If you want to draw Spider-Man in his red and blue costume, now you can.
Step 1. Draw the contours in pencil
Step 2. Draw the holes for the eyes
Step 3. Trace the different colored sections with the pencil
Step 4. Color
It is preferable to use markers.
Step 5. Draw the cobweb lines in pencil then go over them with a black pen
Step 6. Go over all the outlines with a black marker
This is optional, but very impressive!
Method 1 of 1: Alternative Method
Step 1. Start by drawing some very simple basic shapes
A rectangle for the torso, cylinders for the arms and legs, an oval for the head. The shapes must be simple, because they are only a guide for when you go into detail.
Step 2. Draw the lines of the body
Draw muscles and shape your arms, legs and torso. Draw the lines of the hands and the shape of the head. Remember to follow the guide forms. When you are done with the general lines, you can delete the guide shapes you no longer need.
Step 3. Add some details to the costume
Draw the lines of the boots and gloves, lines on the shoulders, torso and waist. Draw Spider Man's eyes and a spider on his chest.
Step 4. Add shadows on the body to highlight the muscles
You should also darken some of the main lines, such as the outlines. This way it will stand out more. Erase all the guidelines and that's it, you just drew Spider Man! Once you are able to easily portray Spider Man in this pose, you will also be able to draw him in action, as he launches himself with his web or while fighting.
- If you want to draw Spider Man, go to sites dedicated to him, or get books and comics about him.
- Try different shadow and highlight methods the better you get, to make the drawing more realistic.