered, so the lips should curl towards the tips of the teeth.

Step 3. Insert the ends of your index and middle fingers into your mouth
The palms should be facing the face. Make sure you keep holding your fingers in an "A" shape as you put them in your mouth.

Step 4. Use your fingers to push your tongue to the back of your mouth
Lift your tongue so that the tip points towards the roof of the mouth. Then, squeeze the bottom side with the ends of your index and middle fingers. Keep pushing it until it is in the back of your mouth.

Step 5. Close your mouth by curling your lips around your fingers
The mouth should be completely closed. Make sure that the space between your fingers is the only space that air can pass through. This is how you will be able to emit the whistle.

Step 6. Push the air out through your fingers and lips
You should blow hard enough, but not too much to hurt yourself. You will probably not produce any whistles during the first few attempts. Then, take another deep breath and close your lips around your fingers. Keep trying and eventually you will be able to whistle!